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Tagged by marvels_agents100

Thanks. Humorous.


I: You must follow all the rules.

II: You must answer all the questions.

III: 'I don't do tags' is not allowed.

IV: You gotta tag thirteen people.

V: You make thirteen questions the tagged people will answer

VI: Give thirteen random facts.

~~Questions from Alex~~

1. Post-WS or 1940s Bucky?

Post-WS. Long hair's amazing. Especially on Buck.

2. Who is your biggest otp irl?

Prolly my best friend and her boyfriend. Kyrson would be the ship name, I guess.

3. Death of a Bachelor or Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time?

Can't say I've listened to either of 'em.

4. Hidden talents?

Well, I guess cooking would be one. Along with being a techie.

5. Fruit candy or chocolate?

Chocolate ftw.

6. Sports or Netflix Marathons?

Netflix. No questions asked. NCIS, especially.

7. Amount of time  (hours) spent on Wattpad each day?

Mmhmm.....about 3, possibly?

8. Favorite story ever read on Wattpad?

Dude. McBaby by HarmonFreak is a really good story. Love the idea of McGee getting turned into a baby.

9. Meat or veggies?


10. Favorite present ever recieved?

Huh. Prolly my truck. I love my baby.

11. Best moment of your life?

This is tough. Prolly whenever I'm watching NCIS.

12. Wattpad BFF?


13. Bucky Barnes or Sebastian Stan or TJ Hammond or Chris Beck or Jefferson? You must choose one.

One? Then I'll go with Beck. I've loved space for a long time. 

~~Questions for tags~~

1. NCIS or Criminal Minds?

2. Writing or reading?

3. Do you know what Rule 12 is?

4. Favorite animal?

5. Favorite irl book?

6. If you would get a tattoo, what would you get?

7. Stargate?

8. Polaroid or Smoke and Mirrors?

9. Do you play an instrument?

10. Which one, if so?

11. Would you read Probie's book?

12. Are the NCIS references getting annoying? (Not that I'm gonna do anything about 'em.)

13. Favorite season?

~~13 random facts about me~~

1. Yes, I am NCIS trash. Ship Tiva hardcore.

2. I am 16, yes. 

3. Dyed my hair black to look like Abby Sciuto from NCIS.

4. Yes, I based Raiyne Night off of myself, excepting looks.

5. Love country music, but have recently started exploring outside of it.

6. Short for my age, but love my pickup truck, which I have to climb into.

7. Just started a NCIS fanfic...No title yet....

8. I have a weak ankle and have to wear a brace for it.

9. I have seven of Gibbs' rules memorized.

10. #23 is my favorite. "Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live."

11. I get cold easily, so will be seen in a hoodie, or-if it's warm enough-a tank top.

12. I love wolves and horses.

13. I will admit that I am also a hardcore McGee fangirl.

~~I tag the following~~














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