Chapter 9: Hidden Beauty

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Bravad-Oh was closed for the day and Luhan and Sehun had arrived to the company photography studio early that morning.

At the gates, their good friend and main photographer for the day was there to greet them. Luhan clambered out of the car and hurried over to greet the fashionable Chinese man. "Tao, it's been a while!" The older chimed, patting their friend's shoulder.

"Right," Tao quipped with a pleased smile. "The three of us should go out drinking sometime soon, alright?"

Luhan instantly gave him a hi-five. "Deal!"

"What is this about drinking?"

"Sehun!" Tao rushed forward and gave the heir a side hug, shaking his shoulders in a playful manner. "We haven't gone out drinking since you came back from America. How about later? After the auditions to pick the model for your shop, hmm?" Sehun didn't bother to respond to the plan, only he rolled his eyes at the thought of drinking with his two friends. Usually, it'd get a little too much for the two Chinese men, and Sehun would no longer understand them when they start talking in their home language in a drunken manner.

Tao sighed with an amused chuckle and slithered his arm around Luhan's as well. "Think about it a bit then, Sehun. For now, let's go welcome the potential models, eh?"

The three men walked into the building before them. After a few twists and turns through the hallways, they reached one room in particular. A bright room, the ceilings high above them, quality photos framed along the walls, expensive equipment; Oh Corp doesn't fail to make an impressive establishment. Inside the room, four young women stood, already dolled up and chatting with one another as they waited. However, once seeing the guys enter, they halted their conversation and greeted them properly.

"Hello ladies, thank you for coming today," Luhan chimed, baring a bright grin for the four. He walked back and forth along the line, gazing at each one intently. His eyes may have lingered on one in particular, and his lips flickered. "Today is a trial run. We're not picking by looks or professionalism, we are picking for the mere fact if you have the right aura for Bravad-Oh. Okay?"

The four models chimed in agreement.

"Now, ladies, you all should introduce yourselves to these two men, as they are the ones to be making the important decision today," Tao replied.

One by one, each beautiful model did just that.

Jeon Hwana.

Ji Minra.

Do Sohye.

And, of course, Choi Jovelyn.

The professional photographer stepped forward, his camera in hand while his assistants were setting up the lights and backdrop for them. At this, Sehun and Luhan stayed behind the line, as they prepared the shoot. "Alright ladies, let's start with a group picture. Let's be fair."

The women lined up altogether in front of the white backdrop. Each had their own sparking characteristic, their own special beauty about them. Sehun watched from the back as they all posed, noting this fact. He really was focusing on the task at hand with an open mind.

But one woman just seemed... much better than the rest. And the young heir was beginning to feel torn within himself.

"Beautiful shots, ladies. Now we'll start doing solo pictures."

Oh Sehun didn't want to admit it.

It went against his ego and pride.

But honestly, why did she seem to have this thing that entranced him? His eyes following her every move. He couldn't stop himself.

"Ya, Jovelyn looks hot, doesn't she?" Luhan murmured from his side. As the younger glanced over, his friend only gave him an urging look with an amused smirk on his lips.


"Gorgeous Jovelyn, stay like that!"

Sehun's eyes drifted back over at the photoshoot. The dark-haired beauty had the whole look down so effortlessly. Her very expression was enough to show how much of a professional Choi Jovelyn was. And with the proposition Luhan mentioned before, it only became more clear how perfect she was for the job.

Who knew from her usual annoyingly bright, bothersome personality, she had this side to her?

"I know that look, Oh Sehun. She's the one, isn't she?"

"Hyung, shut up, we're evaluating all the photos later."

However, later that day, Sehun ended up calling Jovelyn himself, begrudgingly congratulating the young woman as the new face of their shop.

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