Dramione Part 1

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My sister, @janeandmichelle gave me most of the ideas (since it's her favorite ship). The only thing that is mine is the fact that I wrote it, the names-actually some of those are hers too- and the locations. Dramione oneshot, part 1. This is a Granger family reunion, however, Draco and Hermione are not yet together. Definite Ron bashing and best friend relationship with Draco and Harry.



"Professor? Are you alright?"

Professor Hermione Granger, the Muggle studies professor, blinked, having unexpectedly been yanked out of her thoughts. "Yes, Mr Zabini, I am fine," she said in a gentle tone. "I trust you finished your exam?"

The third year Ravenclaw was standing in front of her desk, holding the bundle of parchment carefully. He looked nothing like his father, favoring the blond hair and grey eyes of his mother. His personality, however, could be matched with Blaise in a heartbeat. Calm yet cheerful and very observant.

Maybe too observant.

"Yes, Professor," he handed the bundle to his teacher and frowned. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, Mr. Zabini, now head off, I'm sure you have a lot of packing to do," Hermione whispered with a smile that felt forced.

This had been a stress filled term. So many things had gone wrong, it was impossible to keep track. And the letter she received earlier did not help at all.

"'Mione?" Came a familiar voice from the door. "Care to explain why Mr. Lucas Zabini told me to tell you to not go alone?"

Hermione chuckled. "Lucas has gained a few talents from his mother," she told him shakily. "He seems to know things about people like Luna did."

"What's wrong, Hermione?" Her best friend asked, coming to her side from the door. He made sure to close it behind him as he did. "Is it Ron? Has he been bugging you? I really thought he would leave you alone after Ginny hexed him the last time."

"It's not Ron, Harry," Hermione laughed, still shaky from earlier. "Here." She handed him the letter from under the piles of papers on her desk. Despite her efforts to forget about it throughout the day, it was always in the back of her mind. Exam day didn't have much opportunity for a teacher to be distracted.

Harry's eyes skimmed the letter easily and his green eyes behind the glasses narrowed in confusion. "A family reunion?" He said, still confused. She'd never told him about her own family she'd managed to avoid since she was twelve. "Why are you upset about this?"

She smiled hesitantly at his confusion. "Most of my cousins are very much like how Dudley was when you were younger," she told him quietly.

Now, of course since Dudley's own daughter was a first year Hufflepuff, the cousins managed to put away their hostility. Not to mention the fact that Dudley made a sort of half apology before he left with his parents in the year of the war. They even had a great time in Diagon Ally to prepare little Faith for her first year of school.

"How long has it been since you've seen them?" Harry asked, giving her a look she couldn't decipher.

Hermione grimaced. She knew her answer would push Harry to encourage her to go. "Since the summer before second year," she replied.

"Would it be easier if I went with you?" He asked now, looking at her with concern,

Hermione had been looking down at her hands in her lap but when he said that, her head snapped up. "Would you?" She almost begged.

Harry's lips pulled into a smile. "Of course, 'Mione," he assured her.

"What about Ginny?" Hermione asked.

Harry waved his hand. "I don't think she'll mind," he said. "If she weren't pregnant, I think she'd want to go as well."

"Thank you, Harry!" Hermione threw her arms around her best friend with a sudden burst of gratitude.

"How about you stop by my house before we go?" Harry suggested. "Ginny wanted to see you anyways."

🌳            🌳

"Yes, I'm sure, it's only for a couple weeks," Ginny said in response to Hermione's concerns. "I'll be fine. You just need to keep an eye on Harry. You know how he is."

Hermione laughed. "Malfoy might even be able to get some work done while we're gone," she joked.

The two were partners in the Auror office. Mostly because Harry was the only one who seemed to trust the Malfoy from the start. Now it was different. Ron was the one no one trusted. His inability to do his work correctly caused some major accidents and it was only because of Hermione he was even able to keep his job.

Of course that might not be how it is from here on out because they weren't together anymore. Now he had no help and the quality of his work decreased dramatically.

"Hey, I don't get in that much trouble!" Harry yelled from the other room as he finished packing.

"Potter, when are you going to stop fooling around with new cases and do the paperwork? We've been on the Oswald case since April!" A familiar voice called from the living room where the fireplace was. "Don't even get me started on the Mathenson case, that's been going on since February!"

There was a silence where Hermione shared knowing looks with each other.

