Torn Between Smiles and Scars

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This story was originally a request. I did sent the story to the person. But I thought I'll share it here as well (though it was written months ago). Sorry if it's too dark... But that's what I had tried to do... Also.. warning if you don't do well with sad things!!

(Normal POV)

A normal day in the life of Ray. He gets up from bed. Blood stain on his bedsheet. He goes to take a shower. When he turned the shower on, blood fell on the floor. He looked at his arm and then sighed.

After he was done, he came out and opened the bandage he had wrapped around his arm last night. He sighed again and wrapped a new bandage around his arm.

He then wore a long sleeved shirt, which hid all of the cuts in his arms. He then walks in front his mirror. He looks at himself in the mirror.

He's going on a date with his girlfriend, Lisa, since it's Christmas. He hoped that he could have smiled from the heart, so he tried..... but nothing. It's as if he was numb to feelings.

He had been cutting himself for the last few months, trying to feel emotions..... but nothing. Not even a tear fell from his eyes. The only thing that fell was blood. It's as if he was a dead person.

He forced a smile on his face and then walks out of his house. He lived alone and no one ever came to visit him. So no one ever saw the blood stains on his floor.

While he walked in the streets, he was thinking about his time with Lisa and how he used to smile for real back then. But now? He kept his fake smile because he didn't want to worry his girlfriend.

Lisa had been his girlfriend for a few years now and she was the only one who stayed with him. Who didn't leave him, like the rest.

His family? Died in a car accident during his childhood.
His uncle and aunt? Took him in, but beat him everyday till they died in a fire.
His friends? They went on a cruise and died.
His girlfriend before Lisa? Was only dating him because she was dared to. Never even loved him.

And through all of them, Lisa was with him. His childhood friend, who later became her current girlfriend.

"Ray!" He heard a cheerful voice, which waked him up from his circle of thoughts. He looked ahead and saw the smiling face of Lisa.

He put up a smile. "Hey Lisa. You're looking even more beautiful than usual."
"You think so? I tried to make myself look more pretty for you" she said with a blushing smile.
He kissed her forehead and said, "you're always pretty, no matter what you do."
"Oh Ray!" She hugged him, "how about we start our Christmas shopping?"
He held her hand and went inside the mall.
What went wrong? The exact words were going in his mind again and again, as he leaned on the railing at his roof. It was 31st December. New Years Eve is in about 5 minutes.

Everything was going well, so what went wrong? Lisa was happy, she was the same as how she was, she kept smiling for him, trying to make him smile as well.... so why? What was the matter with him? Why can't he smile like he used to? Why? Why? JUST WHY?!

This kept going on his mind as he started writing his message to Lisa, the last ever message he'll send to someone.

"Hi, please remember that I love you... I'm sorry if I'm leaving you now... thanks for bringing me happiness in midst of all the problems that surround me... please live happily without me... I love you"

As he clicked on the send button he put his phone down on the floor.

He stood on the railing and started to count backwards, as his memories with Lisa start to come back to his mind











As soon as the fireworks started, he jumped down from the building.

He was taken to a hospital, the white cover over his face. Lisa was right beside his...... dead body, crying.

"Why? Why did you leave me? Why did you make me fall for you and then just left like that?! Like that it was the most normal thing to do!! I hate you!! I hate.... you...."
She said, tears falling from her eyes.
In the days to come, Lisa would always go to Ray's grave. Crying at her loss. Wishing that if only she was aware of how he was truly feeling, maybe..... only maybe he'll still be with her.

Thank you for reading this. If I've made any grammatical mistakes feel free to tell me. Have a good day/ evening/ night.

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