Amarendra Devsena Shot 4...

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Warning : this part may contain few scenes which some people may not find comfortable to proceed at your own risk !

Bhallaldev was back.But not alone.He had his own story to tell and at the early hours of dawn the palace was engulfed in complete silence as the thunders roared aloud.Devsena sat on the furnished floor of her chamber supporting her back with the door.She has been on same position since her husband left giving her the shock of life.

Her fate had been playing a mass joke with her from the begininng.When she loved she got betrayal and when she started feeling loved another horror awaits her now.The name that his husband took the moment she heard that the memories which she thought long forgotten pricked her heart and she felt her heart bleeding.

It was morning and the sun rose.Sri Vidya entered the chamber and found the Princess of Kuntala on a state she would never imagine.Her face was tear stricken and looked pale.She was sleeping on same position and Sri knew what the matter was.She felt bad for this lady who had a heart of gold and what was her fault she had to be punished like this.She found the chamber and the things same she left last night and eyed the bed.She knew what she had been expecting nothing happened like that and things got rough now and it was time to take decisions by the royal heads.An early meeting was called up by Rajmata Shivgami and the whole palace had been filled up with gossips surrounding Yuvraj Bhallaldev and his wife who arrived last night out of nowhere.

Devsena opened her eyes and found Sri caressing her head.She was broken from inside but being a royal blood she had the control and strength to bear pain and eat up all emotions she was strong much more than they could imagine.She breathed heavily and eyed Sri as she followed her order.

The courtroom was set and whispers could be heard about what decision Rajmata was about to take.The eyes were on Bhallaldeva who stood in the middle with his head bowed down.Behind him stood a female figure who had her eyes down but at same time innocence reflected on them.She was scared finding people giving her unpleasant looks and she stared at the chamber in awe.Her eyes were busy catching every single piece of the royality with which she was blown away.Maahishmati she heard was big and now she got to see it herself.

The whole room went silent Ramata Shivgami walked in not blinking an eye followed by Katappa and took her sit.She looked at her son from far away and her lookd had affection as well as rage and anger.The next announcement was made for Yuvraj Amarendra Bahubali as the guards showed him respect with him acknowledging it.He nodded his head and walked straight to stand beside his mother.Sighs and voices could be heard with the next arrival.Kuntala Princess Devsena walked with grace and seething ager written on her face.

Bhallaldeva for first in the time raised his eyes and had a look at the beauty and royalty how he had missed the chance.Devsena stood beside her husband before bowing down showing respect to her mother in law.Her eyes gave a disgusting look to the culprit who had no shame on gazing at her.Bhalla closed his eyes looking down and a fire built inside him seeing his brother standing with same woman with whom he had something.

Allegations started and discussion were carried forward.All this while Amarendra said nothing kept mum and let his mother take the charge and he knew somewhere he had no right to punish his brother as the rightful person was there to make decision.

Shivgami spoke with rage..

"Bhallaldeva you have no right on Maahishmati..this kin and this throne.You have bring disgrace to us our name and hereby I banish you from..

"Raajmata..I would like to say something."

Shivgami stared at the woman in front of her in shock and Amarendra fixed his eyes on his wife.Devsena walked down and bowing down to Shivgami she continued getting the nod.

"Yuvraj Bhallaldeva did wrong.And he does not deserve an ounce of sympathy for that."

Bhallal clenched his teeth in anger and his face was red.

"But we all must know that by punishing him we are about to make someone else suffer along with him who had no fault...and specially at this condition.."

Shivgami stared at her daughter in law and wondered from where did she got this much courage and strength.

"Devsena I know what you are trying to say but this girl..she cannot be regarded as adaughter in law of this clan.She belongs to the tribe and I cannot.."

"Beg your pardon Raajmata..a warrior Princess thats what she is..and the tribal people they saved your son's life..why should we be punishing them for this then?Wont it be unfair to them?"

Amarendra's heart swelled with pride and honor at the very moment.He was right on judging the heart and mind of this woman who was his wife and he would thank God every moment how he made her belong to him.