"I regret ever keying you into our wards! You have horrible timing!" Harry shouted as he came swiftly out of the room, heading to the fireplace. He saw the girls holding in laughter and scowled. "It's not my fault I get into trouble all the time," he protested just as Draco Malfoy sauntered in.

"Well, it's not my fault and I doubt it's Theo's fault either," he retorted dryly with a raised eyebrow. "And your track record is not doing you any favors."

"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry just said, disappearing back into the room he just left. "You'll be able to get some paperwork done with in the next couple weeks at least, I'll be out of town."

"Where are you going?" Draco asked, puzzled, looking around. He saw the suitcases first then Ginny, to whom he gave a nod. Then he finally saw Hermione. "Granger? What are you doing here? Don't you have to teach kids about the function of a rubber duck?"

Hermione had to suppress a snort. "Term ended last week," she informed him, "Harry's coming with me to a family reunion."

Draco rose an eye brow again. "I did not realize Potter was related to you," he said, a little surprised.

"I'm not," Harry said, coming out of the room, dragging an obviously heavy trunk. "Blaise's kid just told me to not let her go alone."

"Really?" Draco was watching Harry struggle with the trunk, obviously confused about something. "Why don't you use your wand, Potter?" He sounded exasperated, as if he'd had this conversation before. "You are a wizard for Merlin's sake."

"What did you even pack?" Hermione asked. "We're only going camping for a few weeks."

Harry stopped dragging the trunk and scratched his head. "Well, I didn't know that," he protested. "Are we in tents?"

"No," Hermione answered, holding back a laugh. "My Grandmother owns a cabin in the Forest of Dean."

"Thank Merlin, I've had enough of tents," Harry said in relief.

"Oh, Hermione, I know this is last minute," Ginny said suddenly. "But could you take Teddy with you? He's been wanting to get out of the house already."

"School's only been over for a week!" Draco said, astonished.

"He's in the same house as a pregnant lady,' Ginny retorted.

Draco wisely didn't say anything.

"Where will you be?" Hermione said, worried. "You can't hardly be in an empty house all by yourself."

"I'll be staying with Mum and Dad," Ginny said, patting her friend's hand. "They need some company."

"Aunt Ginny! Did you ask her yet?" A voice came in from the back of the house.

"Yes!" Ginny shouted, startling Hermione and Draco with how loud she'd suddenly gotten. The red head turned to Hermione expectantly.

"What'd she say?" Teddy's voice came again.

With a rueful smile, Hermione nodded.

"She said yes!" This time Hermione and Draco were prepared.

"Wahoo!" Teddy shouted, running inside and to Hermione's side. The girl barely had enough time to prepare for the twelve year old to throw himself at her. "Thank you, Auntie 'Mione!"

"What did I say about running in the house!" Harry said as Hermione pat the boy's back, and squeezed him back, laughing.

🌳            🌳

"You ready?" Harry said as they stood in front of the rather intimidating cabin. It was two stories and had an almost fantasy feel to it but seeing it now made Hermione want to turn back.

"You got this, Auntie 'Mione," Teddy said enthusiastically, bouncing on his feet.

With a shaky breath, she nodded and led the way to the front door. The door opened easily, seeing as she had a key sent over from her parents when she'd told them she was coming.

The second the door closed behind them, an inhuman shriek sounded from the other end of the hall.

"HERMIONE!" Next thing said witch knew, she was engulfed in a tight hug and loosing breath fast.

"H-hi, Aunt Georgiana!" Hermione choked out. Harry could barely see her through the larger lady's bushy hair. Teddy giggled.

The bushy haired aunt pulled away. "What happened to Georgie?" She asked, trying to sound offended.

"I just wanted the readers to know your real name," Hermione explained, waving her hand.

"What?" The aunt asked, confused.

"Never mind," Hermione laughed, turning to Harry and Teddy. "Aunt Georgie, this is Harry Potter and Teddy Lupin. Harry is a very good friend of mine and Teddy is his godson."

Georgiana gave a sly look to Hermione. "Is he your-"

"No, Aunt Georgie!" Hermione protested, blushing madly. "He's married and he's just my best friend."

"Fine," Georgiana said, obviously trying not to pout. "Well, come in! I'll show you to where you'll be sleeping. Your mother and father got here yesterday, they're in the family room. We'll join them in a few moments. Mr. Potter and his godson will have to share with you, Hermione, as we did not know they were coming."

