Sneak Peak

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Trying to fix a glitch.

Hey guys! It's been a LOOOOONG time since I've updated in here. And it was not on purpose, actually, I was supposed to have a oneshot down around January.... But something happened and what I thought would be 10,000 words turned into currently 21,000 words. Yep, and it is still not done, it is still a rough draft.

So I decided to give you all a COMPLETELY UNEDITED snippet of my rough draft. 

NOTE, as I wrote this the story focus changed so many parts may not line up with the beginning, this will be fixed in the final draft. (If I decide to post it here) Next, I would LOVE feedback, BUT do NOT point out any grammer or spelling mistakes, this is literally UNEDITED on purpose. I'm trying a new style of writing where I don't edit anything until the draft is done, and then it will be rewritten completely afterwards. 

Please, if you comment about grammar or spelling I will delete the comment. I would really appreciate any other kinds of feedback. And don't forget to tell me what you think so far.

Again, this is only a fraction of what I have been writing and still writing. Also this is a youtuber oneshot, however a lot of the names are modified to fit the story better.

WARNING: Explicit language, mentions of slavery and possible abuse, war, brutality, and very dark story telling (at least in the future)


A young soldier boy, only 16, practically a child, with auburn, red hair that draped over one eye. He had on an iron helmet just a little too big for his head that hung dangerously low over his eyes. He carried in his hands a battered spear handed down to him after the death of another soldier, who he took the place of. He was in the front lines, a sacrificial pawn.

Not that he minded.

It was all he was good for.

He wasn't the least bit powerful or intelligent or even handsome. He was just some kid who wanted to do anything to help, and if dying in a war and sacrificing his life was that something. He was willing to die.

He would swallow his fear to that end.


Year 1253.

The Friea Empire was at war against the My'tav. The My'tav were animalistic beings with cruel hearts that had reigned over the Friea Empire and many more for thousands and thousands of years. It was now the Frieans had enough.

With the public execution of their emperor at the My'tav hands and their emperor's finals words; chaos broke loose. The Frieans would not stand for this tyranny. Their beloved ruler who remained brave despite the hundreds of years the royal family had been through was killed, supposedly ending the royal family for good.

The My'tavs had gone too far. The Frieans would now rally up against the My'tavs through 7 long bitter years of war

Year 1260.

The story of one insignificant soldier boy and the halfling My'tav child he meets.


"Stand tall men! Victory is an honor earned, and we will not let those wretched beasts oppress us any longer! Any moment now you'll see the accursed forms of those animals pass over that hill. From there we aim to slaughter!" The commander, a man in his late 30's, worn by age, years of experience, and wisdom roared at his sad excuse of an army. All young and scrawny men who previously were nothing more but nobody's, and even now were still just nobodys. Our young auburn red haired nobody of a soldier stood among them. Fear in his eyes but a conviction to fight or die trying apparent in his heart.

Their commander was a man known far and wide for his fiery red hair, and known even more for his fiery temper. Commander Maximilius Mithvren. He wore black iron armor said to be a reflection of his coal black heart that would fire up like a flame of passion never seen before. They say the man almost never took off that armor, but they say that if he did, underneath would be a golden necklace. It was rumored to have been given to him by his lover killed just at the start of the war, hence why the man was always itching for My'tav blood.

Over the hill top were lurking shadows, the line of soldiers stiffened at their ominous presence. The lurking shadows stopped at the hilltop, it looked like glowing eyes stared down below at the unfortunate men.

With that their commander roared the signal to attack, and like dogs told to fetch the soldiers rushed in. It was a bloodbath.

The My'tav came down the hill and slaughtered soldiers left and right, cutting through them like butter.

Our auburn haired soldier was in the midst of all this blood, some how managing to not be one of the many humans to die by the teeth or claws of the My'tav.

He couldn't scream nor even shout as the men he stood by died before even getting a chance to raise their spears. The My'tav were so powerful. So mighty. How could he fight them? He stumbled back only a few steps down the hill and tripped over a fallen body. He fell to the ground and watched the carnage of the war all around him. Rivers of blood ran down the hill, more of it human than My'tav. How have they, the Frieans, survived 7 years of this brutal war?