Bhallaldeva narrated his own story how before the night of marriage he went to the woods along with some soldiers he got to know about some planned attack by some enemy and then he proceeded towards the secret hideout of Kuntala kingdom where it all happened.He was captured by some people and couldnt defeat them due to the numbers being small.He regained consciousness after a month and found himself among the tribals.They were nice to him and how they saved his life.

"So that givs you the right and audacity to get married to their girl and bring her here when you know you made some promises which should not have failed to ..ahh..whatever it could have informed anyone Bhalla.Katappa is the royal guard who pledged to protect Maahishmati at any cost and you didnt even share this piece of news with him?How immature or childish of you..and I wonder how I made my mind to announce you as next King of Maahishmati.."

Bhalla just boiled and seethed with anger.He lost the control and how every eye was looking at his with shame and laughters could be heard.His own mother was making fun of him and had doubts on his capability.And all this for whom..the Princess of a mere small kingdom who had no standard or no level compared to his kingdom.Now he know who behind his back brain washed his mother and family must be the one with whom he was to get married.

"whatever you did Bhallaldev could not be forgiven at any state..or for any reason..and now you have to bear the punishment.You can never compete for the throne of Maahishmati and hereby I announce my younger son AMARENDRA BAAHUBALI as the protector and immportal KING OF MAAHISHMATI.And I declare..after Baahubali only his SON yes only his SON will have the right to be the legal heir of this clan and the next King."

" can you.."

Shivgami eyed her son who almost lost the balance and idea of situation with his presence there and all he could thing at the moment was how he was deprived of everything by his own mother.

"Rajmata I think whatever the culprit did..I repeat no matter how heinous the crime is.. and how disgusting be the culprit we should not let the innocent get molded along with him"

" in your being a part of small kingdom dare you talk about that also for Prince of Maahishmati"

Bhallaldeva seemed to forget or sense the situation and the words of insult from the woman stabbed his heart and ego.Without giving a thought he took out his sword and jumped to Devsena before she was shielded the very second by her husband.Devsena had pride and equal ego which Bhallal saw in his eyes.She was not a weak woman who would still cry over her fate or what he did to her.She can protect herself and now he knew who was the person behind the shield she was trying to fly so high.

"ENOUGH...Bhallaldeva..your already punished for your deeds and now dont compel me to take some rigorous steps..I warn you.."

Bhallal realized how he should not try to take the situation at hand now and first he needs to make his place.Then he has all time to revenge his every insult.

"BHALLA..I have not spoken a word since your return and now that you dared or showed this courage then hear me clear words..I dare you..if any default you come across my wife or repeat any such action then..I guess you know well what Baahubali's sword can it can protect his own people and..torment those..who dare to harm his people..remember that.."

Shivgami was not deaf ear to the conversation that just took place between her sons.She closed her eyes and dismissed the court making sure to announce her decision again.She left after eyeing her elder son and the girl who was by default her daughter in law now.Katappa followed her.Amarendra fixed in his sword and not leaving the sight of his brother's eyes he held his wife's hand and made an exit from the room.


Devsena changed her heavy attire and got dressed in a light cotton saree with minimal jewelry.She tied her hair in a bun and was getting ready to go for her archery session.She loved being in armory section and being a Princess when she should be having her minds on other things of the palace she was always busy with weapons every time eager to learn new tricks.

She was about to leave when felt a hand stop her.Amarendra picked his wife in his arms at the door of their chamber and she panicked if anyone was there.He had a smile on his face and his eyes were brim with passion and longing.Whole day had been tiring and long..He was busy since early morning with consoling his mother first then the royal matters kept him busy.He cursed the time how he had been so close in claiming his love last night and then things just got spoiled.Only he remembers the face of his wife which lost the colors as he left her in the chaber waiting alone.

Despite of protests from Devsena he made her sit on the bed and then closed the door.He got rid of his robes and was in his lower part of clothes only.His eyes did not fail to catch his wife getting conscious.He was dying to see her blush that face which tortured him to death last night.

