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Since I will never continue this story just see this as a weird one shot-college Au thingy. Before you get the angst. MUAHAHAHHA

P.s. I love Kira with all my heart but I wouldn't want to be roommates with him

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„Can you please turn of the damn music, Kiraman?", Morex was sitting at his laptop trying to finish this essay that he was already working on since weeks. And all these weeks long he couldn't do it because his roommate was the most annoying person on earth.

"Can you please learn how to have fun, Morex?", the dark-haired individual sat on their bed, smoking something that made Morex feel sick and loudly blasting music. Kira never did any work, Morex never saw them even working on any essays and they still haven't left the college.

"I'm just asking you, nicely, to turn of the music. I need to finish this week or I'm going to fail this class.", Kira looked at their roommate for a few seconds, looked like they seriously thought about it, leaned over to their radio and turned the sound up. "If I hear you blasting, highway to hell one more time, I will murder you"

They got up, walked over to Morex, and leaned close to him. Without saying anything they just grinned while leaning closer. He didn't want to back away first. He wanted to show Kira that they weren't in control but after the weird smelling smoak blew into his face, he got up, grabbed his laptop, and shoved it into his bag. "I'm gonna go to the library. Don't burn anything down.", without waiting for an answer he walked to the door and almost worked into a girl. "Hope! Good you're here! Please try to talk some sense into Kiraman or I will strangle them in their sleep."

Hope just gave him finger guns and awkwardly grinned. That wasn't the first time she met Morex like that and it wouldn't be the last time. She and Dani seemed to be the only people that could keep Kiraman under control and he was incredibly thankful for them. She walked past him into the room and went over to Kira's bed. They were already lying there again, still smoking, still blasting music, still staring at the ceiling. Without saying anything she sat down on the bed. "At least open a window.", she wasn't surprised to see no reaction. "I take that your father is still trying to reach out to you? And your mom? And... all the others?"

Kira sighed and actually put their joint away. They still were quiet for a few seconds. "I'm gonna throw my phone out of the window if I get one more call."

"And that is very understandable.", she stood up and opened the window herself. "I'm just saying that maybe you shouldn't throw your life away like that. I mean more than usual. There is a difference between smoking a little and completely losing yourself in it.", they only looked up for a few seconds before turning their back at Hope and staring at the wall. "Maybe you should go out... meet some people... talk to other people..."

"I talk to people.", they slightly pouted, turned back and crossed their arms.

"And how many of those people do you see more often than one night and outside of your parties?", they both knew the answer. "The only person that could know your better is so annoyed by you that he probably will kill you.", she said in a completely serious tone.

Kira groaned and hid their face in their hands. "Look I never had a roommate before. I only had Balthazar."

"Yeah. Drinking together was probably normal, right?", she had only met some of their siblings but all of them were fairly interesting. "And also, not talking about emotions. Which really annoys me because you talking about Morex after he tells me how annoying you are will make me go crazy."

"I know I'm a horrible person.", they tried to grab a bottle with who knows what, from the nightstand but Hope pushed his hand away.

"You know the rules. As long as I'm here there are no drugs and no alcohol."

"I really despise you; you know that?"

"You love me, but you hate yourself more which is probably the whole problem. So later when Morex shows up you will..."

"Offer to have se—"

"no. absolutely not. You will apologize."

"I don't think I will."

"And I don't think I care. You will apologize or I will talk to Cora, and she will make sure that no one will ever come to your parties again."

Kira loudly groaned. "You're so annoying!"

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