He flinched to his right as a figure approached, it was his commander. His commander stared down at him with eyes so cold they would freeze a man instantly to the spot.

"Get up," was all he said before his commander rushed back into the battle, disappearing among the fighting bodies.

The young soldier boy was frozen before an arrow just narrowly missed him and he scrambled to his feet. He clutched his spear tightly in his hands till his knuckles turned white.

He breath was ragged and hot.

A beastly figure was upon him before he could even scream.

He felt claws dig into his shoulder and he let out a strangled scream. His hands still clutched his spear. He pushed up, throwing the beast off of him. His shoulders bloody and sore. His heart pounded. Oh he was so scared. So damn terrified. While the beast was down he attacked. His spear thrust into the monster's stomach as it let out a pained roar. He didn't stop.

Out of fear he pulled the spear out and stabbed again. And again. And again. Tears burning his eyes; war was a terrible, terrible thing.

And the battle raged on around him, his commander was at the hilltop fighting a My'tav.

This My'tav was gilded in robes that meant he was important. He was perhaps the commander of this army of My'tavs. A beast of purple scales and a long tail that was spiked at the end.

Now the poor, unfortunate soldier boy didn't know it but this My'tav was one of the head My'tav Generals. Not a commander. Most people knew of this My'tav for he was fierce and unforgiving, much like Maximilius but far more well known.

"Filthy lizard," Maximilius spat, "Surrender yourself now."

"Surrenders? But the fight has onlys just begun," The My'tav general laughed, "Or ares yous hoping I'll stops my army because your sorry ass is beings kicked so hards? This'll teach yous Frieans who's reallys in control." The My'tav snarled, pushing his sword farther towards the poor human commander's weapon.

Maximilius bit his tongue and tasted blood. The salty taste was awful to him, a sign of weakness, a sign that he was being beat. Not today!

"Never!" He growled; he pushed against the My'tav harder. They both lost their balance and tumbled down the hill.

"Commander!" Our young soldier boy cried out. He ran down the hill towards his commander to aid him.

"Stay back you damn fool!" He heard his commander scream to him as the two fighting forms rolled down the hill before hitting the bottom just feet from each other.

The young soldier boy yelped as he saw two My'tav rush towards him. The screams of his comrades were weakening, either less of them were dying, or less of them were still alive.

The young soldier boy was too occupied with fighting to pay attention to his commander and the scene that unfolded below.


General Barnus Thash, a great My'tav general. He's served the My'tav Empire his whole life and was granted the honor to be one of two Generals against the rebellious Frieans.

This great and mighty My'tav General was narrowly defeated, and captured along with one surviving subordinate. Though victory was claimed, it was not all that sweet. The loss of more than half their men was the cost for this hard earned victory.

Our young soldier boy was having his wounds tended to, he watched the prisoners who sat stripped of all weapons, and all accessories. One of the surviving Frieans with hardly a scratch was laughing at their My'tav prisoners.

"What a joke!" He chided, "The Great General of the My'tav has been captured by some run down troop, I bet you thought you would win this battle!" The Friean laughed and shoved his foot into General Barnus' face. The My'tav didn't flinch, he hardly moved. Even though he sat on his knees in the middle of their camp with his ankles and wrist shackled. Next to the general was a snarling brown fur covered My'tav. The beast was chained the same way, with the added collar around his neck. The damn My'tav wouldn't stop snapping and baring its teeth that it was the only thing they could do to prevent it from going wild.

The Friean man laughed manically as he continued to kick General Barnus in the face and several times in the gut. The General still spoke no words and uttered no cries.

His companion on the other hand snarled and snapped its teeth but it couldn't move its head too far with the chain around its neck.

The young soldier boy got up and thanked the one who had wrapped up his wounds. He walked towards his comrade but stood several feet behind him.

"Our Commander will be here any second and we'll all laugh as he tortures you both for information. The My'tav tyranny will end!" The man gave one last kick to the General, the My'tav's face was swollen so badly and bleed profusely from several wounds, not including the wounds earned from fighting the Commander.

"Ah, General Barnus of the My'tav," Commander Maximilius walked into the clearing where what few soldiers remained gathered.