He went to her and sat beside her.Making her lay down on her back he traced her arms with his lips.His strong hand played with her light feather body and she breathed heavily with his every touch.She curled up her toes as the kisses became unbearable.He entwined his hands with her getting on top of her and claimed her lips before she turned her face away.He frowned his brows finding her in tears.

"Devsena..?what is it"

He cupped her face with love and she sobbed in his arms.He thought she was okay with whatever took the end of the day she was a woman and heart of a woman can never forgive or forget first love.was it?He feared and was dejected.what if she still loves Bhalla..

"iam sorry...I..just.."

She wiped her tears and dropped her head on the pillow removing the pallu of her saree.She lowered her lashes down and he knew what she was referring to.Instead of doing what she thought he would she felt his head on her chest.Closing his eyes amarendra felt so calm relaxing there.His hands held her waist and she closed her eyes roaming her hands on his hair.

"You must be feeling insulted..or disappointed with Maa's judgement.I know that..Bhalla should have not been allowed to stay here.But trust me he lost the place which he had.from our heart.."


He raised up and looked at her face.She looked breathtakingly beautiful and even on a simple attire and natural look she can make him fall for her.He kissed her head twice and his hand got her long hair out of the bun spreading them on the pillow.He buried hi face on her hair.She had her hands wrapped around his back.Her cold hands and their touch on his skin awakened his desires and he could not stop.The moment got blown away and Amarendra's mind was far away from what he had been thinking a while ago.the doubts got lost on the ocean of love and his hands unfolded every barrier that has been keeping him away from his love.

He wanted to claim her as his wife.Wanted to show her she belonged to him and no one.Be it possessiveness or out of love and longing Devsena felt better in her husband's arms.The day was long for her too and she did not want to ponder over the thoughts again.At the time what mattered to her was the solace and peace she was getting.Amarendra got the curtains down which surrounded their bed.The lights were dimmed and only their high breathes could be heard.

Amarendra unleashed every barrier mercilessly that gave him the access to her body and soul.He caged her in his arms and the souls got restless with every moment getting tense.Passion and love could not hold them for long enough before he got up untying the strings of his lower garment and finally getting rid of hid.Devsena shied away from her husband being the only man whom she had the right to see in this state and giving him the only right to claim her.Their hearts thudded with excitement as he claimed her lips getting her hands above her head.She cried in pain and hissed at his every touch..he felt her breath giving up and kissing her forehead he made sure to claim her with love and not need.He relaxed when she held his cheeks and assured him through her eye.

The silence was there but heavy breathes moans and the sound of her anklets could be heard.the two souls emerged in one finally and it marked the very beginning of their union.Amarendra sighed in content as he fell down on her chest and felt her lips on his head.

Outside it was raining as if the sky itself witnessed the reunion of lovers soulmates.The loud thunders got the love bird clinging to each other for whole night not leaving one for a second.While it was a different situation on other end.

He had to leave everything because of that egoistic woman.She played her game well and now he wont rest until he does what he intended to.He felt his wife hugging him and showed displeasure at her touch.He was done with her quite few times and now he had something else only on mind.He went out on the rain letting it touch his soul which was burning with fire.Closing his eyes he could feel disgusted at his own self how he did this big bluff.He wanted to run from marriage and did made a plan.He could see it failing hard now.

His heart desires for one thing only get back what was his.He clenched his fist and his mind wandered over the days when he had his eye on the Princess of Kuntala.He couldnt make his mind if he lusted her or wanted to make alliance for benefit.He would not have said yes for marriage if she had let him touch her for once.A shrewd egoistic Princess she is..and he would make sure he tames her before his brother gets to know..And his heart burned again thinking what the two must be doing in their land now..what he could have got..was given to Amarendra Baahubali..


Not the end possibly hehe...thank you for loveee..and its your love and appreciation that Iam able to put my emotions exactly into words <3 <3 <3 Votessss and comments pleasee :)

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