|| 15 || kshaw • edit that out

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|| ship; kshaw

|| warnings; mentions of smut

|| words; 2.1k


all the times jj and harry showed affection on camera being released in a video titled 'edit that out', as the couple's way of coming out to their audience

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- 'Sidemen explore haunted tunnels' -

"JJ, I don't like it," Harry mumbles quietly, still clinging tightly onto his boyfriend's arm.

"Baby, it's fine, I promise," JJ assures him, pressing a quick kiss to his temple.

"It's not fine. It's cold, and damp, and dark, and spooky," Harry complains, shuddering a little as he speaks.

"Give me your hand," JJ says quietly, offering his palm to the anxious boy. Harry takes it hesitantly, and JJ places their linked hands in his hoodie pocket.

"See? We're fine. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you," JJ tells Harry softly.

"Thank you, JJ."


- 'How well do the Sidemen know each other?' -

"Hey, let me do it on an actual person this time, not a fucking piece of cardboard," JJ demands, glaring around at the others. "Harry, c'mere."

"What? Oh, hell no," Harry objects, taking a wide step away from JJ, clearly displeased at the idea of being used to showcase JJ's 'skill in bed'.

"Babe, please. You're the only one who can vouch for my skill," JJ says, giving Harry a pleading look.

"Actually, I'm interested to see this," Simon says, placing his hands on his hips.

"For fucks sake," Harry mumbles, not objecting this time as JJ approaches him.

"It's fine baby, relax," JJ says, in that quiet husky voice only Harry usually gets to hear. But now, all of their friends are there, watching and listening. Harry tries to relax when JJ hooks a forefinger under his chin, and draws him in a little closer. Closes his eyes and waits for the feeling of JJ's lips on his own.

It doesn't come. Just the feeling of JJ wrapping an arm around his waist to bring him closer, and the feeling of his breath ghosting Harry's lips. Harry tries to lean in an close the gap, but can't seem to find JJ's lips.

"JJ, please," Harry complains. He hears JJ chuckle lowly, before pressing a couple of short, quick kisses to Harry's lips. Harry though, growing tired of being teased, winds his fingers into JJ's hair, and drags him in for a long, messy kiss. Tongues tangled, maybe a hint too much teeth, but neither really care.

Eventually JJ pulls back, to let them both breathe.

"And that, lads, is how you get someone stubborn to want you," JJ says triumphantly, grinning widely.

"Piss off," Harry mumbles, feeling his cheeks heat up.

"You know you love me," JJ says, in that cocky voice Harry loves and hates so much.

"Not on camera though," Harry shoots back, stepping out of JJ's grip, and sticking his tongue out at the older man.

"Cold, babe. That's cold."


- 'Which of the Sidemen knows Harry the best?' -

"This is gonna be an easy one, for some," Harry announces, looking down at his phone, and checking the question. "What's my favourite sex position? Points for any extra detail."

As soon as he says this, he sees the devilish smirk that appears on JJ's face, and knows he's going to regret asking this. But can't say anything about it, for risk of outing them.

After a minute or so, when everyone looks up from their whiteboard, Harry decides they've had enough time.

"Alright, that's time boys, lets hear what you've got. Tobi, you go first," Harry says.

"I put missionary, because you're basic."

Harry laughs at this. "Okay. Josh?"

"I put that you like being the cowgirl."

"Fair enough. Ethan?"

"In the closet."

"Very funny. Vikk?"



"I put missionary, same as Tobi and Vikk."

"Okay. And finally, JJ," Harry says, having left his boyfriend to last, because he's dreading the answer he's concocted. JJ smirks at him, and he just knows he's in for it.

"Well, I haven't really given a position as such, more of a... scenario," JJ says.

"Just tell me what you've put," Harry says shortly. JJ only smirks wider.

"Gladly. I put that you like to give up control. Completely. You like to have someone stronger than you, telling you what you want, no matter what position you're in. Like to be laid out on someone's sheets and taken apart piece by piece. Looking and sounding completely ruined before you've even been fucked. But, if we do go down the route of positions, you like to be on all fours, manhandled. You like it, because it's the way you can get a cock deepest inside you-"

"Okay, Jesus JJ, that's enough of that," Tobi cuts in, since everyone else is just sat, unsure of what to say.

"If you insist. I'm not wrong though, about any of it," JJ says, sending Harry a wink.

"Yeah, maybe we should just remove this question from the video..."


"A'ight, so I've just arrived at Simon's flat, since I'm gonna be filming a couple of vids with him today, all of which should be out soon," Tobi explains while kicking off his shoes, and leaving them by the door. "He text me to say he's out at the moment, so I'm just gonna chill and wait, I guess."

Tobi slowly walks through to the kitchen, but finds something that catches him off guard.

JJ. And Harry.

Harry sat on the counter, his legs around JJ's waist, as they kiss like there's nothing else to live for. JJ's hands skimming just underneath Harry's shirt, holding him close.

Tobi coughs to get their attention. Nothing, clearly too lost in each other to notice. Tobi coughs again, a little bit louder this time, and gets the reaction he had wanted.

Harry pulls away from JJ slowly, and opens his eyes, a shocked expression making its way onto his face. JJ just continues, oblivious, starting to kiss down Harry's neck. Harry pats his shoulder, earning a muffled complaint.

"What, baby?" He mumbles, coming up to meet Harry's eyes. "What's the matter?" He asks again, noticing Harry's embarrassed, and slightly worried expression.

"Hey Tobi," Harry says in a quiet voice, and JJ finally turns around, eyes widening comically when he sees the other.

"Hey guys," Tobi says, with half a grin. "I'm assuming that you want me to add this to the 'bloopers' reel we have of you two?"