The My'tav general snorted, "It's seems I truly ams known fars by even yous Frieans. My reputations has runs deep into yours lowly communities," the General remarked despite the injuries to his face, "Unfortunatelys it seems Is don't knows your names. What a shames. I suppose it doesn'ts matters, you're nothing buts a lowlys Commander ranks, nots to mentions a human," Barnus spat a glob of blood at the Commander's feet and sneered up at the man.

The Commander's face was red with rage.

Our young soldier boy watched from the sidelines. His eyes widened as the Commander took up his spear. But instead of cutting or stabbing the General, his spear made its way straight to the other prisoner. First the Commander struck the beast's arm, and the the opposing arm before twisting the spear left and right until the crunch of bone was heard. That My'tav's screams were deep and piercing to anyone's ears. Our young soldier boy felt sick to his stomach.

"Don't play games with me! I'll kill not only the last of your men, but torture him to do so. And I won't hesitate to do it to you either! So tell me where the My'tav Queen is!"

"Has! Trys harder. This is toos amusings to merit anys surrender, torture us. It doesn'ts matter. You'res still just a lowly Commanders, and yours men ares nothings to the My'tav Empire. We remains loyal, our hearts wills nevers sway!"

The Commander snapped. And like that the spear shoved through the throat of General Barnus. Barnus fell with a grin on his face and the Commander ordered the other prisoner to be taken away for interrogation.

General Barnus' body was left there on the ground with a spear through his throat all night long. Even when the body was dried of blood, and stiffened from the cold, and a rotting smell begin to rise into the air; the body was not moved. It was abandoned even after Maximilius' troops moved out further west for new battles, and new recruits. The only thing they took was the General's head as a trophy of their victory.

7 long years of war and only one of the two terrifying My'tav Generals had finally been killed.


Our young soldier boy currently hid in the bushes waiting for signs of movement. He was 'promoted' to lookout and no longer served the front lines unless absolutely necessary. He supposed it was a relief. He was given a position and told his small and thin frame would be best suited for it.

As for their Commander, only a few short months after the death of General Barnus. Commander Maximilius was promoted to General himself. A feat actually noteworthy in comparison to our young soldier boy's 'promotion'.

General Maximilius was moved to command even larger troops, and left the newly appointed Commander Mitchell. This new Commander was the same man who repeatedly kicked the My'tav General Barnus till he bled. Yes, that same maniac. He later handled the torturing of the other My'tav that had been captured with the My'tav General. The brown furred one who snapped endlessly as if its fangs would eventually catch human flesh.

Speaking of which, that My'tav with one paralyzed arm and another broken, actually escaped one dark night. He took a few Frieans down before disappearing.

Our young soldier boy waited in those bushes for hours. Praying he would see whatever it was Commander Mitchell wanted him to look for. He had his spear next to him in case he had to fight.

He caught movement in the forest, he shifted his body to get a better look. The young soldier boy's eyes widened. It was a line of humans traversing the forest in tattered clothes and shackled to one another. Captives, slaves, criminals, women, children, so many different kinds of people. This miserable line of humans were surrounded by My'tavs. He needed to get out of here and report his to his Commander.

He began to scooch back out of the bush. He scrapped his arms on the rough ground but held back a hiss. He was careful, or he tried to be.

"What was that?"

He stopped and held his breath. His fingers tightened around his spear. Oh how he prayed.

"Its nothing, carry on. The Queen is expecting us and these fresh captured Frieans."

The Queen. He's heard his former Commander, now General, and his current Commander all mention this My'tav Queen. No really knows who she is, or where she is, or if she actually exists. This whole war has been centered on killing the Queen for 7 whole years and no concrete proof on her existence exists. He wanted to do something in this war.

He was a nobody, just a scrawny 16 year old boy picked up by the Friean army after his village was burned down leaving only him. He didn't think he would survive in the war this long, and he still didn't think he would live to see its end. But if he could do anything, anything at all as this worthless nobody, maybe he could find the Queen. Or better yet evidence of her existence.

He could be a somebody with this information....

He didn't like Commander Mitchell, he was an absolute nutcase only a few years older than himself. He would find General Maximilius and tell him of what he found.

Our young soldier boy hid amongst the trees, he followed several meters behind and far to the left. He always kept the My'tav and their captives to his right so he could see out of his good eye. The eye not covered by hair.

