|| 08 || harry lewis • sleep

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{DISCLAIMER: i do not have narcolepsy, i don't know anyone with it, so i have no idea what it's like living with it. if i've got anything wrong, feel free to correct me. i'm literally going off some brief research i did when i got this request}

|| ships; mentioned harry/katie

|| warnings; none

|| words; 1k

|| requested by; charlottesydx

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Harry was diagnosed with type two narcolepsy when he was seventeen.

It was especially hard for him at the time, since he'd only just moved to London. Cal and Cal helped him with it, of course they did, but he still felt scared without his mum there all the time. Sure he could visit his family. But he wasn't sure how to cope with it at first.

Eventually though, after dealing with it for nearly just over five years now, he's got more used to it. Found ways to help himself. And for others to help him.

His fans are understanding of it. So if he suddenly falls asleep during a video, nobody makes a big thing out of it any more. They used to, granted, because Harry wasn't as open about it. And they wanted to know what was happening. Either concerned or nosy. But he finally made a video answering their questions. And keeps people updated.

People still ask how he's doing. He gets messages almost every day asking how he is. And in all honesty, he's doing well.

His condition annoys him sometimes, but his friends are always there to help when he isn't feeling great. And to keep him safe when he falls asleep.

He has a habit of falling asleep on people. But one of the people it happens to the most, is JJ.

The usually boisterous man will calm right down when Harry falls asleep on him, either with his head on his shoulder, or in his lap. Often combing his fingers lightly through Harry's hair, and keeping as still and quiet as possible, so he doesn't wake him up. He'll tell the others off for being too loud when Harry's asleep, and they'll listen.

JJ doesn't forget that one time, that he accidentally woke Harry up when he was sleeping, and put him into a state of sleep paralysis. This would often happen if Harry was woken up sooner than he was needed to, which is why they always tried to let him just wake up naturally. But it scared him every time. Not being able to move right after he woke up. It'd scare anyone.

He didn't speak to JJ for two weeks after it, while JJ kept apologising, and saying how he didn't mean to do it. Harry reluctantly forgave him after a while, and told him that it's okay. He just hates being put into a state of sleep paralysis when it could have been avoided. JJ takes this comment to heart, and then makes it his mission to make sure Harry stays asleep until he's ready to wake up.

Other people he often falls asleep with are the Cals. Harry doesn't like falling asleep alone, so whenever Katie is back in Guernsey, Lux and Freezy will take it in turns to sleep in Harry's room. Just so that he isn't alone when he wakes, and has someone with him incase he has any hallucinations, or wakes up to sleep paralysis.

Neither mind really, and since it's become a normal thing, it's somewhat odd for them when they don't have to look after him because Katie is visiting. Or when Harry goes to Guernsey. They quite often find themselves in each other's rooms, or staying up late together, missing being with their other flatmate.

Josh is the one who takes control in situations where Harry has fallen asleep somewhere potentially dangerous though. Like if he's sat on a stool, or the odd occasion if he's fallen asleep standing up. Josh has got a sort of, magic touch almost; the only one who's somehow able to move Harry without waking him.

Harry also has a habit of rolling around a lot when he sleeps. Always ended up knocking his head on the floor, or beside cabinets. Meaning far too many trips to the hospital for mild concussions. So it's been mutually decided that whoever he's nearest to when he falls asleep, it's their responsibility to make sure he doesn't fall off the sofa, or bed, or wherever he's passed out.

Also to make sure he's comfortable, since he just doesn't care where he falls asleep. In odd positions, and with peoples knees in his back, but to be fair, he can't exactly help it. But the guys always make sure to move him into a position so that he won't get cramp, or ache when he wakes up.

In short, it's not just Harry who's got better at looking after himself over the last five years.

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The boys are recording a second channel video, what feels like the fourth one that day. So they're all getting a little carried away by this point, a lot louder and less composed than they were when they started, due to boredom. Mainly Ethan, who's currently arguing something against Simon.

"Oi, Ethan, be quiet man," JJ hisses suddenly, glaring up at Ethan.

"What JJ? Oh," Ethan says, upon seeing Harry, who must have just fallen asleep. Sprawled out full length across Vikk and Tobi, with his head resting in JJ's lap.

"Hey, Kon, can you stop the recording for a minute while we sort him out please?" Says Josh, getting up.

"Sure," Kon replies simply, before fiddling with the camera set up in front of them all.

Josh then kneels in front of Harry, checking the likelihood of him either rolling over, or moving around too much. But neither seem likely, so he just gently shifts Harry so he's on his back, then folding his arms over his stomach.

"You guys alright with him?" He asks the three who're stuck underneath Harry.

"Yeah man, we're fine," JJ speaks for all of them, while running his fingers absentmindedly through Harry's short golden locks. It seems to relax him more than Harry, but Harry isn't exactly bothered by it either, so Josh doesn't tell JJ off for doing it.

"Okay. Let's carry on then."

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a.n: there ya go! sorry it's a little short. but i enjoyed writing this

if anyone else has requests, feel free to comment them, or dm me. there's not much that i'm not willing to write, so don't be worried if you think your idea is weird or whatever

~ Oscar

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