Can't Be Serious

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When the girl finally stops pounding ferociously on the poor door, I instantly  grip V's sleeve. I needed answers— who was that girl? Was she a psychopath? A stalker? Or a fan that had crossed the line?

A low, deep sigh escapes his lips as he glances at my expectant expression. He slowly lifts my fingers from his wrist, his eyes still fixed on the closed door.

"I owe you an explanation, don't I?"

When I nod vigorously, he sighs again and runs his fingers through his hair. My heart skips a beat as he shifts his gaze from the door and instead finds my face as its new target.

"She's someone you want to avoid— she's a cheater. A liar— a thief and a psychopath that doesn't stop until she gets what she wants."

His face twists with pain as he describes her, and I have a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that this Yuna character is the Her I'd been wondering about.

"Damn," He curses, low and deep as he slams his hand onto the table. "I never should've let you stay. Now she knows your face— oh Lord. She'll come after you."

He growls as he flings his jacket onto the couch, pacing rapidly. Stress is apparent on his face— making me wonder what was so special about that girl to make him be like this.

I tap his shoulder, showing him the notepad as he looks.

"What's wrong? She's not going to come after me— I'm just a regular girl."

"Bora," He sighs, looking deeply into my eyes. "You don't understand. She's crazy. A psychopath— deranged and blinded with revenge. She's going to hurt you, or find a way to do that."

"How does she know you?"

He hesitates for a few seconds before telling me.

"My friend. Or someone who I believed was my friend. She never intended to truly be one— all she wanted was fame and money."

Bitterness crosses his features, and I know that this was the mysterious Her both Jimin and he had been talking about. It angers me that she's affected him this much— that she'd just throw him away like that after he'd opened his heart to her.

And V wasn't exactly the easiest person to get to open to you.

The door suddenly smacks open, and I flinch. V instinctively pulls me back, his eyes hard and expecting Yuna.

Thankfully, it turns out to be the boys instead.

Jimin sticks out a tongue at me, which I immediately return. He frowns for a few seconds before turning his back on me.

When I pretend that I turn back as well, I see that he turns back and sticks out his tongue again in my peripheral vision.

Childish idiot.

"Cut it out, Jimin." V sighs as he grasps his head in his hands. "Yuna was here. She saw Bora's face, and now I don't know what to do."

His eyes go wide as he averts his attention from me instantly.

"Yuna was here? Kim Yuna?"

Jin sighs at the mention of the name, frowning as he thinks deeply. "Why would she be back? Hasn't she done enough heart breaking yet?"

"I don't care about that, hyung." V replies, voice shaky and tentative. "I care about that she got a glimpse of Bora's face. She's a freaking psychopath- what if she does something to her?"

I tap his shoulder, trying to show that I'd be perfectly fine. But he only answers me back with a firm shake of the head.

"Bora, she's more psychotic than anyone I'd ever seen in my life. She's a stalker- and a good one as well. And now that she has a reason to hate you, she'll do something. I bet my life on it."

"What do we do then?" Hoseok asks. "Stick a bodyguard beside her?"

"Security cameras around her house." Jungkook suggests. "So at least some of our security team can keep an eye on her. Isn't that better than guards trailing her all over the place?"

"Can't risk it." Namjoon disagrees as he narrows his eyes thoughtfully. "Whatever building she lives in, they'll find the cameras and report them. It'll be bad for Bora even further that way."

"You guys are all so stupid." Yoongi comments, shaking his head. "Isn't the solution obvious? She can just stay here, duh."

Jin shoots him a glare as he quickly rebukes his idea. "Yoongi, that's ridiculous..."

Then his voice fades away, as his head begins to register his suggestion.

"Wait. That could work."

Yoongi shrugs his shoulders as he smiles proudly to himself. Right now, he probably thought he was the greatest genius in the world.

"That's ridiculous, hyung." Jimin says, narrowing his eyes. "A girl? Living with us? What if she gets caught?"

Jungkook shakes his head as an excited look appears on his face. He grabs both of my hands as he bounces up and down excitedly against the floor, expression ecstatic.

"That could work! And this is an apartment— so she could just be our neighbor for all we know!"

Jimin's eyes go wide when the rest of them began to nod along. "You possibly can't be serious about this! Taehyung, don't you—"

V had been silent for the entire time, his face thoughtful as he chewed on his bottom lip.

"I think it's a good idea."

Then he turns to look at me, eyes serious. "But you can't open the door to anyone, okay? We're the only ones who have the key— and always keep the curtains shut."

Only when I nod does his tension relax.

"This isn't happening right now," Jimin mutters urgently, shaking V's immobile shoulders. "Snap out of it, people! Do you realize what this could do to our reputation if we get caught?"

V firmly grips the smaller man's wrists, forcing him to sit back down.

"It's my fault that she's in danger— and nothing's going to make me change my mind, Jimin. So don't blame it on her."

Sorry for the super duper late update!

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