He watched them without saying a word. He had a few days supplies and if he rationed it he could make it last more. He didn't know where they were going, or how long it would take to get there. He had to be careful.

When night fell the My'tav set up camp. They had the captives huddled in the cold nights just like what the poor, young, soldier boy was doing. While the My'tavs ate around a fire and laughed and joked, he shivered and froze much like the captives.

The boy slept uncomfortably, and when morning rose he woke readied himself for another day of tracking. It went like this for several more days. The young soldier boy had stretched his rations to last him just a few more days but he was already out of water. He wasn't sure if he could take much longer. The My'tav spoke hardly of their Queen, and all information gained was nothing that would end this forsaken war.

One morning when the young soldier boy woke, he rose to find the My'tav and their captives gone.

He panicked and rushed to the place of their campsite. The only thing left was trampled on grass and footprints. He forced himself to calm down. They couldn't have gone far, if he hurried now, maybe he could catch up to them.

Few minutes passed and he was tense, the forest path grew thicker and it was getting harder to find tracks or signs. How could that be? The mass amount of humans they had should leave a trace, there's no way they could just vanish like that.

There was a noise from above and the young soldier boy looked up and gasped. Two My'tavs were falling down upon him. He raised his spear in defense, but it was no use.

"Looks like we were being followed, eh?"

"Obviously you dumb shit."

"Don't get smart with me, eh."

"Quit talking like an idiot and maybe I'll be nicer."

"Hmph, well let's at least hurry and drag this human to the others, eh?"

The young soldier boy was dazed. He was being carried but also dragged through the forest. He wasn't sure what happened. But something happened. The top half of his body was elevated, while the bottom half was being dragged. He moved his head side to side and tried to make sense of his surroundings.

"Lookie, lookie! We found ourselves a sneaky little human, eh?"

"Shut up, you talk so damn annoyingly!"

"Oh fuck off, eh!" the two My'tavs began to glare at each other ready to pick a fight. They dropped our young soldier boy to the ground. The jolt to his body shocked him into an upright position. He looked wildly around and found 5 My'tavs total. Two ready to claw at each other's throats and 3 others staring down at him. He instinctively reached for his spear but found nothing but dirt.

"Throw him with the rest. Make sure he has nothing useful on him," The leader of the My'tavs spoke and the other two not about to fight walked towards our young soldier boy and yanked him to his feet.

He struggled against them and tried to fight. But he really was a nobody, a foolish nobody that thought he could actually do something for once.


Our young soldier boy starved and barefoot walked with the rest of the captive humans. Look what he had done. All this tracking work and for nothing.

After several more days of travel our young soldier boy could see the end of the forest. And too his surprise the former Friean capital and the city it protected. The same place where the former Friean emperor was executed. The city now was completely My'tav run, no humans lived there as citizens. It was the one place that the rebellious Frieans could not recapture, the home of the largest My'tav population. It would make a lot of sense if the supposed Queen lived here.

He and the other captives were marched to the palace walls within the capital. My'tav men, women, and children watch the sad excuse for human beings until they disappeared into the palace walls. The young soldier boy did not know what was in store for him and the others. He only regretted not dying at least in battle, or with his dying breath being worthy information to his Commander or General. At least then he would've died doing something.

The captured humans were made to sit in a line along a pearl white floor.Their faces shoved to the ground as if they were bowing. And then they waited. The young soldier boy could hear terrified whimpers and cries coming from the children among them and he heard them being silenced with harsh words.

The young soldier boy heard bells. Bells that rang with the approaching footsteps, and then there was this sweet smell of flowers and fruit. Someone had entered the room, someone of great importance.

"Look at all the pitiful humans bowing before me. Perhaps one will please me," The woman that had entered with several attendants, most of them chained humans, sat in a golden chair. That chair belonged to the former royal family, though it was likely none of them ever sat in it while being puppeted by the My'tavs for thousands of years.

"I want to see their faces, show them to me. One by one," The woman commanded. As the last to be captured he was the last in the long line of captured humans.

What was this woman doing, why did she want to see their faces? The young soldier boy sat in long, painstaking moments as one by one the faces of each and every human here was shown. And after a few moments, each and every human, whether man, woman, or child, was dismissed with a distasteful wave, which our young soldier boy could not see. And those dismissed humans were forced to bow once more.

