Chapter 31: It's Me, The Truth

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Mind racing.

Heart erratic.

Eyes shifting over to each person stealthily, and yet so casually.

The half-filipino model looked upon her fellow co-workers as they gathered in the ship's main dining room, eating the food the cruise provided. It was all delicious food, made and prepared by the staff fresh. Before on her plate, the night's menu was Italian food. She grinned to herself as CEO Hyunmin, Tao, and Luhan talked amongst themselves at their table. While they chatted, it was clear how hungry the men were, as they dug into their food. They must've gotten famished after their tennis match earlier.

Mirasol's lips slightly faltered, as memories of her past continued to hammer into her brain.

Suddenly, the sound of plate clanking down onto the table snapped her away from her thoughts. Upon the plate was a slice of cheesecake. Mira peered up and saw Sehun just now passing her to sit in the empty seat across from her, while as Isabelle took the unoccupied chair besides her.

The Brazilian woman looked far too pleased at whatever had just happened. Judging how the two exes had returned to their table together, they must've talked to each other about something. As Mirasol stared longer at the other woman, Isabelle met her eyes and gave an innocent smile before getting right into her meal.

"Jovelyn, isn't this amazing?" The fashion designer uttered as she sliced a piece of lamb chop to eat. "The chefs here really do cook everything to perfection."

"I'm glad you think so, Isabelle-sshi," Hyunmin replied, having overheard her. "I really do try to hire the best so my people can have the best experience."

"It's truly fantastic, abeoji," Tao commented next with a grin.

Mirasol began tuning out everyone around her as they talked with such... delight. A huff left her lips as she tried to focus on her food. However, she couldn't bring herself to eating much. Her mind was filled with what she's planning to do later.


Her eyes snapped upwards to the owner of the voice.

Oh Sehun was giving her such a genuine worried look. "You should try to eat a little more." He even pushed the cheesecake closer to her, as if to tempt her with the sweet.

How disgusting.

She could feel her heart skip at his gentle words and gaze. Mira suppressed a smile and went ahead to obey Sehun's request, taking a small piece from the dessert and putting it into her mouth.

She almost gagged at the taste, but she pretended to savor it.

Just a little more. Just wait a bit more.

Then, I can be free.

• • •

It was around midnight now.

Everything seemed so quiet and peaceful, the only sound being the rush of water outside the ship and the wind blowing past. Mirasol had been awake the whole time, waiting for her chatty roommate to fall asleep. After hours of talking about dramas, beauty products, celebrities, finally Isabelle tired herself out.

And once seeing that the Brazilian woman was off into dreamland, Mira slipped on her hoodie that hung at the rack by the door. She quickly scribbled out a note for Isabelle, in case she wakes up, so to not have her worry:

Going out for a night swim, don't worry about me. I'll be back before you know it.

Once she finished, she grabbed her card key from the counter and left the room.

Remembering back to the small exploration she and Isabelle had earlier that day, she was able to find the indoor pool instantly. Much to her delight, the place was completely deserted.

Mirasol grinned wickedly to herself as she walked over to the deep end of the pool.

"Doesn't the water look so tempting, Mira?"

She crouched down and let her hand delicately skim the water. It was warm. Gowever, it sent a chill down her spine.

"Wouldn't it be nice if we just take a dip, right now?"

Her body was frozen in place.

"Oh, that's right, you never learned how to swim. Shall we learn tonight?" She began to shuck off her hoodie, as well as the sweatpants and the slippers she wore. The water below her was calm and so unbelievably blue. It was welcoming her in.

"... Jovelyn-unnie, please, stop this right now."

The woman grinned manically at the sound of her name. "Aw, Mira, you finally came out to play with me. Aren't you happy that you managed to bring me along with you, after all?"

A prominent frown pulled at her lips. "I— Jovelyn, p-please. You're scaring me."

Boisterous laughter echoed among the walls of the pool room. "Choi Mirasol, you're the monster here, not me. Are you finally aware again what's happening?"

Her reflection morphed within the rippling water. She knew she was laughing right now, but all she could see was the tips of her lips turned downwards, her eyebrows furrowed together, and her whole body shaking.

From fear? Possibly.

"I... please, I just want to be happy, unnie."

"Don't you worry, dear sister. We just got to free ourselves once and for all. And finally, we won't have to suffer anymore."

"We or just you?"

Another laugh left her lips. She was laughing so much that her cheeks were beginning to get sore. "Mirasol! What a bold question to ask! This is exactly our problem. I'm supposed to be the confident and social one between us. What happens when you start defying me?"

Her eyes droned into the reflection's, narrowing into a glower. "You created me, Choi Mirasol, because you can't stand being weak anymore. Just because you finally gotten the encouragement you need, doesn't mean you can continue doing whatever the hell you want. I helped you become you wanted to be. I am now the superior one, I should be the one to own this body!"


"You shouldn't have made me in the first place if you were going to betray me, Mirasol. You and I knew that this was something bound to happen..."

Tears began to fall, splashing into the pool.

"Only one of us can live."

With one step forward, she felt her whole body fall into the warm water. She was now engulfed, sinking further and further down the pool. Ten feet deep. Bubbles leaving her lips at an alarming rate.

Mirasol, you're one stupid girl to have thought you'd be the superior personality at the end of this.


You idiot.

The woman started seeing darkness.

And before she completely let herself fall into unconsciousness, the last thing she heard was a splash from above.

A/n: Happy New Years, lovely readers!

— Bianca

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