Chapter 6: Nightmares

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In a dark corner, a young woman stayed crouching, her arms wrapped around her legs and her head buried into her knees. In every direction, whispers wavered in and out of her ears, as if she were in a room full of people. But she wasn't, it was a very empty room. The only other thing filling her ears were her own sobs.

"You're worthless," a woman's voice uttered in the language she was once so used to, filipino. Her voice was warm and soft, yet so wrenching... believable. Mirasol tried to restrain her tears, her heart felt like it was being torn in two. "What makes you think you'd be able to do anything? Isn't that why you ran away?"

There was a man to the other side of her. His voice was low and he also spoke in filipino into her ears, "We expected too much." A sigh was heard, gruff and tired, like he has had enough with this running subject. "It's amazing how she turns out to be, don't you think?"

"I agree." The two voices, they sounded distinctively older, were conversing with each other. Talking about how much of a failure Mirasol was and will be. The poor girl cupped her hands over her ears, hoping to block out their endless babbling, but to no avail. She was trembling.

"Aren't you tired now?" A third voice broke through the pitch black. This was one voice she hated above all but she couldn't distinguish who it could belong to. A sickenly sweet tone, one to lure anyone into their trap. The girl couldn't help but always listen to the negative, hopeless comments. "You are, aren't you? You poor, pitiful child. You went through so much and you still want to continue. You don't have to fight it..."

She was drowning, breathless now.

"Mirasol, just... let it all go."

A gasp, Mirasol snapped her head upright, blinking her misty eyes awake. She glanced around at her surroundings. The living room was dark, due to it still being late at night, the only source of light just coming from the blank television screen.

She must've fallen asleep during one of the episodes. She cursed at herself for doing so, having a nightmare night after night was getting too exhausting.

The girl let out a groan, running her fingers through her naturally wavy hair. Why did those nightmares have to come back to haunt her? She was absolutely fine a year ago. Wasn't she getting better, not worse?

"Omo, Mira?" The younger twin glanced over to her right, to where her dear sister was waking up from her own sleep. Jovelyn sat up, a frown to her face once the blood-shot eyes and tear-stained cheeks. "Don't tell me that you?..." Mirasol nodded in response, not needing her to finish the question. "Oh god... come here." Wrapped in her sister's arms, Mirasol let herself relax, her head buried into her shoulder, deep steady breaths to calm her thudding heart. "This is getting bad. What should we do?"

"I don't know... and I just..." Mirasol pulled away and tried her best to grin at her concerned sister, despite how much of a mess she must look like at that moment. "Go in and sleep, okay? I know you like sleeping as much as you need. I'll just... do work."

"You mean, your art? Do you have a lot of commissions?"

"Mmm, it's decent. It'll help with rent."

Jovelyn rested her hand on top of Mira's. The sisters made eye contact, saddened to tired ones. "Hey, once I become a more well-known model, you won't have to do that anymore. Just rely on me when the day comes, alright?"

Such determination, Mirasol grinned to that. "Okay, unnie."

"Oh gosh, you're calling me unnie now? You must really be frazzled..."

"Just go ahead and sleep, alright?"

The older twin still didn't look convinced, but she knew well. "... If you insist, but do try to sleep when you can."

"Will do."

Jovelyn stood up from the couch and made way to their bedroom. Once she was completely inside, Mirasol gathered up her laptop and her drawing pad, making her way to the door. She had to get rid of all these depressing thoughts, and there was only one sure way to distract herself from it.

To the lobby she goes.

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