"That's fine," Hermione said cheerfully. "It was last minute. We'll figure something out."

They ended up hanging a large sheet between the bed and air mattresses Harry and Teddy brought. Hermione would have the bed as Harry would not listen to any of her arguments.

After setting up the room, Hermione led the way to the family room where the majority of the Granger family was hanging out.

One look around the room reminded Hermione why she loved going to these things. The kids were sprawled on what space they could find on the floor, playing the board games and card games people had brought. The teenagers, however few they were, were lounging in arm chairs in the corner on phones and tablets, probably wishing they'd never come. Too old for the card games the younger ones were playing and too young for talking with the adults. Everyone was laughing and telling stories.

That is, until she walked in the room with Harry and Teddy right behind her.

"Hermione!" Several voices exclaimed at once. She was almost tackled to the floor as several people embraced her at once.

"Juliet! Lizzie!" Hermione laughed, recognizing her cousins. "Jane! I've missed you!" The three were Georgie's kids and her favorite cousins.

"Hermione Granger, come say hello to your mother and grandmother, I know I raised you properly," came another very welcome voice.

"Mum! Gran!" Hermione embraced both matriarchs with almost tearful laughter. It had been too long.

"Who are these guys?" A deep voice reminded Hermione of her manners.

"This is Harry Potter, my best friend from school and his godson, Teddy Lupin," Hermione said, smiling widely. Why did she never come back again?

"Is he single?" A high voice called from the other side of the sofa.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

"No, I am married," Harry answered, a little uncomfortably as Teddy sniggered. The Boy-Who-Lived-Twice sent his godson a dirty look before walking farther into the room.

"You won't want him anyways," a new but old voice came now and Hermione sighed in annoyance from her spot next to her mother. "He's trouble, he is. My brother-in-law's nephew-you remember him?"

"Yes, Aunt Marge," Several voices said around the room dully. Hermione was one of them, Aunt Marge was always going on about her brother-in-law's nephew and comparing him to every boy the family either brought over or talked about. Hermione stopped listening around five years old.

"Well, that's him," she finished, shocking everyone in the room-including Harry.

Then, "You didn't bring any of your dogs, did you?" Harry asked dryly.

"You guys are related?" Teddy said loudly, ignoring Harry's 'Teddy, inside voice.' He looked between Harry and Hermione, looking like he was going to burst into laughter. "Wait 'til Aunt Ginny and Draco find out about this!" Now he did laugh, full on, holding his middle and bending over.

"Okay, that's enough, cub, go play or whatever," Harry said, pushing Teddy's blond head in the direction of the other kids.

Teddy, still laughing, joined in with the younger kids, seeing as they looked to be having more fun than the older ones.

⚽️ ⚽️

"A car crash," Aunt Marge was saying the next day during a picnic. "If you ask me, they were both drunk. They weren't much older than Austen here and already had a baby! A couple of irresponsible drunks, they-"

"They were murdered," Harry interjected just loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

Hermione, her parents, Teddy and Harry were sitting uneasily in their own corner of the blankets laid out throughout Aunt Marge's whole tirade. Finally, to Hermione's relief, Harry seemed to have enough.

"Excuse me boy?" Aunt Marge said, obviously offended at being interrupted. "Are you saying I don't know my own facts?"

"About my mum and dad? Yes." Harry said in a dangerously calm voice. "They were murdered in their own home. My mum and dad gave their lives to protect me."

"Uncle Harry, do you want to play Quid-erm, football?" Teddy asked, effectively cutting off the tense silence after Harry's angry words.

"Sure," Harry said stiffly. Soon, he, Teddy and some of the older kids were having a blast outside with the black and white ball.

"Bless that boy," Mrs. Granger whispered to Hermione who nodded in agreement.

"So," the same high voice from the night before started. A girl with silky brown hair and an outfit that bordered on too revealing leaned forward to speak with Hermione. "If he's married, where's his wife?"

This was Coroline. Daughter of Hermione's uncle, William Granger. Uncle William was great. His kids? Not so much, as Coroline just demonstrated.

Hermione turned a stern glare onto her cousin. "Ginny is at her mothers because her doctor did not allow for her to be up and about right now," she said coldly.

"Lazy, no good woman, I'd wager," Aunt Marge commented. "Much like the husband I'm sure."