"You lot have a bloopers reel of us?" Harry asks, raising an eyebrow. Tobi laughs.

"You guys have the worst timing known to man. That paired up with the fact that you can't keep you hands off each other, means that yes, we have a folder full of unused clips with you two being intimate," Tobi explains.

"Oh." Is all Harry manages to say.

"I didn't realise we were that bad," JJ says.

"Oh trust me, you are that bad."


"Okay, so basically, I've just heard Harry get back about ten minutes ago from going out with JJ, and now I'm gonna go scare him," Cal explains to the small camera in his hand, giving it an evil grin, before turning it to face his flatmate's bedroom door.

Sneaks forwards, light on his feet, because he knows that Harry has freakishly good hearing, and if he steps on the slightly squeaky floorboard outside his room, the scare isn't going to work. Manages to avoid it, and grabs the door handle, turning it slowly.

Then once the door is unlatched, kicks it open so quickly it nearly flies off its hinges. And finds a sight he'd rather not have seen.

JJ and Harry, both shirtless on his bed, and looking very flustered. Harry pinned beneath the larger man, cheeks flushed, and small reddish spots on his neck that will go purple by the morning. Hair everywhere, JJ's hands still resting on his body.

"What the hell man? Why are you filming us?" JJ snaps, seeming quite irritated that Cal has interrupted their fun, just for a scare.

"I wanted to scare Harry for my vlog, I didn't realise you'd be here," Cal tries to defend himself, still not turning off the camera.

"Why would I not? We just had a date, bro, you really think I'm not gonna stay over afterwards to ruin him?" JJ says, making Harry blush even more than he was before.

"Alright, jeez," Cal mutters.

"Cal, you gotta delete that footage too," Harry pipes up, propping himself up onto his elbows to get a better look at the lanky boy.

"Bro, I need content," Cal says, before finally shutting off the camera. "This will get me bare views."

"We aren't out yet, no," Harry says firmly.

"Hell of a way to come out?" Cal says, a joking edge to his tone, and a grin playing on the corners of his mouth.

"Man, just piss off. I want to get back to what I was doing before, and I really don't think you want to be here for it," JJ says, leaning down to press light kisses to Harry'a chest.

"Alright, fine, I'm leaving," Cal says, exiting the room quickly and shutting the door behind him.

But, he thinks to himself, he never agreed after all that, that he would delete the footage.


- 'Sidemen most weight gained in 24 hours' -

Another fucking food video.

Almost all of the guys hated filming them, but they always did well with the audience for some reason, so kept up with it, making a new one every few months.

JJ hates this one especially. He wasn't feeling well when the day began anyway, and now, after stuffing himself senseless for an entire day, he feels pretty shit, to put it lightly.

So once the outro is done, JJ collapses back onto the sofa, sprawled out full length, and lets out a massive sigh. Now he can just sleep it off.

"Babe." He hears a voice, and feels someone patting his shoulder lightly - presumably his boyfriend, the only one who ever calls him 'babe'.

"What, Harry," JJ mumbles sleepily, not bothering to open his eyes.

"I feel like shit," Harry complains.

"We all do. Come and join me, in my food coma," JJ says, opening his arms. He feels Harry crawl onto the sofa, and carefully into his arms. Not lying across JJ's chest like he might usually, since that has a high risk of making them both throw up.

Just curls into JJ's side, his warm breath gently ticking the elder's neck. Allows JJ to wrap an arm around his waist, loosely, drawing him in even closer,

"Aww, this is cute." Another voice, one JJ can't recognise because of the state he's in. Slowly opens his eyes, to find Kon, pointing a camera at them.

"Piss off, man. Let us be," JJ says grumpily, closing his eyes again.

"Whatever. That clip is definitely being added to the 'wroetojide' folder though."

"First of all, it's 'kshaw', and second, if you want to keep your job Kon, pipe down."

"Noted. Still cute though."


"Hey guys, yes, we're here," Harry says nervously, waving at the camera. JJ laughs at the younger boy's awkwardness.

"Relax babe, come on," JJ smiles, taking hold of Harry's hand. "Well, in case you lot are fucking dumb, that was our coming out video. Harry and I have been together, and happy, for almost two years now. It's kinda crazy to think about actually."

"I know we're most likely going to get some backlash from making this video, but honestly, I'm sick of hiding that we're together for fear of what people will say. I love him, and I want everyone to know. I want to be able to hold him in videos, and in public, without fear of being outed."

"Well, I suppose if the response we get is mostly positive, we will release more of these moments, because honestly, there's a lot. This isn't even half of them," JJ laughs.

"100k likes, and you'll get a part two," Harry then jokes, smiling nervously at the camera, and then at JJ.

"We're easily gonna get that many, Haz," JJ grins. "I mean, the two fittest Sidemen? Coming out as gay, and a couple? The fans are gonna go nuts."

Harry leans his head against JJ's shoulder, giving a more genuine than nervous smile now.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right Jay."

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a.n: stole this prompt from SDMNMoreLikeBi-men  so go check them out, and thank you for letting me use it :)

this is probably going to be the last update for a while, since i'm starting college tomorrow, and i have a feeling it's going to be stressful. for those who don't know, i'm gonna be going to a very strict catholic college, and the work load i'm gonna get is going to be absolutely astronomical

unfortunately, because i want to do well in my a-levels, i'm going to be prioritising work over writing, and i'll only write when i've finished everything else of priority

which will mean less frequent updates for a while. i'm not disappearing completely tho, so don't worry

hope all of you do alright when you go back to school (if you're also in education still, if not, do well at work i guess)

stay safe lads

~ Oscar

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