Sleeping Together (The Boys x Reader)

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A/N: Just little snippets of what it's like falling asleep with our lovely boys. I hope you all enjoy!


He absolutely loves falling asleep with you at night and you were positive he could cuddle you to death. Some nights you would fall asleep with your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Other times he would spoon you, pressing his chest flush against your back with an arm curled around your waist. There are even some times when he'll let you be the "big spoon" even though you are considerably smaller than him. Dante just loves feeling your arm around him as you snuggle into his backside with your face pressed between his shoulder blades.

If you start to toss and turn while he's still awake, he'll gently run his fingers through your hair or along your side. He'll also often press soft kisses to your forehead. To him, the peaceful expressions on your face whilst you settle back into sleep, are the cutest thing.

When you wake up in the morning, he's usually wrapped around you, snoring softly and you have to face the task of untangling yourself from his arms and the blankets. If he wakes up while you're trying to accomplish this, he will usually tighten his grip around you and whine until you stay in bed longer.



Vergil never really is one to cuddle with you as you both start to fall sleep, but more often than not, he'll tolerate it if you decide to throw an arm around his torso and lean against him. He probably won't admit it anytime soon, but he secretly enjoys having you lay your head on his shoulder or chest while his hand curls into your hair.

He tends to wake up whenever he feels you shifting around either due to a bad dream or something else. Whenever this happens, it's a toss up between whether he'll shake you awake to reprieve you of your nightmare or if he'll pull you close to him until you settle down into a more peaceful slumber.

Most of the time he ends up falling asleep on his side facing away from you, but somehow throughout the night he'll turn and end up wrapping an arm around your waist. There have been many mornings when you have woken up that way and you won't want to move and instead just savor the contact before he wakes up. When he does inevitably stir, however, and if you are in his arms, he'll stay that way a little bit longer before getting up.



The poet was more cuddly than you would've originally expected, but he doesn't overdo it. He'll tend to softly whisper verses of poetry to you until you fall asleep. The man usually does not press against you if you spoon, but rather he'll just keep his hand on your hip or the small of your back if you're facing each other.

V has told you on numerous occasions that if you wake up from a nightmare, to also wake him up so that he may properly help you back to sleep. He does not enjoy finding out that you couldn't sleep due to a dream while he was able to do so soundly. If or when you do wake him up, he will reassure you that you are safe and repeat his nightly ritual of reciting poetry to soothe you.

You love waking up in the morning and seeing what position you'll both be in. Sometimes you're facing each other, arms wrapped around one other. And other times you'll be facing away, but your backs will be pressed together. He will always greet you with a soft good morning kiss to your forehead though.



Nero always tended to snuggle up to you more, subconsciously after he fell asleep. His arms would be wrapped tightly around you as if you were his lifeline while his face would be buried in your hair. You found it absolutely adorable. He also mumbles in his sleep more than you would've guessed, not that it bothered you though. Sometimes it made for a funny story in the morning if he happened to say something silly.

You both tend to have a fair share of bad dreams and you'll both always comfort each other, talking softly until you both grow tired once again. If it is particularly bad for either one of you, Nero will hold you close to him as you run your fingers through his short and soft hair.

Whoever wakes up first will usually wait for the other while gently coaxing them out of their slumber. But between the two of you, Nero is more often the early riser and will admire your beautiful, serene face while stroking your hair. You two have enough problems staying asleep sometimes and the least that could happen is to have a nice way to wake up in the morning.

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