We'll name him Jesse [Lukesse]

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Jessica's pov

Loneliness. That's what i feel right now. Even tho i have my friends... my boyfriend Lukas... It's just doesn't feel complete without someone that truly love you. I keep looking at a picture that i held. Tears started to drop. From my eyes, to the picture. I sobbed remembering what happened 4 months ago. "i... i'm sorry... i'm sorry.. just if i don't force you... you'll still be here" i wiped my tears. Let me tell you what really happened..

[Flashback - 4 months ago, Jessica's pov]

"Okay, done. Hey guys. You can eat now. Especially you Axel. But don't eat it all ok? I'm hungry too. I just want to refresh myself" Axel, Olivia, Petra and Lukas nodded "sorry to make you... ya know, do all this stuff" Lukas smiled nervously while scratching his head "nah, it's totally okay, i'm gonna take a bath" with that, i walked away. Oh yeah. I was on my period, so i'm a little.. ya know what i mean


"hey guys. Have you all eat?" they yelled "yah!!" i walked to the kitchen to eat, but "GUYS! YOU SURE YOU DON'T EAT IT ALL!?" they all came to the kitchen "what's wrong?" Lukas asked & he immediately widen his eyes "I TOLD YOU GUYS TO NOT EAT IT ALL!!!" they're silent. Then Olivia stepped back while raising her hand "not me, you know that i don't eat that much" and then followed by Petra "me too, but you know i wont eat it all" and Lukas too "i'm not, i swear!! All i know is that Axel took the longest to finish his food" i glared at Axel

"uhh, i might be big, but trust me on this one. I don't eat it all." i just tapped my foot on the floor & crossed my arm impatiently "then who is it!?" Axel stepped back "oh yah.. i forgot to mention.. Jesse, he asked us if he gets some, and i told him  "yah". That's all, i swear!" Axel puts his hand up in defense. Ooh, so now i know who eats it all "get out of my way" i pushed them aside & waked to my brother's room

 And i knocked the door hard with my fist "Bro! Open the door! Now!!" i can hear his cough "the door's unlocked sis, C-come in" i opened the door fast that the door hit the wall when i opened it. I immediately walked towards him with anger "w-what's wrong sis- ack!" i punched his face that he fell to the floor. He looked at me in shock "w-what's going on? D-did i do something wrong?" being controled by anger cause it takes over me, i hit my brother several times. Like punching, kicking, "ow ow ow!!" i can hear his screams of pain & cries "i.. i'm sorry! i- ack!!" i hit him more

After a while, i stopped hitting him. He has a few bruises, especially his head part. He's sobbing. "listen here.. did you ate it all!?" he nodded "Brother, did you know how long does it take for me to get all the ingredients for that!? IT TOOK ME 5 HOURS!!" i yelled at his face. I never been this angry before. "now, you should buy some food for me. Idk if it took you a day or month, i'm hungry!! Now go!!" my brother cried & get up. He shakily grabbed his wallet & jacket. He sobbed & wiped his tears then walked out not caring about the bruise & scar. "ugh.. i regret having a brother like him..."


"ugh, it's been an hour! Where is he!?" the 4 remain silent. Doesn't dare to say anything knock knock "finally!!" i opened the door but it's not Jesse like i was expecting "who are you?" the man said "is this Jessica Collins James's house?" how did he know!? "yah. That's me. What is it? How did you know?" the man just giving me a plastic. I looked at it & there's some food in it "my brother Jesse was supposed to be the one who gave this" then what the man said next really broke my heart "Jesse Collins James. He, uhh.. he got in to an accident. A car hit him.. he didn't make it sadly"

I widen my eyes. Everything feels like stopped "M-my brother?! Accident!? Didn't make it!? no... no... no no NO!!!" i immediately asked him where "when he was walking. This way!" the man starts running & i followed him. After a few mins, i see a lot of people, an ambulance & a crashed car. I pushed the crowd & i see him. My brother. Laying on the road lifeless being picked to the ambulance "no, no NO!!! This isn't real!!!" I run to the ambulance office & looked at my brother "bro!! Bro!!! Wake up!!!" but it was too late... he's gone... forever... "noo..." i cried. I never know that what i've done could lead to this... just if i can be.. more calm..

