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So    @I_am_Curi and I played truth or dare, and my dare was to write short story about a yandere girl falling in love with a serial killer. And well, she said that I can publish it, although if I'm not really sure if I got it right to write a yandere girl, since is was my first time writing someone like her,  but anyways... Here you go:

When I was younger I met this boy. He was kinda strange, but I just knew that there had to be something good in him. I watched him in silence for years and when I started to recognize that he was a serial killer, I was shocked.

I was shocked, but not because he killed people, no, I was shocked about myself, that I somehow was still able to love that person. A friend of mine once said that I give my heart away too fast and that I always try to understand everyone, but honestly, I didn't understand him. I just still, still loved him. However somewhen I couldn't stand it anymore to watch him from afar. But how, how do you make contact with someone who lives in a world that's so different from your own? Well I found a way. After months of looking at the people he killed I found a muster. It can be so hard to find that when you look at a serial killer, but after some time I realized that it wasn't that hard when it came to Jim. So after lots of research and planning, I found a way to meet him. I found the girl he wanted to kill that day and I warned her. Then I took her part. When I wanted to tell him, how I found him, he just pulled the trigger. I was shocked and screamed in surprise.

Tears filled my eyes when I asked him: "How could you do that, I'm not even her!" I heard his footsteps drawing nearer and his confused question: "What do you mean you're not her? I planned everything. I was sure that she would stay there." His concerned question while he crushed down beside me and took my head in his hands broke my heart, when I realized that I hadn't been the only blind person. All those years I was blinded by my love, but he had been blind. He had been a murderer without sight.

I told him my story, my breath becoming heavier with every word I said and when he started to beg for forgiveness, still holding me as if I was the thing he cared about most in the world, I asked him: "I thought... I thought you were used to this.." and I remember how breathless I had been, my voice barely audible, when he lifted me up, and told me his story. Told me how he always chose to kill the people that would kill someone else. Someone innocent. Or that he would kill people who wanted to kill themselves so that their families didn't need to stand through the question what they did wrong. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry" he repeated and "I swore I would never kill without a reason. I swore I would never kill someone innocent." When my heart was cracked before, it broke into shattered pieces the moment his desperate tears touched my paled skin. And in my last breaths I thought about my "research" and how I had tortured people to get my information. And thinking about that, I looked forward for the moment when my last breath would leave my lungs and whispered to his ear, that was somehow resting near my cheek now: "Don't worry, you don't. I'm far away from innocent." he gulped and I don't know anymore if I just thought it or of my lips still formed the words "thank you" when the last thing that I felt was him holding me so close like I've never been hold by someone before. When the last thing I heard was the soft "It's going to be alright" from his beautiful voice.

But I remember how painful it was to wake up in that cold light. Inside of this weird world where the people seemed to be real for the first time in my existence... It wasn't life anymore, was it? But the thing that took the hugest part in my mind is how I found out that real people aren't good people over here.

That real people are, right on the contrary, people that are very bad. She looked at the young boy with the dead face. "People like you who killed their little dog just before they died. Who caused so much pain to their family..." the boy looked up and then down to the knife that stuck into his stomach. She looked him directly in the eyes when she pulled it out very quickly and whispered: "No regrets... I'm just like Jim, just not in life."

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