My OCs

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Name: Shay Grayson
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Female
Personality: Shay is nearly identical to her mother. Except she's a little less rude, and she cares more about people's feelings. She's kind and protective and incredibly selfless and loyal. And really stubborn.

What Rock They Chose: #3
Likes: Punching things, winning, having fun.
Dislikes: Loosing. Failure.
Strengths: She is probably one of the best fighters in the group and is definitely major brute force.
Weaknesses: She isn't the best at communicating her feelings and can be a bit too violent.
Fears: Failing.
Family: The hoard.
Backstory: Bah
Other: She has a dog named hercules.

Name: Adelaide Grayson-Jennings
Age: 26
Sexuality: Lesbian
Gender: Female
Personality: She is a major art nerd and a nerd in general. She's the kind of person that sits in the corner listening to music and drawing in a sketchbook. She wears band tees 24/7 and is a major rebel.

What Rock They Chose: #9
Likes: Painting, Drawing, animals.
Dislikes: Large Crowds, people touching her, people asking about her hair.
Strengths: She is a pretty good fighter and a wonderful artist.
Weaknesses: She has pretty bad anxiety and gets bad panic attacks
Fears: Dying, frogs.
Family: The hoard.
Backstory: Bah
Other: She has a service dog named Hugo.

Name: Leeland King
Age: 17
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Genderfluid, Born Female.
Personality: Kind of edgy, acts tough, but really they are all fluff inside. They are quite the little spitfire though and aren't the kind of person you really want to mess with.

What Rock They Chose: #8
Likes: Rock music, coffee, puppies.
Dislikes: Really sweet things, people that are really loud and hyper
Strengths: They are a decent fighter and are really street smart.
Weaknesses: They get defensive and put their guard up without warning. They don't trust easy.
Fears: Being betrayed, loosing the only family they have left.
Family: They don't have any, except for a best friend that they grew up with.
Backstory: They grew up on the streets as their parents abandoned them in a orphanage when they were a baby. Nobody wanted the little girl who never could make up her mind on what she wanted to wear or what she wanted to be. They ran away from the orphanage when they were eight and met their friend. They became quite talented at gambling, and got a job cleaning up in kitchens and bars. They share an apartment with their friend now.
Other: They have a doggo named Blitzen.

Name: Malory Silton
Age: 14
Sexuality: Asexual Lesbian
Gender: Female
Personality: Wise beyond her years, smarter than she lets on. She's my genius baby. She's incredibly smart and doesn't mess around. She's short and has a whole lot of sass. She's witty and sarcastic and very loyal.

What Rock The Chose: #1
Likes: Being right, being paid attention to, animals. Candy.
Dislikes: Being wrong, being ignored, people who are stupid who think they know what's right.
Strengths: She's really smart and clever
Weaknesses: She doesn't always realize that you can't always just solve a problem by doing the math for something. She tends to think she's in the right.
Fears: Not being good enough.
Family: Her mother, her father.
Backstory: She's an only child to two rich parents and at home she was always pressured to study and do her work and she never got breaks. So she decided to run away.
Other: None.

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