12 - Talking

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Samchester: "Take these numbers and use them wisely"

Gabe looked at the phone number that Sam had sent him.

TricksterGabe: "That's your number I assume?"

Samchester: "Nooo I'm giving you Dean's."

Samchester: "Of course it is you idiot. And if you use iMessage it won't kill either phone bills."

Gabe smiled and started a new message on his phone, typing in the phone number that Sam had given him.

Gabriel Novak: "SAMMICH"

Sam Winchester: "I was waiting to see what nickname you would use there."

Gabriel Novak: "Ima change your contact"

Samantha: "What did you change it to..."

Gabriel Novak: "Nothing you would hate"

Gabriel Novak: "Waaaiiit I had a better idea"

Little Moosey: "That's alarming. I'm going to change yours"

Gabey: "Ooo what did you change it to??

Little Moosey: "Nothing you would hate :P"

Gabey: "Oh come oonnnnn"

Little Moosey: "You said it first."

Gabey: "Yeah but...kdjhfaiuerbgaeuirg"

Little Moosey: "English Gabey."

Gabey: "Oh you made it Gabey didn't you"

Little Moosey: "Oh damn you guessed it."

Little Moosey: "Hey I have class now, I'll see you later k?"

Gabey: "Dude I wish I could see you later. If you could just get on a plane that would be great."

Little Moosey: "You know what I mean xD"

Gabey: "Yeah :) Later little moosey"

Little Moosey: "...that's my contact isn't it?"

Gabey: ";)"


"Okay why was I not told about any of this?" Charlie asked, glaring at Sam.

"I forgot to mention it?" Sam said sheepishly.

"One, you have a boyfriend. Two, that boyfriend is on the other side of the world. Three, you're moving to the other side of the world."


"What about me Sammy?" Charlie asked. "Are you just going to leave me here?"

"You wanna come with us?" Sam asked.

"Hella yeah," Charlie said. "My parents won't care, Dean won't care, you won't care, will your dad care?"

Sam shrugged. "Probably not."

"Right well then I'm coming to America with you," Charlie said. "Couldn't just leave one of the best characters behind."

"We're not characters..."

"That's just what they want you to think," Charlie said ominously. Sam rolled his eyes, smiling. "Anyway, I want to meet this Gabriel person."

"Uh okay..." Sam said, before Charlie snatched his phone away. "What are you..."

"Skyping him," Charlie said, showing Sam the screen of where she had already called Gabe.

"Wait but he has a time zone difference," Sam said, trying to snatch the phone back.

"Oo what time is it there?" Charlie asked, not letting Sam get the phone.

"Like 1am," Sam said, pouting at Charlie. Then the phone made the noise of the Skype call being answered, and in the moment that Charlie was distracted by that, snatched the phone back.

"Hey!" Charlie yelled, as Sam held it out of her reach.

"Should I question this Sammy?"

Sam smiled sheepishly at the screen where Gabe was watching with amusement.

"Well at least he's cute," Charlie said. "I approve. So far."

"Uhh..." Sam said, tilting the phone so Gabe could see Charlie too. "So this is Charlie."

"Hi Charlie!" Gabe said, waving frantically.

"I have a very important serious question for you," Charlie said with a deadpan expression.

"Okay..." Gabe said.

"Are you in fandoms?"

Gabe blinked before smiling. "Well duh, I write fanfiction about the gay ships, of course I am."

Charlie nodded. "Okay, I approve. Sam, keep him."

Sam was just standing there blushing. Gabe saw this and smiled.

"Samantha you're blushing," he teased.

"Shut up," Sam muttered, blushing more. Charlie then grabbed the phone off of him.

"Gabriel what time is it for you?" she asked.

"12:56 am," Gabe said.

"Sorry," Sam said. "You should be sleeping."

"Do you know me at all?" Gabe said. "I was reading fics okay." Sam chuckled lightly while Charlie nodded in approval.

"What other fandoms do you like?" Charlie asked.

"Sherlock, Doctor Who, Gotham, Cap, Iron Man, anything Marvel...I really could go on forever."

"My god you two are a perfect match," Charlie said, passing the phone back to Sam. "Oh one more thing Gabriel. You hurt Sam and you die." With that she turned around and walked away.

"Well then," Gabe said, smiling at the still blushing Sam. "You have interesting friends. I like her."

"I don't know why she's walking away, I'm supposed to be driving her home," Sam muttered and Gabe laughed. "Hey I'll talk to you later okay? After you go to sleep and wake up again."

"Fiine," Gabe said, pouting. "Bye my little moosey." Gabe smiled as Sam blushed again.

"Bye Gabey," he said with a small smile before ending the call.


ChevyImpala67: "Caaasssss"

ChevyImpala67: "Cassiiieee"

ChevyImpala67: "Castiel answer meeeeee"

ChevyImpala67: "Angel come ooonnn"

AngelWithAShotgun: "You called me angel again."

ChevyImpala67: "It worked didn't it?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Any reason for this sudden spam?"

ChevyImpala67: "No I'm just bored."

AngelWithAShotgun: "Right then. What time is it?"

ChevyImpala67: "Totally not midnight at all."

AngelWithAShotgun: "9am here, Dean you should sleep."

ChevyImpala67: "Nahhh...you ever get nervous about meeting someone?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Is this that person you like who lives in America?"

ChevyImpala67: "Yeaah."

AngelWithAShotgun: "I guess I kind of understand how you feel."

ChevyImpala67: "How so?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "I'm kind of nervous about meeting you."

ChevyImpala67: "What why?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "I never really was good at making friends..."

ChevyImpala67: "But I'm already your friend sooo..."

AngelWithAShotgun: "People are different in person...what if you don't like me?"

ChevyImpala67: "Bullshit Cas, I'm not going to stop liking you if I meet you in person."

AngelWithAShotgun: "How do you know that?"

ChevyImpala67: "I just do okay?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "..."

ChevyImpala67: "You need a hug. I'm giving you a hug when I meet you."

AngelWithAShotgun: "You don't know what I look like..."

ChevyImpala67: "Then I'll just hug everyone until I get it right."

AngelWithAShotgun: "That's kind of adorable :)"

AngelWithAShotgun: "The person you like is a lucky person..."

ChevyImpala67: "Nah, I think I'm just lucky to know the other person. Because the odds of it..."

AngelWithAShotgun: ":) Go to sleep Dean."

ChevyImpala67: "Fiine...gnight angel :)"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Good night Dean :)"


Dean once again stared at his phone wondering how Cas hadn't worked it out. Also in shock over the fact that he had yet again called Cas angel without meaning to.

But he was going to get to meet Cas...he would actually see Cas in person, get to know what this damn person looks like.

Meanwhile, Cas was looking at the messages Dean had said about hugging him. And then each time he had called him angel. And then the fact that everything Dean had said about that person he liked applied to him too...


Been a while again...okay but now that I've finished year 10 and am on holidays soon, I'm going to try and fix my schedule

I'm actually at school right now, I wrote this entire thing at school xD I have no proper class though...meh

Guuuuyyyyyys I'M GOING TO A SPN CON ON SUNDAY!!! I've been drawing a picture to get signed by Richard ^_^ It actually looks like him...

Anywayyyy *Gives everyone Maltesers*

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