It was a good thing Teddy took Harry to play off in the field. Hermione did not want to think about what would happen if he were hearing this.

"Ginny is pregnant," Hermione said, still coldly.

"That's right!" Mrs. Granger gushed, suddenly excited. "When is she due again?"

"Sometime this week," Hermione answered, softening. The topic had moved on slightly from dangerous waters. "Ginny wanted Harry and Teddy to come so they could have some fun before the baby came." And so she wouldn't be alone. Ginny was too good a friend to Hermione.

Suddenly, Harry came running into their area. "Hermione, help!" He called desperately.

"What'd you do this time, Harry?" Hermione sighed in exasperation.

"Nothing, I swear!" He managed to get out before Teddy tackled his godfather to the floor.

Mrs. and Mr. Granger laughed as they watched the two bond. "He would be such a great father," Mr. Granger commented happily.

"Harry, Teddy, get off the ground before you roll into the food," Hermione said, rubbing her temples. Harry and Teddy didn't hear her and continued to wrestle with each other, laughing as Hermione rolled her eyes, giving up.

🌳            🌳            🌳            🌳

The third day was a scavenger hunt and the clues they recovered led everyone in their group (which included Teddy, Harry and herself) to the forest outside.

"What are we looking for again?" Teddy asked the older people with him. They'd had enough of scavenger hunts for a life time after that time with the Horcruxes so they let Teddy handle it. He was naturally gifted at this, which didn't surprise Hermione much. The boy did live with an excellent Seeker after all. That and he was a son of a Maurader.

"'A cup of tarnished luster,'" Hermione quoted even as Harry went to look at the clue.

"Right," Teddy's hair was a white blond for this trip. Reminding Hermione of something she couldn't put her finger on.

Suddenly, an eagle-owl flew right at Harry's face. "Hey!" He protested, waving his arms just as it landed gently on a tree branch. "Stupid owl, why do you hate me so much?"

"I don't think he hates you," Hermione said, reaching out a hand to stroke the noble owl's feathers. "Maybe it was an accident."

"That's Draco's owl," Teddy called back, obviously listening in on the conversation.

"Yeah, he hates you," Hermione laughed, watching the owl snap at Harry's fingers as he reached for the folded piece of parchment tied to its leg.

"What does it say?" Teddy asked, coming to stand next to Hermione and Harry curiously.

"Holy Merlin's underpants," Harry muttered, staring down at the letter in pale awe.

"What?" Hermione asked, growing worried. She only remembered him looking like this one other time. When he saw Snape's memories right before he went to get killed by Voldemort.

"Ginny's in labor-or she was this morning," he said. "'Mione, I have to go. Will you be alright here by yourself?"

"She won't be by herself," Teddy said. "I'm staying."

"Thank you, Teddy," Hermione said, pulling the boy in for a hug. "Let's go help Harry pack up."

🌳 🌳

A loud knock came from the front door a day later, interrupting the flow of the kitchen as the Granger family was preparing for dinner.

"I'll get it!" Uncle William and Juliet yelled, both scrambling for the front door at the same time.

"Were we expecting someone?" Georgie looked around at the others in the kitchen. She was at the cutting board with the veggies.

"Where'd Harry go?" Coroline asked, looking around for the dark haired boy.

"He had to go home," Hermione said tightly. "Ginny is having her baby."

"Oh, how wonderful!" Lizzie exclaimed, clapping her hands. "Do they know the baby's name yet?"

"They named the little brat, Albus Severus Potter," a familiar and welcome voice said before Hermione could say anything.

"Draco!" Teddy shouted, running and jumping onto the tall blond's back. "What're you doing here?"

"Harry sent me, since he couldn't come, he said I needed to," Draco drawled even as he steadied himself by putting a hand on the door frame. Hermione gasped at the hard nudge in her ribs given by her mother. "He thinks I don't have any paperwork to do."

"Do you?" Teddy asked, raising a knowing eyebrow down at Draco.

"No, I finished it all the first two days he was gone but that's not the point," Draco snapped playfully. He was easily taking the boy's weight as he walked farther it the room. "Granger," he greeted.

"Malfoy," Hermione smiled. They still hadn't grown out of calling each other by last name. "Did you bring pictures?"

"Yes, he gave me-ah, copies to show you," Draco said, smirking. "Let me tell you, he has a weird camera."

