Blood of Your Enemies

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Percy Jackson/vampire story where Percy gets turned into a vampire...but he doesn't have the normal cravings.

"Hand over the girl."

"Not going to happen."

"I would rephrase that if I were you."

"Then it's a good thing I'm not you," Percy said as he reached behind him, not daring to take his eyes off of the monster in front of him, searching for something. Finally finding it as a soft hand grasped his searching one. Mentally sighing in relief, Percy let go and said, "Run."

Instantly, before the monster could do anything, the sound of the pounding footsteps of Thalia running started. Then, just as quickly, faded away. Percy's eyes did not move from the tall monster that did not look like one. He was not going to take any chances with this one. This man was a monster in more ways than one.

"You've cost me my dinner," the man hissed and clenched his fists together. "You're going to wish you had not done that."

Percy tensed. While he seriously doubted that, he knew he was not going to get out of this unscathed. "Well, excuse me for caring that the closest person I have to a sister doesn't get taken and eaten," Percy said, reverting to his more cheerful self. "Sorry, not sorry."

The man growled, a deep and guttural sound, causing shivers to crawl down Percy's back. Next thing Percy knew, he was neck to neck with the tall, pale man, fighting almost as hard as he did in Tartarus.

"If I can't have her," the man now purred, his red eyes bearing deep into Percy's. "I'll just have you," he looked Percy up and down, not bothering to be subtle, then took a deep breath through his nose, "you smell...delicious."

"Oh, gross man!" Percy exclaimed, backing away quickly. "Not to mention creepy!"

"Get used to it," he growled then, faster than Percy could react, the man had him pushed up against a tree. The man used one hand to keep Percy still and the other to push his neck to the side.

Without warning, a sharp pain-it must have been the guy's fangs-appeared on his neck and Percy lose all control over his thoughts.

It was strange; he was conscious, he could still see and move but nothing registered. Percy knew the jerk was drinking his blood, he knew that was not good. He just had no control over any action he made. He fell limp against the tree and in the man's arms. For some strange reason, it hurt but it also felt good. It would have been hard enough to explain if he had his wits about him but Percy was out of it so it was near impossible.

He could faintly see out of the corner of his eye, Thalia coming back. Some part of him wanted to shout for her to run but a change in the vampire's actions chased all logical thinking from his brain. The pull from his neck was different, instead of feeling drained, Percy he was being injected with something.

This can't be good, the small part of his brain that was still functioning said as this clicked.

Now he could feel the darkness closing in. Percy could faintly hear the monster's evil chuckle even as something was pushed into its heart from behind.

"PERCY!" Thalia's worried but blurred face came in and out of focus and he smiled...

She was okay.

At least now lady Artemis won't kill him for getting her lieutenant hurt...

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Percy was waking up...sort of. He was in that stage of sleep where he understood everything but was not really interested so he stayed on the very edge of sleep and consciousness. Everything sounded fuzzy, like the static on a radio.

That is until someone said, "...wonder if he'd wake up if we made blue cookies?"

At this, he jolted awake, starting to become more alert.

"What does blue cookies have to do with him waking up?"

"Everything," Percy muttered, now fully awake. He groaned and reached up to rub his eyes.

"Percy!" An abnormally loud shriek pierced his ears and he yelped as someone jumped on him, wrapping their arms around his neck.

A whiff of the most beautiful smell got caught in his nose. Lemons.

"Annabeth," he whispered, pulling her closer and burying his nose in the crook of her neck.

"Seaweed brain," Annabeth tried to sound scolding but it came out as more of a relieved sigh.

"How long was I out?" Percy asked softly, pulling away.

"Two days," Thalia said to his left. "She came the second she heard."

"Where am I?" He didn't recognize this place as the infirmary at camp. Everything was a lot cleaner and quieter.

"In the Hunt's main infirmary tent," Thalia answered.

Percy froze, gripping Annabeth's hand like it was a life line. "What."

"Don't worry, Perce, you're not the only one," a new voice said. Percy's eyes widened when he saw Apollo in the corner. Said god wiggled his eyebrows. "Imagine my surprise when they called me down only to see you pale as a corpse on their best bed."

"What." Percy said again, not comprehending.

"You are the only male anyone in the Hunt has met that they trust," Another voice said from the tent entrance. "Did you think we were going to let you die?"

If possible, Percy's eyes widened even more when he saw the goddess of the Hunt standing there with her arms folded across her chest. "L-lady Artemis?" Percy stuttered, hidding behind Annabeth a little. "What in Hades happened?"

"In short, the vampire turned you into a vampire," Apollo said bluntly.

"What?" He seemed to be saying that a lot lately. Why was everyone so cool with him being a vampire? He was trying to keep his cool but inside he was panicking big time.

Artemis whacked her brother on the back of the head. "Why don't you explain before you scare him?"

"Sorry," Apollo grimaced, "apparently, the vampire had enough time to inject you with the blood he had just drunk from your body which was in his body long enough to take on the properties of his blood. However, he did not fill you with enough to make you into the monster he was. So you are still a half-blood," Apollo shrugged, "just part vampire now too."

"So am I going to need know," Percy gestured to his neck.

"Yes," Apollo said firmly. "You will need blood, there is no escaping that. But," Apollo raised a hand to stop anyone from saying anything, "I have a solution to that." From his pocket, the sun god produced a blood bag. "I can get you these laced with nectar too. You'll only ever need it every other day or so."

Percy accepted the bag with two fingers, handling it as if it were a bomb.

Thalia laughed and slapped his back. "Drink up, Kelp head!"

"Do you know how gross this sounds?" Percy demanded, holding up the red bag of blood up to her face.

"Drink the blood of your enemies, am I right, Percy?" Apollo said cheerfully, laughing with Thalia.

