My only friend

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There isn't anyone who the Emo trusts more than the blonde witch that steals books, and Master Spark her heart out. Makoto Yuki was the people who never understood properly, he wanted to die, and he doesn't care about everything

The thing is: He can kill himself anytime he likes. But he cannot force himself to kill himself, because he knows, that his only friend, Marisa Kirisame will be suffering from depression, and she might join him, too

Because she loves Makoto Yuki as more than friends, and Makoto loves her more than friends, too

After all: Love is precious

Makoto Yuki learned a lot within a year. Makoto learned to trust SEES, to smile a lot more, and to love Marisa most. He earned himself an ambition. An ambition to protect the things that he loves the most

Even if it risks his life

Marisa Kirisame wanted to Join him against the battle, but nothing works to defeat the shadows no matter what she tried. She even used her Mini Hakkero against them, and yet, they still stand

Then Marisa witnessed that Makoto is flying his way up to the moon that'll end humanity itself, and Marisa took the opportunity to fly up to where Makoto is heading. Nothing stops her to reach her way to Makoto

Not even Space is the only thing that stops her

Marisa is almost there to reach out Makoto's grasp. She must reach out to be with Makoto, and Makoto saw Marisa reaching up to him

"Marisa? What are you doing here!? Go back!" Makoto told Marisa to go back, but she didn't take those words to heart

She needs him the most no matter what

After all: Love can make you do stupid things

"No way! I cannot let you do this alone, da ze~! We are in this together, Makoto!" Marisa yelled out loud to him making him realize something

He needs her the most no matter what, too

"Then grab on!"

Makoto reach out his hand for Marisa to grab on, and she grabs his hand tight. Bailing out from her Broomstick, then Makoto flies to Nyx with Marisa on his side. When both of them are one, they're unstoppable

Makoto, and Marisa reached to where Nyx is located, and it's a yellow embryo. Makoto holds Marisa's hand tighter than before

"No matter what happens, Marisa. Do not let go on my hand" Makoto is confident of his abilities. When he obtained the universe Arcana, nothing is impossbile for him. He'll use his powers to stop Nyx while protecting the girl he loves the most

Then, Nyx attacks, injuring both of them, but it didn't kill Makoto, nor Marisa. They both pant trying to stand up, despite how exhausted they are

"Don't- *Pant* let go, Marisa" Makoto told Marisa and she replied "I'm not planning to, Da-ze~"

Soon enough, they heard his team's voices, telling them to not give up. It's healing both of them

Of course, Nyx isn't allowing them to proceed further, so she attacked again. Makoto's friends boosted their power once again, making them stand up more. She attacked again once more, and his friends gave them the Power to perform his ultimate attack to prevent Nyx to come back once again

Makoto tried to use his powers, but he couldn't concentrate due to how much he's shaking. He's on the verge on having a mental breakdown, and it might lose his world if he couldn't stop shaking. He's scared to lose his life when he has so much to live for

His shaking stopped when he felt that Marisa's hand is holding him tighter than it was. Makoto looks at Marisa, and she gave him a smile. Makoto was confused on what's going on with Marisa, and she told him this

"No matter what happens, I will always be with you, because:

I love you

Makoto smiled back to Marisa, and he replied

"I love you too, Marisa. Now lets end this together!"


Makoto grabs her on the Waist, letting go of their handholding, and Marisa does the same to Makoto, then they use their free hand to grab each other, then they raise their hand that's grabbing each other to cast the power to stop Nyx once and for all. It might risk both of their lives, but they didn't care. They have each other, and they are unstoppable once they're together

Then: Everything became white

Days after the event, Marisa visits Iwatodai dorm to see Makoto again. Akihiko told Makoto that someone is looking for him on the first room, and when he got there, he went to Marisa and sat down in front of her

"What brings you here, Marisa?" Makoto asks, and she answers "I wanna go on a date with you, da-ze~"

They became a couple after the events of the fall, and Marisa usually visits the dorm to go on a date with Makoto, and its like an everyday thing to do. When Makoto has school, Marisa instead waits at the entrance of the Iwatodai dorm after school

Its not like Marisa knows anything about Schools anyway, but if she even manages to access Gekkoukan high, she'll steal all of the books in the school's library, so its best to not let her enroll to Gekkoukan high

It became an everyday thing, but their date is different. They felt a little tired as days gone. But it didn't stop the couple from doing their dates, and whatever they want. Its like they're dating like they have less time to live

Fast forward to March 5th, which is Makoto's graduation day. Makoto was about to head to his school for a graduation day, Marisa stood right in front of his door when he opened the door

"Do you remember the day in January 31st?" Marisa asks, Makoto replied "Yeah. I remember everything"

"Great! We shou-" Marisa falls down on Makoto, then he grabs her and he looks at her with a concern look on his face. Marisa smiled at Makoto

"What's wrong?" Marisa asks Makoto

"I was about to ask you that" Makoto replied back, and she told him "I'm just a little exhausted, that's all"

"To be honest, I feel the same" Makoto told Marisa "I can take you to the School's rooftop for a celebration"

"Yeah, let's"

They went to the School's rooftop, and they lay down next to each other while looking at the sakura petals falling down. Marisa uses his arm as her pillow, and she place her hat next to her. They felt that the exhaustion is nearly taking them over

"Does this scenery look cliche to you?" Marisa asks, Makoto replies "Yeah, but I could go some cliches for you, Marisa"

"You tease"

Meanwhile, the school starts the graduation day. Many have their talk about the new day waiting for them, and such, then it's Mitsuru's turn to have her talk, when she's having her talk for the graduation day, she realized something

"I will do everything it takes to finish what my father has started, after he died to a sudden illness"


"Sudden illness..." Then, she ran her way out to head on to the school's rooftop, and the others from the SEES realized it, too, and they follow her to the school's rooftop. Some tried to stop them, but they never care to follow orders

At the school's rooftop, the couple were Enjoying their last days until the Exhaustion takes over, and puts them to sleep

"Hey, Makoto"


"Will we stay until your friends come here?"

"I'll sleep when you sleep"

"Hehe, I love you, da-ze~"

"I love you, too"


Makoto, and Marisa looks to see that his friends came to the rooftop, and they both chuckled since they remembered that he and his friends were supposed to gather up on the rooftop to celebrate their hard work

Makoto looks at Marisa as she did the same with Makoto, then they smile once again

"It seems that they arrived, da~ze. We can go to sleep now. I feel tired after everything" Marisa told Makoto, and he replies "Yeah."

Your eyes feel heavy


Makoto closes his eyes, Marisa chuckled and she told him these words before joining Makoto from his slumber

I will always be with you no matter what, because I am your only friend, and lover

There you go. Do you like it, TheFoolAngel?

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