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Nam Bora:
You did awesome yesterday

Nam Bora:
Did u get some rest

Cup of Tae:

Cup of Tae:
You liked it?

Nam Bora;
I loved it

Nam Bora:
I never knew u were
so good at dancing

Cup of Tae:
We're paid to dance and sing

Cup of Tae:
We HAVE to be good at it

Nam Bora:
I wanna buy u guys

Nam Bora:
For doing so well

Nam Bora:
And I still feel bad
about never repaying back
the VIP ticket

Cup of Tae:
You don't repay gifts Bora

Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:
Are you and the boys free

Cup of Tae:
For today yes

Cup of Tae:
But I don't want you
to pay all the cost

Cup of Tae:
I don't want you
paying for us never

Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:
I'm not broke u know

Cup of Tae:
I know....

Cup of Tae:
But the last time we went
out to eat altogether cost
eight hundred dollars

Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:
Wait you're serious?

Cup of Tae:
Dead serious

Cup of Tae:
We can pay

Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:
I'm not letting you
guys pay for me again

Cup of Tae:
Bora it's completely fine

Cup of Tae:
Where do you want to eat?

Nam Bora:
Jajangmyun of course

Nam Bora:

Cup of Tae:

Cup of Tae:
We'll see you there then

As soon as V went offline, I hurriedly grabbed my wallet and checked to see if I was actually broke.

I'd told him loud and clear that I wasn't, but there was only a few dollars and some leftover cents in the wallet.

I was completely broke.

Red flushed my cheeks as I realized that with that minimal sum of money, I couldn't probably even pay for myself.

Immediately assumptions ran wild and free through my mind, making me wring my poor hands like a dishrag.

There was no doubt that V would think lowly of me after this. After all, I'd told him so firmly that I had the money to pay for the meal, that I wasn't utterly broke.

I swallowed dryly as I tucked the empty wallet into my pocket and feeling how light it was against my leg, immediately wondered if I should cancel the rash decision.

I should've checked my money before I'd offered to feed a total of seven people- eight, including me, at a nice restaurant where things actually cost a lot. But of course, I'm dumb like that.

With a dejected sigh, I throw on a dark red jacket and pull on some jeans. The only option left was to take my mom's credit card, and if she found out that I'd used hundreds of dollars on food, she would make me wish I'd never been born in the first place.

If she found out.

I feel rebellious in the first time of my life as I quickly snatch the sleek debit card from my mom's worn wallet. Then without even thinking about the consequences if she found out, I rush out of the house and hurry towards the restaurant.

I'm hurrying so quickly I don't even notice there's a man standing right in front of me as I tackle him like a football player.

At the sudden impact, my eyes widen as I'm flung backwards and hit the cold pavement with the full force of my back.

I wince at the pain. That would definitely leave a bruise behind. But when I look to see the man scrambling to his feet, with an annoyed scowl etched on his face, I swallow nervously.

Maybe I should've took my time.

He stomps over to me, anger literally radiating from his body. Before I can even stand up, he plants himself right smack in front of me like a tree.

"Aren't you gonna apologize?"

Well, I want to tell him. That's the problem, you see. I can't talk, you know, because I'm mute. Which mean I can't technically apologize. So do you want me to...

Apparently I'm not giving him the answer he wanted because his scowl deepens even further at my still stunned expression.

"Stand up and apologize. Kids these days are disrespectful as f***."

I flinch at the harsh words as I scramble up to my feet and bow my head, trying to convey apology and desperate to get out of there ASAP.

He slaps me on the cheek so hard I can hear my head snapping to the side.

Immediately tears spring to my eyes and I can't move, can't speak. I can't even think, for heaven's sake.

"What are you doing to her?"

A familiar voice makes me look up and see V in all of his 5'10 glory, whose expression changes immediately as he scans my face.

With my cheek probably red as a baboon's butt and tears in my eyes, not to mention my messed up hair from the fall, I must look completely like trash because his eyes turn violent all of a sudden.

Uh oh.

I could already see the headlines, clearly outlining a certain famous idol losing his career and dream because of murder.

I could see the man inching away, obviously afraid at the brewing storm in V's pitch black gaze. I never knew my role so clearly before- to hold V down until the poor man could get away.

With my eyes still wide and my voice still shaky, I tackle V right in the middle of his chest- more like his stomach, because I'm way too short for that- and wrap my arms around the rigid man.

His scent, intoxicating as ever, tickles my nose temptingly and I breathe it in in gulps for comfort.


My name on his lips makes a chill shoot up my body. Hurried footsteps ring on the pavement- the sound that the man is getting away. I can see what V wants.

He wants to rip the man apart, piece by piece, until there's literally nothing left.
He wants to taste how his fist will feel on the man's repulsive skin.

But he also doesn't want to leave me alone, because right now I'm doing a damn good job on looking vulnerable and weak.

When I let go and turn away quickly to wipe my tears, V grabs my shoulders and turns me right back around.

"What happened?"

I never knew two single words could sound so intimidating. His voice is sharp and tense, and I know right now that inside his mind, burning hot rage is clashing against his will to stay calm and collected. He knows I will get scared if he lets anger show through.

With a shaky, relieved sigh, I search for something to write on. Like he's prepared to do this, V pulls out a small notepad and a pen from his back pocket.

Does he keep it there for me?

The slight gesture warms my heart and I find that I can breathe a bit more better. Without hesitating, I write down what happened, rushing with the message.

It ends up being all scribbled and looking like a kindergartner wrote it in hurry, but V seems to be able to read it as his eyes sweep over my words.

'I ran into him and he told me to apologize for pushing him. Then he got mad because I couldn't say sorry.'

I can see pain flash across his face as he bites his lip. He's clearly trying to keep his eyes off at my scarlet cheek, and attempting to act normal for my sake.

But during the few weeks I've gotten to know him, I feel like I can read him through like transparent glass.

I reach up and pull up the black turtleneck that has come loose, surprising him with my sudden gesture. It's cold, I mouth at him the best I can.

I must've done something right, because a blush appears rapidly in the side of his left cheek.

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