The feathery hand of a My'tav grabbed at his hair and yanked at it forcefully. He caught a look of the woman who sat on the throne. A My'tav, of course, a My'tav graced in a purple dress with gold m and jewels adorned on her. She was a godly beauty, even as beast, a man would fall to their knees at her beauty. A shimmering purple coat of fur and amber eyes that burned into his very soul. He was captivated by this sight and forgot how to breathe for a few moments.

He realized the woman had not dismissed him like all the others. Instead she continued to stare at him before smiling. "What a pretty, pretty boy we have. Wonderful red eyes like fresh blood and hair like autumn. What a pretty, pretty boy."

The young soldier gulped. The feathery hand that forced his head up left his hair and the young soldier boy did not move to look away.

"Sever his chains," An axe cut through the chains that connected him to the other humans and he nearly jumped out of his skin in fright at the noise. A deep cut mark was left in the pearly white floor, "I like this boy, kill the rest."

The young soldier boy gasped and watched the other humans yanked to their feet or dragged away. Their screams and cries filled the air and oh how he wanted to plug his ears. He shook his head and felt tears in his eyes. He couldn't stop them.

The woman on the throne got up and approached the boy, "Why do you cry? You get to live another day." She kneeled in front of him but he did not meet her gaze. Her hand gently lifted his chin, tears poured down his face. He could still hear their screams echoing down the hall.

"What pretty tears for a pretty boy. Why do you hide half your face," She lifted a hand to brush the hair that covered half his face and he panicked. Not there. He scooted away, the woman watched in amusement. He lifted his shackled hands to his face to protect the hair that shielded his face. The woman smiled and chuckled.

"What a shy, pretty boy you are," She moved closer and he shook his head in fear.

Her hand was quick and grasped the chains that connected his wrists together. She yanked at them and his hands were removed from his face and he yelped. He was also pulled forward into the woman's arms.

"Pretty boy, why do you hide? Beg for me. Tell me you will do anything so long as I don't move your hair. Beg pretty boy."

The young soldier shook so much one might think he was freezing.

He could barely utter a sound, "P-P-P."

"I can't hear you," A finger draped dangerously close to his hair.

"P-P-Pleas. I-I," The woman smiled and moved her fingers just a smidge, the boy's hair shifted from his face only an inch.

"I'll do-do a-anyt-th-th-thing. P-P-Please," Tears pour down his face. He didn't dare move from this woman who was both so beautiful but oh so terrifying. She smiled down at him.

"Ok," she removed her finger from his face, he relaxed a little. The woman moved her fingers moved to his neck and wrapped around it lightly, "What sweet tears and even sweeter cries, what would your screams sound like pretty boy? Would you care to share?"

His eyes widened and he struggled to find a way out of this, she smiled at him.


The woman looked away and let go of the soldier boy, he fell to the ground dumbfounded, terrified, and dazed.

"Oh my precious baby boy! Come to mama!" She stood with her arm opened wide to the young child standing in the doorway. The child ran to his mother and wrapped his arms around her waist in a hug before peeking out curiously at the new stranger. The soldier boy sat up and stared at the child.

Golden eyes.

Golden eyes.

Golden eyes that barely peeked out from underneath long brown hair. It wasn't just the eyes that were weird, but his whole appearance. Wolf ears poked out from the top of his head like his mother's, and a tail to match, but he had skin. Not fur. Skin, like a human.

"Charming isn't he? My precious little halfling child. I'm sure you've noticed his eyes too, those beautiful golden orbs," The woman cupped the child's face with her hand. The child didn't react just continued to stare curiously at the soldier boy.


"How? Simple, the only place these golden eyes could've come from was the emperor himself. What a foolish puppet. He believed the things I promised him. He believed that with the existence of a halfling child peace could be gained among the My'tavs and the Frieans. What a fool."

The young soldier boy could hardly form words, heck he hardly spoke anyways.

"B-B-But, wh-why?"

"You didn't think I'd have the emperor killed with no proper heir. These golden eyes are proof. It's your Friean sacred rule that can never be broken correct. You dimwitted Frieans. You fight a war with no real plan on what to do if you win. I on the other hand have been calling the shots. My precious little boy here with take the throne once this forsaken war is taken care of and all the rebellious Frieans dealt with." The woman sat down on her throne and lifted her child onto her lap. The child was probably 7 years old or so, given the war has gone on for that long.

