The Rush: 3

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The trip took us a week, like Gawain predicted. Through the trip, the soldiers would approach me for stories and advice whenever we stopped to take a break. Percival was a frequent visitor. He's like a curious child.

When we reached the mountains in Snowdon, another of Gawain's predictions came true which was that we found two armies fighting each other.

One army was wearing the same armors that the soldiers with Morgan were wearing. It was easy to guess that those were King Lot's men. The other army, however, wasn't even made up of humans.

Goblins, elves, wyverns, and other forms of minor mystics wearing pitch black armor were fighting King Lot's army. Those were obviously Vortigern's troops. I knew there were plenty of mystics that didn't listen to my call, but I was still a bit surprised and disappointed there were so many.

"Looks like you were right," I commented to Gawain as we looked over from the hill we were standing in. The two armies were probably too busy to notice us.

"What should we do?" Percival asked, most likely believing it would be best to rely on Lancelot and Gawain's experience since he's the new guy here.

"We're not here to fight either of them. Our priority is the weapon," Gawain replied, his gaze turning to the mountain.

"Sir Gawain is right," Lancelot agreed, looking at the two armies currently fighting. "I will take the soldiers and attack them as they are busy with each other, creating even more chaos for you three to sneak around and head for the mountain to retrieve the weapon. Once you do, rejoin us and we shall retreat before they realise what happened. There's no reason to stay and lose more lives than necessary."

"I see no problem with this plan," Gawain agreed, looking back at Lancelot. "Make sure to simply stall for time. We're not here to fight a war. At least not this time."

Lancelot nodded and moved back to the soldiers. Me, Gawain, and Percival moved back and watched as Lancelot stood in front of the troops. The knight of the lake took out his helmet, put it on, and pulled his sword before raising it and pointing forward.

"Charge!" He cried out and the soldiers followed him on their own steeds as they ran forward towards battle.

The three of us watched as the soldiers charged ahead of us. A few of them held up Camelot's banner as the two fighting armies noticed them a bit too late and Lancelot managed to deal a powerful surprise attack.

Me, Gawain, and Percival watched the now three way battle take place for a few minutes before the knight of the sun motioned for us with his head to follow him.

It took us quite a while to get around the fighting, but thankfully managed to go unnoticed. We started going up the mountain without being disturbed but had to leave the horses when the terrain got a bit too rough.

We reached the peak and climbed up to see a wide open area with several rocks around. There was a small crater with what appeared to be something shinning inside in the distance.

"You know, this place looks familiar," I commented looking around. "Then again, I've literally been everywhere in this world, so you can ignore that."

"We're not alone," Gawain commented, looking ahead. Following his gaze, me and Percival saw someone else there.

It was a single man. He was wearing a black and pale-blue armour with a Knight's helmet that had a crown ornament on the top, keeping his face hidden. He had black cape filled with blue sigils and a furry collar.

The man, who had just climbed up the other side of the mountain looked at us. Though, despite the fact I couldn't see his face because of his helmet, I cam tell he was focusing on Gawain.

"It has been a long time since we met face to face, father," the Knight of the Sun called out to the man on the other side.

The man, obviously King Lot, scoffed. "You've lost your right to call me that when you turned your back on me and your mother."

"And you lost your sense of reason when you allowed that witch's claws to dig into you," Gawain retorted, his gaze turning to a full-on glare.

"Watch your tongue, child. That 'witch' is still your mother," Lot replied, his voice filled with hatred.

Gawain's gaze didn't falter as he pulled out his sword. "I am giving you only one warning. Leave now, or suffer the consequences."

"Careful, boy. Remember who taught you to use the sword in the first place," Lot drew his own sword, which was a silver blade covered in blue runes.

Before anyone can do anything, something fell from the sky on another side of the mountain top. All our attention turned to the cloud of smoke that kicked up from the impact.

"Hmm... I was expecting one of those bothersome nieces of mine, not their toys," a deep, dark voice spoke from the cloud.

When the dust settled, Gawain and Percival's eyes widened at seeing the large man in a pitch black armor standing there. Even Lot seem to have directed his attention at the new arrival.

"Well, this just got interesting," I mumbled quietly.

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