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The girls alarm clock went off at 7 am. Sierra slowly opened her eyes as  she lifted up from her bed. “Sky, wake up” Sierra groaned as she scratched her hair. She got no response.

“Bro, Skyler wake up” Sierra groaned as she pulled the covers off of herself. “I don’t want to go out with Aunt May either but we promised we’d go with her” Sierra continued. She still go no reply from her sister. She began to grow irritated. “Fine, I’ll wake you how I used to when we were younger” Sierra smirked. She took a deep breath then jumped off of the top bunk and landed hard on the ground. By then SKyler would jump up screaming for dear life.

She noticed that her sister wasn’t laying in bed. Skyler rarely  woke up before the alarm clock went off, not even to get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. Sierra creeped out the room and peeked into their bathroom. It was freezing cold like it always was. “If Skyler was in here already she’d have the heater going and her her sleeping clothes would be on the floor still” Sierra mumbled. She flicked the light off and made her way downstairs.

“Hey Auntie May” Sierra spoke to her Aunt as she seen her setting at the table. “Hey Skyler she spoke with boredom in her voice. “I’m Sierra, Auntie” she groaned. “By the way, have you seen Skyler?”she asked. “Nope” she told Sierra. “She’s the one with the straight ha-”

“I’m aware of that..but no I still didn’t see her around here. I’ve been up since 5 am. I ain’t seen a thing” her Aunt said. Sierra gulped hard when she said that. She rubbed the back of her neck then cleared her throat.

“What’s wrong with you? You actin’ like you seen a ghost”

“Auntie May..I think we have to call the police” Sierra managed to spit out.

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“And when was the last time you seen her?”

"Around 1 this morning, we were getting ready to go to bed” Sierra told the officer as she looked down.

“Did she show any weird or odd signs, feeling before she went to bed?”

“She was sad and angry over the fact that this person she liked had a girlfriend..” Sierra told the officer.

The officer continued to write what Sierra said then got out of the seat. “Where is your Aunt, miss?”  he asked. “On the phone with my parents” Sierra said as she looked back at her Aunt. She continued talking on the phone for a second then came over to Sierra and the officer. “Well, Skyler parents aren’t going to be able to come home..” Aunt May said.

“Are you serious?! Their own daughter is missing and they can’t come home?!” Sierra screamed.

“Calm down, young lady” the officer said loudly with his deep and heavy voice. Sierra shook her head and ran past the officer and up to her bedroom.

“We’ll let you know when we get more information on Skyler” he said before he left the house.

“Okay, thank you officer” Aunt May said as she watched him walk out of the front door. She closed the door behind him and sighed as she closed her eyes. She leaned back on the door as she began to pray.

While in the middle of her prayer noise from upstairs startled her. “Sierra?” she called out. Sierra stormed out of her room as she finished pulling down the hoodie she wore. She ran down the stairs and stood in front of her Aunt. “What are you doing?” she snapped.

“Let me out of the house” Sierra said between grit teeth.

“Where the hell-”

“PLEASE!” she begged. “Please, I just want to clear my head” she continued with her eyes closed shut. Aunt May slowly moved from the door. “Please, PLEASE, be safe outside” Aunt May said to Sierra. Sierra nodded her head and made her way out the house.

As soon as she got out of the house she began calling people. She called Skyler friends, Lydia and Farrah, asking if she snuck out with them. She called some of the guys Skyler hung with to see if she was with them. She called family members asking the same thing and seeing if they could keep an eye out. Sierra called her own best friends asking the same things she asked her family.  Sierra knew she could call all the people she wanted, but her sister wouldn’t pop up anytime soon.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later if we find out anything...bye” Sierra mumbled then hung up the phone. She threw her head back and began to cry. Her whole world was crashing down. Her sister was messing, her parents wouldn’t come home to be with her and nobody had seen her around. “Out of all the people why’d it have to be my sister?” Sierra wondered as she cried.

While Sierra was wondering that, the someone else was thinking the same thing.

Skyler finally woke up out of her unplanned slumber. She winced in pain as she touched the gigantic bump on the back of her head. “Where am I?” she asked herself barely above a whisper. She looked around the dark room. It was somewhat bright because of the sunlight peeking through the boarded up windows. She slowly stood up from the ground she was laying on and started walking around, slowly. She seen a old beaten up couch with stains all over it. She also seen an old washer, dryer and a fridge. “Am I in a basement?” she whispered as she looked around.

Suddenly, footsteps above startled her. She jumped and quickly ran into a closet door behind her. “Oh my god..what is that smell?” she asked herself as she stood in the closet with the foulest smell. So foul you could actually cry and throw up.

She covered her nose and felt around for a light switch on the wall. As soon as she found on she flicked it on and saw something she never wanted to see--parts of a body.

A scream escaped her mouth as she stumbled out of the closet and fell to the ground. “Oh my god..” she whimpered as she held her stomach, trying not throw up.

Footsteps above began running. She heard door creep open and more footsteps running. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” screamed a white man, probably in his late 30’s

“WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE PARTS OF A BODY IN A CLOSET?” Skyler screamed at the man.

He looked over at the open closet door and smirked. “Oh, so you’ve found the closet, eh?” he said as he slammed the closet door, causing Skyler to jump. “That was the last stupid teenage girl who didn’t obey me when I asked her to do something” he said as he walked closer to SKyler. Her eyes got wide as she scooted away from him.

The guy looked at Skyler with evil eyes. “Open that closet door again or disobey me..YOU’LL BE THE NEXT ONE IN THE DAMN CLOSET, YOU UNDERSTAND?” he shouted.

“YES” She screamed with tears running down her face. He mean mugged her one last time then made his way upstairs. Skyler waited till he was completely gone until she started to cry.

“Why did this happen to me?” she asked. “Why?”

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