The Brooks: Saved By Sinners (pt2)

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Context: The Brooks siblings' origin story



I heard a shout, my name screamed through the dark as the ocean rocked the ship back and forth. And me with it.

I staggered, keeping my balance even as the winds desperately tried to knock me down. I could hardly see through the rain, falling in sheets and slamming against me and the deck. But I peered up, squinting in the direction of where I had heard my name.

And there he was, my brother standing there, soaked to the bone. His hands trembled with cold, dark brown hair sopping, bangs hanging directly in his line of sight. Arlo reacted quickly to catching sight of me, jerking forward across the deck.

But like an explosion of darkness, I watched in horror as the ocean water rose up, above the railing of the ship yet again. A swirl of darkness, glinting with malice and destruction. 

"ARLO!" I shrieked as the wave crashed along the edge of the ship, sweeping my brother with it. I sprinted, shoes kicking and splashing at the film of water gliding swiftly across the wood, trying to knock my ankles out from under me. "NO!" I screamed, watching his thrashing form get thrown over the railing, into the sea below.

Despite the raging water still sweeping against the side of the boat I ran, throwing myself against the railing, eyes wide as panic surged. Horror latched around my throat as I watched my older brother disappear beneath the surface. My gaze darted around frantically, my hands gripping the metal rails, cold as ice, as tightly as I could.

But he didn't resurface.

My thoughts nearly stopped in their tracks, my breath hitching. 

He was gone, the water had swallowed him just like so many others...

No, I wouldn't believe that.

Somehow, the band was still playing music, the low strum of instruments breaking my train of thought. "WOULD YOU SHUT UP??" I screamed, throwing the nastiest glare I could in their direction.

My body snapped back into action. How could I save him without plummeting into the sea myself?

There was only one answer.

The lifeboats.

I had to be quick, if Arlo hadn't already... I didn't have any time to waste. 

I threw myself across the deck, sprinting by the edge of the boat towards where the lifeboats were harbored near the mid of the ship. Problem: I was at the bow.

I shoved my way through the crowd, getting tossed back and forth between people, my shoes slipping and sliding against the water that still soaked the floor.

Faster, faster, faster, faster, faster

I skidded against the wood. The captain, I needed him to drop the boats— now where in Erin's name was he??

A gilded scabbard flashed between the crowd, a loud voice calling out, instructing the passengers to stay calm. However, his shout was drowned out by the screams of terror, not nearly as strong as the fear I felt.

But I heard it.

"CAPTAIN!" I screamed, shoving my way through frantic bodies. "CAPTAIN!" 

The man froze to a frenzied halt, looking around wildly for where my shouts were coming from. It didn't help that I was much smaller than him, making it harder for him to spot me.

"CAPTAIN ANDREW!" I called again, swiping my tangled hair out of my face.

"What is it child!?" The captain demanded, the small black ponytail meant to keep his hair back having failed, due to the fact several strands lay scattered across his forehead. His gloved hand pulled up at the collar of his soaked white shirt, hidden beneath the blue tailcoat he wore, embellished with golden buttons and badges.

"My brother! He fell into the water! I need a lifeboat!" I yelled, having to raise my voice to be heard over the violent winds that ripped over the ship. 

"Miss that's suicide!" The man snapped, looking at me with wild disbelief. 

"Don't call me Miss!" I growled, panic rising quickly. Every second I wasted could be the second that mattered... "And that should be my concern, not your own. Now lower me down in a lifeboat!"

"I will be doing nothing of the sorts!" He answered, his voice colder than the salty sea spray as it rammed against the side of the ocean liner yet again. 

My anger seethed, my jaw clenching at the imbecile before me. It was clear his decision was final, but I wouldn't let that stand.

My gaze flickered down to the hilt of his decorative sword that hung at his waist, embedded with several over the top emeralds and rubies.

So, without a second thought, I darted right past Captain Andrew, tugging the sword from the scabbard as I went. After a moment of resistance, it slid right out. It was heavier than I expected, but I heaved it along as I made a break for it. 

"HEY! GET BACK HERE—" The Captain's voice rung out after me, strained against the hurtling waves he was speaking against.

As always, I didn't listen, hardly looking back as I rushed towards the lifeboats like my life depended on it. Like his did...

From behind, I heard the click of a revolver...and a sound that rivaled the thunder as I was shot at. I yelped, ducking despite the bullet being several feet from hitting me in the first place. This was all life or death...

Finally, I came to a skidding halt, the lifeboats swinging ominously by splintering ropes over the side of the ship, wood creaking as the wind shook it back and forth.

I made the daring leap across the expanse where neither boat touched, tumbling inside and knocking my elbow hard against one of the wooden bench seats. It was a miracle I hadn't sliced myself open with the sword due to my landing, but I had no time to think of that. 

I scrambled to my feet, a harder task than expected as the lifeboat swung by the ropes and the force of my fall. But I managed, the rain pouring full force onto my head and shoulders. Panting, I met the Captain's eyes, my own narrowing with the fury his own expression showed.

That was, before with one mighty heave, I swung the sword, slicing the ropes that kept the lifeboat in place.