And the young soldier boy had no words. It was true. It was sacred Friean law that only a true royal could ascend to the throne. If not, the Frieans would be faced with a terrible curse that would wipe them all out, but honestly they were probably cursed already with the My'tavs. Anyways, a true royal would be known by the golden eyes they possessed. No golden eyes, no right to the throne.

"M'lady Aphmau! I come bearing news!" A My'tav stormed in. Brown fur with an arm wrapped and supported by a rag tied around his shoulders, and a missing arm. The missing arm looked to be recently amputated and still healing. The My'tav looked at the young soldier boy and narrowed his eyes and rushed toward the human.

"Stop!" The Queen roared causing the child in her lap to cover his ears and bury his head into his mother's chest.

"But M'lady! He was there! He was there when General Barnus was killed! Let me kill him please to fulfill part of my revenge!" The My'tav begged.

"No, this boy didn't kill the General. You'll get your chance at the newly appointed human General. For now tell me your news.

The My'tav nodded, not before glaring at the young soldier boy, "The news has to do with the human General Maximilius. I've gathered information that the newly appointed General has joined up with one other Friean General and they plan to march in 2 months time to this capital. It seems they've figured out where you've hidden these past 7 years M'lady. Orders?"

"Let them march, we'll be ready. Continue to gather information of their plans and their strategies. When the time comes we will use all the knowledge we have gained to strike them down once and for all. This will put an end to the whole war."


"Oh and Jeru," the My'tav turned to look at the Queen just as he was about to leave.

"Yes M'lady."

"Inform General Rosse of the situation and my orders. Also tell him when the time comes for the final battle, he is to capture General Maximilius alive. I would like to speak with the infamous man that killed one of my Generals."

"Of course," he bowed.

"And don't worry, when I am done with the lovely human General. You can do with him as you like, you've been such a loyal subject."

"I am honored M'lady," Jeru bowed and left the room.

The soldier looked back at the Queen, "Did you hear that my precious boy?" she cooed, "You'll get to be the Emperor when this is all over. Doesn't that sound exciting?"

"Does that mean people have to listen to me?" The boy asked, his ears twitched.

"Oh course it does my precious boy," she looked over at the soldier boy, "Oh and don't worry pretty boy. I won't kill you for now. I like you, you amuse me and I'd like to toy with you a little more. It would be in your best interest to entertain me for as long as you can, your life depends on it."

The soldier boy gulped.

"Mama? What's his name?"

"I don't think he has one honey," she smiled.

"Oh," the boy looked back at the soldier, "He looks kinda like me huh?" He pointed.

"Only half like you. You're a special, precious boy. My little boy. There's no one like you in the world."

"Come here you," The boy said, the woman chuckled and watched the soldier boy carefully. Her amber eyes bore into him that he hesitantly stood and answered the little boy's summons.

He walked the small steps up to the throne, the boy beckoned him to sit on the floor and he did. The halfling boy poked the soldier boy in the face, "Fart face is your name today! Do you like it mama?" The boy looked up at his mother.

"What a wonderful choice darling," She smiled, "You must like him almost as much as mama likes him. Isn't he an interesting human. So silent."

The boy was listening as he kept poking the soldier boy who did nothing but let the child do so. He got himself in this mess. The war was as good as over now with their battle plans exposed.

"How about this. Since you like him so much, keep him. He'll be yours, and should he do anything to upset you, come to mama and I'll have him thoroughly punished for you. I'm sure he understands how to be obedient and act like a good boy. Now run along Sky."

The child hopped down from his mother's lap, his hair flowing from the jump. "Come here Fart Face!" The child giggled and ran out the throne room, the soldier boy was roughly kicked by the Queen he hissed and scrambled away. He followed the young boy. He could still feel the harsh gaze of the Queen on him.

How cruel the world was. War, captivity, treated like a dog by a dog no less. The child stopped running and giggling down the halls and turned to look at the soldier boy, "Alright Fart Face! Sit!" The boy's tail wagged in amusement as the soldier boy complied, he snickered then said, "Roll over!"

