Chapter 43: It's About Time

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"Do you not think it's too soon, Mira? You think the time is right?"

"Yeah, oppa, I'm sure of it."

Mirasol nervously stared at her reflection just as Minseok left her to her own devices. Her short hair was styled in soft curls and her makeup was very minimal. She was donned in a casual soft pink dress with a denim jacket over it. It had been a long while since she really liked how she looked. But now as she saw her appearance, she could finally smile at it. She was please at how it all turned out.

Minhae had helped her buy clothes the other day since a lot of her old ones didn't fit her anymore.

How much was it?

She gained about 10 to 15 pounds more since last year.

But nowadays, she really admired the extra curves she had on her body.

Mirasol turned towards the door and she left the bedroom she had been staying in for the past year. Reaching the dining room of the spacious apartment, she saw Minseok, Minhae, and Jongdae bustling about in the kitchen. The table already had a few dishes there, both Filipino and Korean. Mirasol marveled at it all, very impressed that her cousins managed to make traditional Filipino.

"Sinigang, adobo, and kare-kare! It looks so good," Mira chimed in delight, very tempted to try it right on the spot. She can't even think back to how long it had been since she had these dishes.

"Well, we tried our best," Minhae sighed as she taste tested the sinigang. Her face contorted at its sour flavor. "You said this is good enough?"

"Yes, that's how sour sinigang should be, unnie," Mira beamed. "It's exactly how... nanay and tatay would like it."

The door bell to the apartment suddenly rang. Mira glanced over to her cousins frantically, her heart suddenly racing. Today was the day they planned to see Mirasol's parents again. For the occasion, they wanted a grand dinner to celebrate the much needed reunion. This would be the first time in 3 years since the half-filipino girl had seen them.

Minseok gave her a comforting pat on the head before heading to the door and opening it. The person on the other side wasn't what they were expecting, but the visitor brought a bright smile to Mira.

"Hello, Sehun, glad you can make it," Minseok greeted him, holding out his hand to him.

"I wouldn't miss it. I'm honored that I was invited," Sehun replied, his hand meeting the older man's. The moment he had stepped into the apartment, Mira didn't waste time to engulf him into a hug. "Hello, love."

"Thank you for coming."

"Of course."

"Oh Sehun, what are those?" Jongdae chimed from behind, just as he was placing down plates on the table.

In the heir's hands were a few bags from shops of famous brands. He set them down onto the coffee table of the living room. Mirasol, Minseok, Jongdae, and Minhae gathered around to see a lot of boxes, only to be assumed with expensive items. "I wanted to buy everyone something."

"Wait, everyone, you say?" Minhae murmured in surprise. Sehun nodded as he took out one box, a small rectangular one, and gave it to the psychiatrist. She quickly opened it, inside being a beautiful pair of silver earrings. "Oh Sehun!"

Sehun then distributed boxes to the Kim boys. Jongdae opened his to be limited edition headphones that were extremely hard to get. Minseok gotten two pairs of buttoned shirts with high quality fabric. Mirasol gaped at the pricey gifts. "Jagi... that's a bit much, don't you think?"

"I wanted to give everyone something, though," Sehun replied with a surprisingly cute pout.

Minhae chided in, "Aw, Mira-yah, if your boyfriend wants to be generous, let him! Hehe."

"You know, assuming that the last two will be gifts for Mirasol's parents, doesn't this seem like that, you know..." Jongdae's words faded off as he glanced over to his wife.

"Like he's trying to win the family's favor?" Minhae murmured in a fake-questioning tone, a smirk tugging at her lips. The married couple giggled once seeing Sehun and Mira flustered over the statement.

It was then Minseok came up and smacked both the back of Minhae and Jongdae's heads. "Knock it off you two, can't you just thank the man properly?" In defeat, the mischievous two mumbled out their thanks to the younger male. "Thank you, Sehun-ah. I'll make sure to use and take care of these shirts well."

"As well as me with these awesome headphones! I can't wait to use these in the studio," Jongdae bared his famous cat-like smile.

"You're welcome, everyone."

"Oh! Mira-yah, you should make your tea before your parents come," Minhae interjected all of a sudden. "They'll really love it!"

"You think so?" Everyone else nodded their heads over at Mira, who was taken aback by their unanimous response. She bounded into the kitchen and made sure she had all her desired ingredients together to make some unique tea.

"Can I help you?" From behind, Sehun had followed her in.

Mirasol cracked a smile. "Were you afraid being left with my cousins?"

"Maybe a little bit."

"Hah, well, you can help by cutting some lemons for me then."

Sehun and Mirasol worked together in making the tea. A brand new blend that Mirasol had only made a couple times before. The couple talked about and had their little fun as they prepared the hot drink, lost in their own world.

"You look very beautiful tonight, by the way. I wanted to tell you the moment I saw you."

"Yah, Sehun-ah, please."

Mirasol picked up the kettle that had been boiling water for the past few minutes.

However, the doorbell rang again.

Scaring the living daylights out of the poor girl, causing her to drop the kettle from her hand and accidentally burning herself from doing so.

"Mira!" Sehun rushed forward and gingerly examined her hand. Jongdae and Minhae hurried over to see the damage of the hand. Unfortunately, Mira's left hand was undeniably red. Her facial expression was evidence enough that she was in extreme pain. "We need to run lukewarm water over it.

Sehun and Jongdae lead Mira to the sink and did just that, letting the water soothe away the blistering pain. Minhae had already disappeared to grab the first aid kit. And Minseok, worriedly stood by the door, unsure to open it or not.

The doorbell chimed again.

The burn was painful enough to bring the girl to tears. "I-I don't want them to see me like this. Not when I prepared so much to look okay for them."

"I'll distract them then. Go take care of that burn!"


Mirasol peered over at her boyfriend with misty eyes.

She worked so damn hard for a perfect day to see her parents again, who still made her nervous to meet. She was close to breaking down. How stupid could she be to mess up right in the last minute?!

"Mirasol, you're going to be just fine, okay?" Sehun murmured, holding onto her other hand. "Nothing is ruined, you're going to do fine with your parents. You have your cousins, Jongdae, and me to rely on. Didn't I say that I'd stay by your side?"

"Y-You did."

"So, take slow breaths and let's have a wonderful dinner with your family, okay?"

As Mirasol gazed at Oh Sehun, she couldn't help but feel amazed every time. The way he encourages her without hesitation, giving her this love she never thought she deserved. Holding his hand tight, he was real. That gentle stare, the tenderness he had as he held her hand, the way he just always seem to know what to say.

She loves him so much.

"Anak, Mirasol!"

She was engulfed by another pair of arms. Both new but way too familiar. Mirasol broke down into tears as she allowed herself to enclose her arms around the body. Her heart racing and yet... relieved.

So relieved that she had called out to her so lovingly and full of mutual sadness.


The korean man that stood just behind, watching them with a sad smile, finally caught Mirasol's attention. She cried even harder. "Tatay..." He allowed himself to join the hug, wrapping his arms around the two women. They all had tears in their eyes.

Finally, the reunion had come.

And once again, the mind was silent.

Mirasol hadn't heard her voice for a while.

A/n: nanay means mother; tatay means father; and anak means child/sweetheart

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