It was like time froze for a moment.

I screamed as the boat fell, my stomach dropping with the sword. It clattered to the bottom of the boat, and I was thrown forward, nearly out of the boat completely. 

I grasped the edge of the vessel, my fingers nearly splintering under the force I put on them, searing. With a tremendous halt the boat made contact with the sea, almost instantly getting submerged before resurfacing.

I coughed violently, choking up sea water that I had swallowed. But my objective remained clear: Find Arlo. He wouldn't dare die on me like this...

The waves broke against the miniature bow of the lifeboat, only meant for about ten cramped people to take refuge on. But here I was, grabbing the oars and paddling into what was most likely certain death.

I was blinded by the froth of the ocean, spraying up in flecks as strong as the rain. The gusts of wind scrubbed my face raw, my ears numb like my fingers. Grappling with the oar, I used all of my strength to maneuver in the direction the boat had come from, towards where Arlo had fallen.

The sea however, seemed to have a mind of its own, tossing me and the boat in every which way. My shouts and yelps of panic went unheard over the roar of rushing currents, spinning the boat as a wave crashed over my head.

I hugged the wooden bench, keeping a tight hold as the water ripped over my head, stealing the oxygen from my lungs.

I was gasping for air, the boat still miraculously upright.

"ARLO!" I screamed as soon as I had found my voice again, my shout tearing at my throat. I desperately hoped for an answer that I knew would never come. "ARLO?"

The ocean, as dark as the night that surrounded us, surged, throwing me into the rim of the ship with a vicious swirl. I cried out, my side aching where the wood had jabbed my torso. 

But that's when I saw it, when I saw him. A figure was thrown about in the waves in the light of the crackling lightning, limp as water gushed over his head, pulling him under like a rag doll.


Panic seared the back of my throat like bile when I didn't spot him again, so I did the only thing I could do. 

I scrambled for one of the ropes that had previously held the lifeboat to the ocean liner, one that I had cut. I quickly tied it around my waist, my numb fingers taking far too long to cooperate. I took a deep breath...

And then I jumped into the sea.

I was instantly overwhelmed by the freezing waves, choking on the water that filled my lungs. I inhaled mouthful after mouthful. But I wouldn't abandon my task...

I opened my eyes, the salt stinging them horribly, my vision blurred through the dark void that seemed to go on endlessly. 

I tried to focus while getting tossed around, holding tightly to the rope that kept me connected to the boat. Water rushed into my ears, into my nose, trying to shut down my senses. However, I wouldn't let that happen.

Finally, I spotted him...sinking... I nearly shrieked aloud, diving towards his blurred form as a weak stream of bubbles floated from his lips. 

There was still hope. 

I thrashed against the water, trying to get closer, to grab onto his sleeve or something, anything to pull him back up for air. He couldn't die on me, not now, not here.

I was starting to lose feeling in my feet and hands in the chilling water, but that wouldn't stop me. Nothing would.

I propelled myself deeper, feeling the rope around my waist get tauter and tauter as my brother sunk lower and lower...

And then my fingers hooked around his outstretched wrist.

I immediately yanked him forward, watching in horror as the bubbles flowing from his mouth came to a stop. I grabbed him around the chest frantically, tugging him up through the swirling sea. 

It was even harder swimming, with only one arm as I dragged Arlo, who was taller than me I might add, through the churning water.

My vision was flickering, my lungs burning, begging for air. I was starting to believe that neither of us would live to see the light of day again...the surface seemed so far away.

I clutched to Arlo's blazer, several times his limp form nearly getting tugged away by a swirling current. I couldn't give up yet, we had to make it...we had to...

Just as lightning sliced through the air again, as sharp as any blade, my head burst through the surface. I choked down air, my chest searing. Keeping both my head and my brother's out of the water was a new challenge in and of itself.

I grasped the edge of the boat with my free hand, my teeth grinding against each other as I tried to stop them from chattering. My throat was scraped raw and tasted of blood mingling with salt and brine and vomit. 

I tipped the edge of the boat, trying in every way I could to try and get me and Arlo back into it...I hadn't quite thought this part through...

I felt like crying, my desperation growing with my fear. "C'mon Arlo, please! Help me here!" I shouted above the winds, a shout that I got no answer to. He was out cold. Out cold or... no don't think about that. Don't.

I pulled the edge of the boat onto its side, praying to a god I didn't believe in that the edge wouldn't crash into either of us. With the little strength I had, I continued to use my free hand to roll Arlo onto the wall of the boat I had tipped.

With perfect timing, the ocean for once worked in my favor. A wave rolled out from beneath me, tossing me into the boat. My back smashed into one of the wooden benches, throwing my body into even more agony. But that wasn't what was important right now. 

While the boat was still being thrown about, I grabbed to the collar of my brother's shirt. I saw his face in the explosion of brightness from another flash of lightning, ghostly pale and void of any color, his lips blue. 

"Please, please, please—" I begged, pleading to no one. I couldn't tell if he was breathing, so I pressed my hands to his chest, hoping desperately to feel a heartbeat....

"Please Arlo."


Sooooo part 3 maybe? :>

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