He did.

"Slap yourself!"

He did.


He did.


He did not.

The child frowned, "I said bark," the child sauntered over to the soldier.


"Why don't you talk right?"

He didn't answer.

"If you don't obey I'll tell mama, she'll punish you; she said she would."

"I-I-I ca-can't.


He stayed silent.

"Can you write?" He didn't answered, "I'm gonna call mama."

He nodded, "I-I-I can."

The child smiled, "Follow me!"

The child skipped through the palace with the soldier boy following behind. He still had the chains on his ankles and wrists so they clanked as he moved. The child entered a room and he followed, "This is my room! It's one of the best mama says! You'll sleep on the floor! I'll have a maid bring you food and water later, and you need a bath," the boy pinched his nose, "Because you stink."

"Sit!" He sat on the floor. How had his life come to this situation?

The child rummaged through some things before bringing out scraps of paper and a writing utensil. "Here you go!"

He put the paper and pen on the ground, "Now why won't you speak?"

He grabbed the pen and hesitated, "I'm waiting."

I'm...I'm afraid I'll regret the words. I'm afraid of telling secrets better left forgotten.

"Like?" The boy sat beside him as he wrote.

Please don't make me say. Anything but that. I'd rather die than tell.

"What are these secrets to you?"

My sin.

"You're bad at story telling. I'm bored. Do something cool," the boy laid flat on his back and groaned in boredom.

The young soldier boy sat there and looked at the boy. What could he do? The boy turned his head to him, "You aren't very fun. Maybe I should tell mama I don't like you anymore."

The young soldier boy's eyes widened. "W-wait. P-P-Please."

The boy looked at him curiously and tilted his head, "Ok. If you won't do anything cool then play with me. I wanna pull a prank on uncle Rosse!" the young soldier stiffened. Rosse? General Rosse? The other of the two most deadly My'tavs in the whole world, and the boy wanted his help.

"Come on!" the boy stood up and pulled at the young soldier boy. When they were both standing the boy lead him out of the room and down the hall. The boy said, "Wait here."

The boy then disappeared into another room that smelled of godly foods. He could smell the aroma of meats seasoned in pepper and lemon, and cakes of sugary scent. This must be a kitchen.

Suddenly the boy came running out holding several bananas and a bag, "Run!" the young soldier panicked and saw an angry kitchen My'tav hurrying after the boy and the soldier boy not wanting to get caught or blamed hurried after the child. He struggled to keep up with the clanging chains restricting his movement and after what felt like forever, the two finally stopped and caught their breaths.

The child laughed, "Alright! We need to eat these bananas, but I'm not a fan of them so you eat them. Gimme the peels afterwards."

The soldier boy was confused but happily ate several bananas that the boy handed him. It has felt like forever since he was able to eat something delicious and his mouth savored every bite. By the end they had 5 peels ready.

The boy looked at him oddly, "You eat a lot for a skinny guy, anyways follow me." the boy walked the confusing halls and lead the soldier boy until the reached a certain hall and stopped.

"Ok listen here Fart Face, at the end of this hall is a right and left turn into another hall. To the right is the meeting room where Uncle Rosse often is talking fancy stuff about fighting. We are going to put these banana peels here on the floor and you are going to take this bag of nuts. Throw them at Uncle Rosse to catch his attention. When that happened you will lead him down this hall, avoid the peels and we will watch Uncle Rosse trip and slide! It's gonna be awesome!" the child squeaked and clapped his hands in excitement.

The soldier boy was the only one horrified at the task set before him.

"Go on! Take this!" he shoved a bag of nuts into the soldier boy's hands and pushed him forward, "Wait 5 minutes before throwing nuts. I need to set up the banana peels."

And so the soldier boy walked to the end of the hall waiting. The left side was empty, but to the right there were voices. Some voices were raised, others calm, the soldier boy could just barely make out what was being said. He tried so very hard to listen.

"Psst!" he looked back, the child gave him a thumbs up. The soldier boy shuddered and moved as quietly as he could with these chains. They jingled and clanked and rattled to no end. With a handful of nuts in one hand and the bag in the other he threw them into the room without looking.

"What was that!"

"General Rosse!"

