Eva (For Nausea_Chon)

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For the user nausea_chon , as they now own Eva :>
I thought I'd give the oneshot up too, even if it's old and sucky RIP
The light slap of my shoes on the damp sidewalk are almost hypnotic. I hug my satchel closer to my side, hazel eyes glancing around the darkened streets. It was a cold night for the summer, come to think of it...
/Mother did never like me out after dark... But it's not like it was my fault the presentation ran so long. Marietta always talked so mu—/


My heart leaps into my throat as I jump, long hair swishing around my shoulders as I turn. Fingers flying to my throat, I grasp for my cross pendant and rip it off. I hold it before me like a shield, whimpering slightly as I stare down the alleyway to my left. The stories of those nasty serial turners had left me very uneasy as of late...

As I shudder and shake, a little cat steps out of the alley daintily. Ash grey, it sniffs haughtily before wrapping itself around my ankles.
I feel quite stupid as I pet the stray, laughing nervously to myself. Nothing more than a hungry kitty, nothing to worry about. But, there was something odd about the cat. Its eyes were the purest silver, but seemed to shift to icy blue hues... It was almost... Soothing?

The cat walks away. I feel compelled to follow such a sweet animal, but there's a shred of my mind that screams 'no'. But such a cat, a fine cat... With such lovely eyes... I can't stop myself, I simply have to follow it! Squaring my shoulders, I dazedly follow it down the shifty alley. My cross necklace drops uselessly to the ground, and my satchel drops to my side. Such a wonderfully magical cat! I simply have to pet it more, look into those meaningful eyes more...

Suddenly, the cat leaps onto a plastic garbage can, watching me closely. It blinks hard, and I suddenly shake my head as though to clear it.
/Wha... Where's my cross? What the Hell am I doing down this alley./
I take a few steps back, still facing forward. This was bad, mother told me to never go down these side roads... I could always be taken into the night like the Stonemason's kids were weeks ago! And dropping my cross was a big mistake, that was the only thing keeping me safe from the nightwalkers...

Still walking back, eyes not leaving the strange cat. All it was doing was grooming its' paws, mystical eyes on mine. I swear it's sneering at me... Or maybe I'm just paranoid?
/Whatever. I'm halfway out, just find the pendant.../
I'm making sure to go slowly, so as to avoid provoking the cat. It was definitely leering at me now, and it'd stopped washing its paw. Then, as the lamplights from the street start to breach the alleyway, I feel myself back into a soft wall.

"Going somewhere...? And here I was, thinking you were going to entertain my poor kitty..."

With a scream, I sprint back towards the cat. Between 'creepy random guy' and 'magical maniacal cat', I'll take the freaky cat any day! It hisses at me, flexing overly long claws. Nope, never mind. I glance back at the guy blocking my way.
He was gone. Poof. Missing. Vanished-into-thin-air gone.
My head spins trying to catch up with the fast-pace world moving around me. As I turn back to the cat— was it laughing at me now?— A powerful hand grabs my shoulder. The other covers my mouth before I can scream again, and my eyes widen as I'm yanked down to the ground.

Then he bites.

Lengthy fangs pierce the tanned skin on my neck, and my eyes widen to the point where they feel like they'll pop right out of my head. Trying to throw the stranger off, I struggle futilely against his powerful grip. I can feel hot blood running down my neck and shoulders as he continues drinking his fill. Kicking and trying to scream, I close my eyes praying everything would be over soon.

It feels like minutes pass as my strength ebbs. I can barely move my arms or legs or anything... The assailant takes one last hearty sip from the bite wounds before shoving my head to the dirty, bloody asphalt. Out the corner of my eye, I see him lick his lips. Wiping his mouth with his cape, he spares me a fanged smile as I attempt to sit up. I collapse back to the ground before raising myself a mere few inches.

"I'll see you around, love. Thanks for the drink."

I watch as he whips his cape about, and transforms into a bat. With a flap of his wings he's gone— the cat winks at me, and jumps onto the building bordering the alley. Seems like they were in league, hah...

And I lapse into the unconscious realm, too weak to stay awake. Sights, sounds, smells.... They all become nothing, mean nothing...

"EVA!" I feel someone shaking my leg, and I put a pale hand to my head. "Oh, thank goodness, I thought you were in trouble!" The vampire before me tilts her head, curly hair spilling from her bandana.

"I, ah... I'm f-fine. Thanks, though..." Unsteadily, shakily, I push myself to my feet. The laser-tag vest feels too heavy on me, like I'm suffocating. I drop the laser gun, and the cord connecting it to the vest pulls tight. "You go on ahead, I-I'll be along shortly."

She cocks her gun, laughing. "Alright newbie. I'll see you in the enemies' base then!" With that, she runs off, firing at the opposing team.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. My teammate had ran right around the corner, smacking me in the neck by accident.
/Those were nothing but flashbacks. The past is the past, what's done is done./
Picking my gun up with shuddering hands, I take a quick look at myself in the shiny siding of a metal box.

My golden eyes stare back at me. Opening my mouth, the fangs are /still/ there. Mouth turning downward, I wobble off to help my yelling teammate.

Too bad this wasn't all some crazy fever dream.

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