[Flashback ends]

"i'm really sorry brother.." i wiped my tears & clutches my stomach. Oh yah, Lukas just proposed to me. And now i was pregnant with his child. We're planning on making the marriage after i gave birth "Jess?" i heard Lukas at my door "c-come in" i put the pic back & wiped my tears then Lukas sit beside me & hugged me "you ok?" i nodded but i think he doesn't buy it "still thinking about him? Jess, it's been 4 months. I'm pretty sure he's happy up there. Watching you. Please cheer up"

Lukas's pov

She still haven't moved on from it. Her brother Jesse was a really good brother. Even tho he always get hit or being yelled at by Jess, he still loves his sister. Man, a brother like Jesse is so rare. I mean, who doesn't want to have a brother like Jesse? "okay, lets rest. Crying doesn't healthy for our baby" Jessica nodded & lays on the bed. As well as me. After a few minutes, we both fell asleep



"You may now kiss the bride" i kisses Jessica softly. And she kissed me back. Everyone cheered & claps their hand. After a few minutes, we pulled away & smiled. Ya know, after all these year, from when we first met, falling for her, my feelings for her keeps growing, i finally proposed to her & we're finally married. I'm so happy, Cause i can be at her side forever. I'll make her happy, cheer her up, and i'll always be there for her. It's like a dream come true. We walked down & our friends cheered "congrats on the wedding you two" Olivia smiled "yah. Congrats" Axel cheered too. "thanks guys" Jessica smiled "where's Petra?" "over here" we looked and there she is. "congrats Jess. Wish you a happy life" she smiled "thanks" we chatted for a while

"oh yah. i, need to do soomething" Jessica gives me our baby boy. I hold him & looked at him. He looked just like Jesse himself if you ask me. The difference is that he ahs raven black hair & green eyes with blue tint around it. It's beautiful.

Jessica's pov

I knelt down & looked at the tombstone. "Hi bro. How is it going?" i talked as if i was talking to him "i'm fine here. All of us are. I'm married to Lukas now. But uhh... it just doesn't feel like the same without your presence bro. After that accident... when i woke up.. i keep calling your name. Hoping you would open the door, walk to me, & hugged me. And giving me that calming smile of yours. Your presence always warming my heart. Lukas too, but not as much as yours. I always hoping. That you'll stroke my hair. Whenever i feel down, and even do anything to make me better...

You're the best brother i can have. You're like a living angel. Giving warmth to the others. No wonder a lot of people likes you. But then that time comes. I can't control my anger. After all you done, all i do is hurting you. I make you cry, tears streaming down your eyes. And i never did apologize... and you never show any hate to me. And i regret everything i did back then. Brother, i wish you're here with me right now. I couldn't thank you enough...

I wish... i wish i can roll back time. Prevent that accident to happen. I never thought that line of mine, "ugh.. i regret having a brother like you...". I never thought that line will seperate us... and i wanna apologize. I'm sorry brother. I'm sorry. I'm sorryfor what i did. I'll never forget you. Anyway, i should go back. See you later brother" i get up & starts walking. But then i stopped. I feel something. Feelings. I feel that someone's hugging me from behind. It strokes my hair softly. And the wind whispered to me "I always forgive you since the start. I'm happy for you. See you later" i pressed my hand to my neck. As if i was holding my brother's hand. But then i shrugged it off & walked back "i love u big brother..."


"Jess! There you are" Lukas gave me the baby and i looked at him "he's hungry Jess" i nodded "lets go home first" Lukas nodded & we walked to our new house. After a while, i feed him. Lukas scratches his head nervously "so, what will you name him?

I smiled at him. And i said this with a calm voice

We'll name him...

















Jesse. His full name will be Jesse Skywalker


AAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY Drake here. So, this is the end of the oneshot. I hope you like it. And i'm sorry for the really late update WriterinFandomWorld, Greeps3444, CJ_908, Katie_908, Graciepony, TheWhitePunkin

And the rest of my friend

I'll try to update more often. And remember, i take requests too ;) you just need to tell me what the couple will be and the plot. That's all

Anyway, i'll see you all later.

Peace ;)

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