"Are you related?" Darwin, Uncle William's son asked. He was at the grill, helping out Pops (Grandpa Granger) with the burgers. He looked as though he was trying to hold back a sneer as he watched Teddy climb all over his taller cousin.

"We're cousins," Draco and Teddy said at the same time only to share a look then a smirk at Hermione's horrified face.

"This is going to be a nightmare," she muttered.

🌳 🌳

"Mum, no, stop, please," Hermione hid her red face in her hands.

Mrs. Granger only laughed. "I'm right though, aren't I?" She poked her daughter in the stomach. "He's the one you told me about, is he not?"

Hermione mumbled something under her breath.

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you," Georgie was laughing now, along with her daughters.

"Yes," Hermione said clearly just as Coroline walked in.

"Is he single, Hermione?" She demanded, sitting right next to her cousin. "He's hot."

"You have a boyfriend," Jane said flatly.

"And you don't," Coroline snapped. "Besides, what he doesn't know won't hurt him."

"He is single," Hermione said, already resigned to the reaction of her least liked cousin.

"Perfect!" Coroline exclaimed, settling down satisfied.

"Hey, Granger," Draco shouted front he back porch. "You didn't tell me the cabin was right by a lake! I would've come with you and Harry if I'd known that!"

"Can we go in, Aunt 'Mione?" Teddy begged, running into the room.

"Yes," Hermione answered with an amused smile.

"You are coming too, Granger, don't even test me on this," Draco said as he passed through the room, possibly to go change.

Hermione groaned as the rest of her cousins and their kids expressed their desire to go in the lake as well.

Standing on the dock, ten minutes later, hugging her arms to her stomach, which was covered by her plain red one-piece, was Hermione Granger. She would have been fine had she remembered about her scars. As it was, she had a crap load of makeup covering the big, bold, "MUDBLOOD" word on her arm. However, Hermione was not sure how long it would last and she left her wand in her suitcase.

"Come on, Aunt 'Mione!" Teddy called. "Come in!"

She really needed to learn wandless glamours and charms.

It went well for about a half hour or so, Hermione was not sure. But then, her cousin, Lizzie (always so observant) noticed.

"'Mudblood'?" She said in confusion. "What does that mean, Hermione?"

Said witch glanced down to see that the make up had washed off. Looking at it, along with hearing the word, prompted her already panicking mind that someone saw the scars to re-live that night at the Malfoy manor.

Just before she blacked out, she heard Draco's voice call almost desperately. "Granger? Hermione! 'Mione, it's ok, you're not there. We aren't there..."

💦 💦

Hermione woke up curled up next to a white, blond boy cuddled up to her side. She tried moving away but the boy only hugged her tighter. "Malfoy," she groaned in annoyance. "Let go."

"Aunt 'Mione, do you have something to confess?" Came a much younger voice than she was expecting.

"Teddy?" She yelped, now fully awake. "What happened? Why are you in my bed?"

"I'm not in your bed, you are in your bed," Teddy smirked. "I'm on your bed."

"Oh, shove off," Hermione pushed the twelve year old off the bed and he landed with a hard thump.

"Feeling violent today, Granger?" Drawled a voice from the door. "What ever did he do to you?"

"Don't be so smug, Draco, Uncle Harry told me how she punched you in the face when you were my age!" Laughed a voice from the floor.

Draco winced. "Yes, a rather unpleasant memory," he said, reaching up to touch his nose.

"Speaking of memories," Teddy said, getting back up to look properly at Hermione. "That was about the war, wasn't it?"

"Yes," Hermione breathed, looking down at her lap. She knew it was a bad memory for Draco as well. She did not want to remind him.

No word was said as Draco hurried to her side and pulled her into his strong arms. "Was it about my aunt?" He whispered.

Hermione started shaking, tears pooling at the memory. This urged Teddy to hug the both of them. He knew nothing about what they went through. However, he did know that they may never recover from the traumatic experience. The best he could do was be there for them.

"I'm sorry, 'Mione, I should have known, do your parent's know?" Draco murmured softly into her ear.

She immediately shook her head. They did not know and they can never know. Hermione did not want to put this kind of guilt on their conscious. Something they did not have any control over.

"Hermione?" That was Lizzie at the door, knocking hesitantly. "May I come in I am sorry for whatever I did. Please forgive me."

