The Green Knight: 1

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Third POV:

Morgan Le Fae was very pleased. Her plan went exactly like she foresaw.

After convincing her husband to become more hostile to draw attention, she hid a good number of their forces and just watched and waited. And as she suspected, her self-righteous sister didn't stay quiet, and went to counterattack.

Fortune was on Morgan's side and Artoria took with her the more troublesome members of her knights. As far as Morgan was concerned, the only actual threats left in Camelot were Kay and Merlin. Agravain and Bedivere were of no concern for her.

Morgan didn't believe they could invade Camelot with the forces she has, especially with how troublesome the Mage of Flowers can be, but she knew they would at least do significant damage to Camelot and wound her sister's resolve when she returns to see her precious Camelot recovering from a devastating attack.

Suddenly, Morgan's royal carriage came to a stop. "What is the meaning of this?" The witch demanded.

The knight at the front repeated the question to the forces in the front for an answer. Morgan had her carriage in the middle of the army she took, deciding to use the ones at the front as sacrificial lambs for any traps that may be set up.

"My lady, a... wall of fire seem to be blocking our path," the knight hesitantly replied, obviously scared that the answer would not please his queen.

Morgan raised an eyebrow. She doubted it was Gawain. She had made sure that her treacherous son was with her sister, and there was no way he had already returned if he was called back. The only other possibility is that it was one of Merlin's tricks.

Taking her head out of the carriage's window, Morgan looked ahead and there was indeed a wall of fire that stopped their path, though barely visible. She couldn't see through it with her Fairy Eyes, so that meant it was no illusion.

She didn't sense any Mage-craft and she knew of no natural phenomenon that would simply create a wall of fire like that. If Morgan wasn't in a hurry, she would have spent time studying these flames.

However, she was on a tight schedule, as such, Morgan waved her hand, causing sparks to fill the air before small rain clouds appeared and began pouring down, extinguishing the flames.

"Keep moving. We have no time to-" Just as Morgan was telling her soldiers to continue on, the ground exploded into fire and the wall of flames was back.

Morgan's eyes widened. Once again, she sensed no Mage-craft or illusions, as if the flames willed themselves to appear despite the rain leaving the fields wet.

That was when she saw something else. From within the flames, a figure walked out, standing in front of the wall against her army, like a guard to a castle.

The figure was a knight, or at least someone dressed like one. Wearing a green armor, the figure stopped to stand in front of her army.

The helmet covered the entire head with a cage-like jaw and the eyes being hidden by a horizontal slit. The chest plate was round and strapped to the shoulder guards, which had a sky blue robe hanging from each shoulder. The biceps were covered in leather armor while the forearms were green metal like the rest of the armor. Similarly, the thighs were protected by leather armor and the knees, shins and feet were in green armor as well.

Morgan looked curiously. This person didn't seem like one of her sister's knights. At least they didn't carry themselves in the same way with leaning on a sword with a wooden edge of all things to balance themselves as they took a rather laid back stance.

"Alright, listen up!" Even Morgan from her place in the middle can hear the knight's voice as he began yelling. "I really don't like senseless killing, so I'm giving you a chance to return where you came from. Trust me, you're better off taking it."

Morgan didn't know if she should feel insulted or humoured. "Kill him and move on. We don't have time to waste," Morgan instructed and her carriage rider repeated her orders to the soldiers in the front.

One of the knights, carrying a great sword, charged forward swinging down a sword at the Green Knight. His opponent side stepped before swinging his sword at Morgan's knight.

The soldier quickly raised his blade to block, but the wooden edge of the sword suddenly turned grey and transparent, as if it was made of air. The Green Knight's sword actually passed through his opponent's and cut the soldier in two.

Another soldier holding a spear tried stap forward at the Green Knight, only for him to swiftly spin around the blade of the spear. Holding his sword back, the Green Knight swung his sword in a downwards arc and that ended in an upwards swing at his opponent.

Mid-swing, the sword of the Green Knight changed its edge again, turning into flames and sending Morgan's soldier and three others behind him flying with an explosion of fire.

As the smoking knights flew back and fell harshly to the ground as corpses, the other knights seemed to take a moment to observe their opponent, now more cautious after seeing his power.

"So," the Green Knight stabbed his sword on the ground, resting both his hands on it. "Is your queen going to show up? Or will I have to kill my way to her?"

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