The soldier boy saw a figure emerge from the room a tall, grey furred My'tav with a stern face. Much like General Barnus, General Rosse wore robes that signified importance, but over a suit of armor. The soldier boy panicked and stood still for a moment.

The cold eyes of death were staring into his face, "Insolent human!" the General roared and reached for his sword. That was when the soldier boy moved. He hightailed it out of there. He ran down the hall the child was waiting for him, with 5 banana peels on the ground. But the soldier boy panicked, he forgot the entire plan, he only feared for his life.

It happened so fast. With one motion General Rosse pulled out his sword and swiped at the air where the soldier boy's head once was. But out of pure luck it was the soldier boy who slipped on the peels and narrowly avoided death. He screeched and skid along the ground stopping at the child's feet. The General stopped in front of them.

"You ruined the whole plan!" the child yelled. General Rosse looked at interest, "Uncle Rosse, wait! Go back, we need to try again!" the child stepped over the soldier boy and began to push at the General.

The General complied until he was pushed out of sight at the end of the hall.

Then the boy returned to the soldier boy who had sat up. The peels replaced on the ground.

"Come on, we need to try again, go out there and don't mess up."

And so the soldier boy went out again. A little bit slower than the last time and way more terrified.

At the end of the hall to the right was General Rosse, waiting with a cruel grin. The soldier boy's eyes widened. He hesitated before putting his hand in the bag and pulling out only one nut. He raised that arm and hesitated.

"Go on," he snarled, "Throw it."

The soldier boy was shaking so hard he was afraid that there must be an earthquake on this small patch of floor he stood on and he wa the only one affected.

"Go on, I'm not stopping you."

The soldier boy was stuck between disobeying the child and not throwing the nut. To which he was in turn terrified of the Queen, or throw the nut and meet the wrath of the My'tav General Rosse. He opted that the Queen was more terrifying and he threw the nut. He tried to run but the General was faster. Ha hand reached out lightning fast and yanked him back by the hair. He cried out before being shoved to the ground and the air knocked out of him. A foot placed on his chest holding him in place.

"Sky, I don't think your little human is a very good one. He failed to lead me to your trap and in turn was captured." the General called out

"Aww!" the child whined before stomping over and looking at the soldier boy. His eyes pleaded, "I told you not to mess up this time!"

"I-I-I," was all he could manage before the foot pushed down harder making him squirm in pain.

"Perhaps he is a bit defective."

"What do you mean, aren't all humans defective?"

"Yes but this one," Rosse pushed his foot down harder, "Is even more so. Why don't I show you." he lifted his foot up and motioned for the soldier boy to stand. He wheezed and scrambled up to his feet.

"Stand against the wall." the soldier boy did. The child watched with curiosity, the thing that Rosse did next terrified the soldier. With his left fist the My'tav punched the wall to the right of the soldier boy he flinched instantly. And then he did the same to the left side and he flinched again.

"Did you see it?" the child shook his head, "his reaction time is slower on his left. You might think it is because of the hair over his eye, but the reaction time is too slow for that. I think you should get a new human and let me deal with this useless one, this one is blind in his left eye. I'm sure that's why he can't help you." the soldier boy's eyes widened, how could the My'tav figure that out!

"Oh," the child said a little sadly, "But he's mine. Mama said I could have him."

Rosse crouched down in front of the child and placed a hand on his shoulder, "That is ok. If you decide you no longer want him, bring him to me I'll get rid of him properly for you."

"Ok!" the child beamed, "Let's go Fart Face!" The child ran off. The still trembling soldier boy felt a powerful grip on his shoulder and he glanced back fearfully at the General Rosse.

"Candle," was all he said to the young soldier boy turning away and walking back into that meeting.

The young soldier boy muttered a word in quiet response, "Flame." Then he followed after the little boy.


Yes this story is going to be very dark in many, many places. I've always wanted to write a story that captured the darker sides of reality. 

I really hope you like this little snippet, tell me what you think of this story so far. I still have a long way to go before I finish the rough draft.

What was your favorite part? What was your least favorite part, how does the story make you feel? Any suggestions of feedback that DON'T relate to grammar or spelling.

I can't guarentee this story will be finished anytime soon since I'm still working on the draft and I plan on rewriting it when the draft is done.

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