At a nod from Hermione, Teddy moved to open the door. Draco stayed where he was, holding onto Hermione. On the other side were Hermione's three cousins, Lizzie, Jane and Juliet. Fortunately, Coroline and Darwin were nowhere to be seen.

Lizzie bounced over and buried her face in Hermione's neck, unintentionally pushing Draco aside. As the dark haired cousin nearly squeezed Hermione to death, Teddy laughed at the disappointed face on his own cousin's face. Hermione saw and giggled as well, squeezing Lizzie back to hide her blush.

🏕 🏕

It has been a couple of days since the pool incident and Draco, Lizzie, Jane and Juliet were going a great job of keeping Coroline and Darwin away from that topic. Draco would not leave Hermione's side and Teddy would glance over at her every few minutes to check on her.

The family decided to have a barbecue and that is when things started to go wrong. Aunt Marge, Coroline and Darwin seemed to be trying to bother Hermione as much as they could. Lidia, Darwin's wife, was uncomfortably looking on, unsure what to do. Georgie and Hermione's parents were in the same boat, looking on in concern. Uncle William, Draco and Teddy, however, were angrily glaring at the offending family members.

"Those are not self harm, are they?" Darwin was saying in disgust. His nose wrinkled and he looked at Hermione down his nose.

(AN: please note, I have nothing against self harm-besides the fact that it makes me increasingly sad and I wish people wouldn't do it but it's not like I can do much about it but be as nice to as many people, as often as I can- I was just writing this to show how horrible Darwin, Coroline and Aunt Marge were)

"Do not dignify that with an answer," Draco said quietly. Too quietly for anyone but Hermione to hear. "Do not say anything, don't-"

"I'm not," Hermione said, interruptions Draco's chant.

"I was talking to myself," he retorted, causing the witch next to him to laugh lightly.

"What are those scars from?" Coroline asked loud enough for the entire table to hear. The dark haired beauty smiled slyly at Hermione.

"Scars?" Mrs. Granger whispered quietly to Hermione who was next to her.

Her daughter did not answer as Aunt Marge pushed, "What did Lizzie say it said? Mud-something?"

Mrs. Granger froze. While she may not have known of the scars, she knew very well what the word was that her daughter was called in the wizarding world. She might not even know the true meaning of the word but she did know that it was a highly insulting word and her daughter did not deserve to be called that.

Fortunately, in that moment, Draco decided to ignore his own advice. "Maybe if you knew what you were talking about, you would be able to make a proper insult," he said. "Since you don't, I suggest you keep your mouth shut, as we don't feel inclined to explain."

"Take that, muggles," Teddy said just loud enough for the three of them to hear.

Hermione went to sleep that night feeling warm and fuzzy knowing she was surrounded by good friends and family despite also being surrounded by not so good people.

🌌 🌌

Two more days after that, Hermione was having troubles defining her relationship with Draco. He'd taken her out in the middle of the night to show her a completely stunning view he'd found. They hung out more than Hermione did with her cousins and other family the past few days as well. Something she felt guilty about until she caught the looks Georgie and her kids were sending her. They knew something they weren't telling her.

Hermione had no problem defining their relationship until the night out on the lake, under the big sky of stars. She was looking up, pointing out the constellations she knew, enjoying the gorgeous view above.

"That one is called-wait, never mind," Hermione suddenly cut herself off, realizing she had almost made a huge mistake.

"What?" Draco asked softly, his eyes never leaving her face. "Don't stop now. You light the night when you're talking."

Hermione blushed. She knew he was flirting but she had no idea why. He never had before. "I just didn't want to inflate your ego anymore than it already is," she explained.

"What is it?" Draco breathed with a small twitch of his lips as he leaned in close. Almost touching her lips. He was so close, she could see the darker specks of grey in his eyes.

"It's called Draco," she answered, just as quietly. She had a feeling he knew already why she'd stopped before. She just didn't know why he insisted she say it. "A dragon constellation."

"I love it when you say my name," he breathed again, getting closer.


"Malfoy?" She questioned just as he closed the gap.

"Wrong," he murmured softly after a second.

Hermione felt her world spinning as she whispered, "Draco."

"Yes," Draco said as he kissed her again.

Needless to say, Hermione blushed when ever she said his name after that and was completely unsure as to what it all meant.

Stay tuned for Part 2!

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