Percy gave him a look that said, "Stop talking."

Annabeth squeezed his hand and smiled up at him. "Percy, if you don't, you see Uncle Hades the hard way," she whispered, "I know he would rather not see you again so soon to bug him."

Percy chuckled, remembering when they had to do a quest for his father. Poseidon sent them to Hades' palace to find his wish list for Christmas. Hades found them snooping around his study, looking at his quilt magazines, especially the circled items.

"I still don't like it," Percy said as he eyed the bag.

Artemis sighed. "Do you need a straw to help you or something?"

"No, he needs to use his fangs," Percy felt the tips of his fangs with his tongue as Apollo spoke, more than a little weirded out, "otherwise his hunger isn't satisfied and he keeps drinking bag after bag."

Percy sighed as he hesitantly brought the bag to his lips and bit into the bag. His fangs peirced the plastic, letting the red liquid escape into his mouth. He drank a few gulps, getting a taste of what it was like...

...and spit it right back out.

"Oh, gross, who's blood was that? Smelly Gabe's?" Percy kept spitting, wiping his tongue to get the taste off.

Apollo pouted. "That was O-, it has the best reviews on the blood net."

"Blood net?" Thalia asked.

"It's a review site for vampires," Apollo started. "It's suppose to help out new vampires-"

"Later, guys, right now we need to get Percy some blood," Annabeth said, snapping her fingers. "Percy, what was wrong with it?"

"Everything!" Percy answered. "It tasted like how the sewage smells times ten."

Thalia and Artemis made a face, causing Percy to chuckle.

"Any suggestions, Apollo?" Annabeth turned to the god of medicine. "If he doesn't get any soon, we're going to be in trouble."

Apollo stared at Percy thoughtfully. "Maybe some demigod blood? With nectar? I have some in the back when ever a demigod goes to draw blood, one second," Apollo left the room and went to a side room. "Two seconds later, he came back with two different bags. "I have O- again and AB+. Hopefully one of these works." (AN: I just had a thought, what if Percy lived on blue cookies instead of blood?)

Percy tried these ones with almost he same results. "These tasted better, a little less like sewage but was still gross," Percy said. "Like carbonated sewage. Or carbonated water."

Thalia and Artemis made a gagging face again while Annabeth rolled her eyes.

Apollo slumped. "Sorry guys, I have no idea how to fix this, Annabeth?"

Percy mildly thought it was a little funny how Apollo turned to Annabeth when he was stuck just like how he most likely does the same to Athena.

Annabeth looked like she was about to cry. "No," she said frustratingly, "I have no idea-I don't know-I just-"

Percy interrupted her with a hand on her lips. "Don't worry about it for now," he said, "you'll just stress yourself out."

"But Percy, if you don't get blood soon-" Percy then proceeded to cut her off with his own lips.

"Why don't we go to Camp Half-Blood and get the entire Apollo cabin and your cabin on this? That way it gets done faster," Percy suggested, tilting his head to look at her face. "Yeah?"

Annabeth smiled slightly. "Okay."

"I can take you," Apollo offered, "I was going to stop by anyways to check up on things."

Percy nodded and started to get up. Only once he got to his feet, he immediately got dizzy and nearly fell over. If Annabeth hadn't been right there, Percy would have fallen flat on his face.

"Careful, Perce," Apollo said, wheeling a chair over. "Best not to stand or walk until you get some blood."

Percy groaned as Thalia laughed. "I am perfectly fine, Apollo, I can walk-" Percy was cut off as he tried to take a step but almost fell again, his legs buckling from under him.

Annabeth pointed to the wheelchair. "Sit."

"Yes, ma'am," Percy mumbled, sitting down sulkily.

At camp, it wasn't just the Athena and Apollo campers helping out. The Hermes kids left camp and came back with hundreds of empty blood bags for "when we figure out what blood Percy could have. The Aphrodite campers were the ones to know the most about vampires so they helped cabin six. The Ares cabin did not exactly help in finding a type of blood Percy could have but they did help out in distracting Percy and Annabeth from getting too panicked.

Percy was slowly getting worse. His skin was losing more and more color and he hardly had any strength to lift the bags to his fangs.

By the end of the day, Percy had tried animal blood (cow's stomach with a hint of rotten eggs), bird blood and even fish and god blood (all tasting in a range of rotten foods or waste). None were at all appealing to Percy. The god blood actually was a little more tolerable than the others, albeit it did leave an after taste of feet.

"How do you even know what all that tastes like?" Will asked finally after the last description.

"You don't want to know," Percy answered.

It was when they were just about to reluctantly give it a rest for the night that Tyson volunteered some of his blood.

"Why not?" Percy said weakly when they asked him. "We haven't tried monster blood yet." By now, he could barely sit up on his own, he was getting so weak. His eyes were getting heavy too, though that could be the result of staying up so much throughout the day when he should have been resting.

The Apollo campers added some nectar to the blood just to be safe and waited with held breaths as Percy tried it.

They need not to have worried. The second the first drop hit his tongue, his eyes rolled back into his head and he moaned at the explosion of fantastic flavors in his mouth. To him it tasted like pure nectar but way better.

This set everyone speculating. Would pegasus blood work? Any mythical creature? Of course that did not matter now, all that did was that Percy got his much needed blood.

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"Perseus Jackson."

"Awe, man, really?" Percy whined. "Can a guy not take his amazing girlfriend out for one measly, peaceful date?"

"Perseus Jackson, you will die today," it was a cyclopes. "You cannot hope to defeat me."

Percy took a deep breath through his nose, smelling the monster's blood. "Underestimate me, that'll be fun."

Annabeth sniggered, letting go of her boyfriend's hand. "Hungry, Percy?"


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