Chapter 37: Push and Pull

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A couple months have passed.

Mirasol was in a mindless state... or rather a mind-full state. Ever since she finally admitted herself to the psychiatric hospital to take care of her, as they have professionally called it, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Mira had felt out of place. She felt proud of herself for finally taking that push to bring herself here.

It had been hard for her to have searched for her older cousin's contact information. It didn't really take that much longer when she remembered what company Minseok worked in. Once she did and connected it to the office room he should be in, she introduced herself and asked for him.

The voice at the other end wasn't initially him, but whoever that person may be, he had recognized her name.

"Choi Mirasol? As in, Mira?"

"Yes, how do you know me?..."

"Minseok-hyung will be so happy to hear from you! Do you know that he had been trying to search for you this entire time? For like, what, TWO years!"

Mira had to admit. She was overwhelmed with guilt. When dear sister had control in that time period, she had changed every contact. The moment she moved to Korea, Jovelyn made sure to get a new phone with a new number, changed their email addresses, and ditched all social media accounts Mira once had. And even now, if Mirasol were to look at her own Korean identification card, the first name was Jovelyn.

She doesn't remember much but Jovelyn had gone great lengths to change her identity.

She doesn't even want to imagine how sickeningly worried her parents back in the Philippines must be when they realized they lost all contact of their only daughter.

But now she was ashamed.

Ashamed as a daughter, and as a part of the family. How could she even allow herself in front of her parents when being with Minseok and her other cousin was already painful enough.

But even as much damage she caused, they had welcomed her with open arms, as if she hadn't been missing for nearly two years.

"Mira-yah!" The called-out girl peered up. She was currently waiting for her meeting with her assigned psychiatrist in the lobby, after Minseok had dropped her off before leaving for work. She smiled warmly at the woman in the white, doctor's coat approaching her with unknown items in her hands.


Her other cousin, Kim Minhae, quickly sat down in the empty spot next to her. The older cooed at her in greeting and set down the things she brought on the small table in front of them. It looked to be a small slice of cheesecake from the bakery nearby and a cup of tea.

"I just thought you'd want something nice before you go into your appointment today," Minhae chimed, as she handed the half-filipino with the tea. "I'm pretty sure the tea is no where near as amazing as yours, but it's still pretty good."

Mira cautiously put the cup to her lips and took a small sip. The flavor was quite enchanting, but it was, indeed, missing that oomph that it could have had. It was still quite delicious though. "Thank you, unnie."

"Of course, anything for my pretty Mira!"

The two women sat for a while chatting as Mira ate her small dessert. The topic ranged from how Mira was a model for a short amount of time to how her and her husband, Jongdae, had been. And even small things. Like how Minhae had saw a cute dog earlier today and had asked to pet it. It was nice talking to someone so familiar and close to her again.

"Ah, unnie, shouldn't you be working?" Mirasol brought up the moment she finished her cheesecake and tea.

Minhae checked the watch on her wrist and she gave a small shrug. "I still have a little bit more time. So tell me... I haven't had the chance to ask about the boyfriend."

Mira's cheeks flushed at the thought of Oh Sehun. Their short-lived romance still pained her to a high degree. She missed him so much.

"He was rough around the edges, but you learn to appreciate and love him."

"Oh? Love, hmm?" Minhae teased with a smirk on her face. But despite the playfulness, Mira simply nodded, and smiled brightly when she discovered that her words were true to heart. "Wow. I'm really happy for you, Mira."

"Thank you..." a sigh left her lips. "I don't know how long I'd be gone but would it be selfish of me to want him to wait for me?"

The older blinked over at her in surprise. "Of course not. We're human, we can be selfish. Being selfish for love isn't wrong."

"I'll just have to work hard in my therapy then. So I can come back better sooner!"

Minhae reached over and patted Mira on her head, a warmth radiating from her for seeing the girl so grown up. Honestly, the psychiatrist was close to tearing up herself. "Hey, do you want some bulgolgi tonight? I think Jongdae is bringing some after work from this really good restaurant he knows. You and oppa can come over and eat with us."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am! Jongdae and I will be delighted to have you two come."

"Okay, unnie."

"Doctor Kim! We need you right now for this brief meeting!" A male had called out in the distance.

At the call, Minhae waved her hand dismissively at the man and she slowly stood up. "Alright, alright, Yixing, I'm coming!" She gave Mira one last glance. "Alright, duty calls. I better go ahead. Make sure you get in your appointment on time, okay? I'll see you later!"

Mirasol waved goodbye to her cousin, feeling happy that she got to have a lovely chat with her. In a sense, she felt more in ease.

<< oh fantastic, the bitch is gone >>

"Shut up, Jovelyn. I'm not afraid of you anymore."

<< mhm, says the girl who wakes up from a nightmare every single night. just look at those bags under your eyes! i didn't work hard before to make yourself ugly again >>

"Ugly or not, this is my body and I will take care of it my way from now on. You have nothing on me now."

<< ha, this confidence is cute, honey. i can't wait to see that wash away once you see sehun with someone else >>

Mirasol bit down on her tongue. She let the words sink in... when she knew she shouldn't.

<< oho, sehun's your breaking point? how pathetic. he's a ceo's son, remember? filthy rich and exuding with handsomeness. if you really think a guy like him would wait for a broken bitch like you, then you really are sick in the mind. not from me but from delusions >>

Suddenly, Mirasol hates herself.

She didn't want to be affected by Jovelyn's words anymore but the mere, possible thought of Sehun loving someone else truly broke her. And she already mentioned in the letter that Sehun could move on so he doesn't have to wait. However, Mira had an inkling than he wouldn't, that he'd wait. But she listened to the voice. She hated it. She hated her for making her believe it.

"Choi Mirasol?..." The said girl's eyes snapped up. She saw the nurse that usually called her into her appointments standing before her. However, a very concerned look crossed her face as she looked down at her.

Oh right.

She was talking to herself.

Mira gulped. "Is the Doctor ready?"

"Yes, he is. Please come with me, Mirasol-sshi."

This was going to be hard, but the girl wanted to desperately become better. She wants to do this for her family, for Sehun, and for herself. She knows she will suffer more than before but if she has to deal with that just so she can become healthy, so be it.

A/n: for those who read Dear Diary, you may have recognized Kim Minhae, who is the main character there~ she's married to Jongdae now in this story and is sister's with Minseok!

Even if they exist in this story, this story is not really connected to Dear Diary (since Sehun was mentioned in that story so let's not confuse things lol).

The next chapter or two will reveal more on Mirasol's past finally! So stay tuned ;)

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