14 - Christmas From Overseas

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Time passes by...

December. Shining sun, air cons on. Wow I wonder what country this is.

Dean ran inside the house from his car, trying not to be in the sun for too long. Because Australia is like that. He got inside the air conditioned house and sighed with relief.

"Hey Dean," Sam said, smiling as he walked up to Dean. He held out a package. "This came for you."

Dean raised an eyebrow and took the package, before opening it with Sam smiling. Inside was a box...wrapped in wrapping paper.

"You're not allowed to open it until Christmas," Sam said. "According to Gabe who heard from Castiel."

"This is...from Cas?" Dean asked, smiling as he turned over the little wrapped box in his hands.

Sam nodded. "Gabe sent me something too. Did you get Castiel anything?"

"Well duh," Dean said. "I sent it a bit late, I hope it gets there in time."

"Cas will probably understand if it doesn't," Sam said, still smiling.

"Why are you so happy?"

"I dunno Dean. Why am I so happy?"

"Because you did some nerd thing which is cool in a nerdy way?"

Sam just chuckled, walking off. Dean shrugged before pulling out his phone and messaging Cas.

ChevyImpala67: "I was about to send you a picture of something I got today but WATTPAD DOESN'T LET US SEND PHOTOS"

AngelWithAShotgun: "XD You do have my email you know."

ChevyImpala67: "I don't have my laptop right now."

Dean could almost imagine the eye roll he just got from Cas. A second later a phone number came through, and Dean smiled.

He took a photo of the wrapped box and texted it to the phone number, before saving the name under 'Angel'.

Angel: ":) Don't open it yet."

Dean: "I woooonnn't...I'll try not to."

Angel: "Deeeaaaan don't do it."

Dean: "Fine."

Dean: "On a scale of 1 to 10, how boring is the contact name you made for me?"

There was the text equivalent of a moment of silence.

Angel: "I just changed it."

Bean: "What is it?"

Angel: "You'll never know."

Bean: "Caaassss, angel, tell me."

Angel: "Nope :)"

Bean: "*pouts*"

Angel: ":) *pats head*"

Bean: "I'm taller than you, you can't do that."

Angel: "How do you know you're taller?"

Bean: "Because I'm tall."

Angel: "So am I."

Bean: "6'1''. Beat that."

Angel: "Dammit. 6'0''."

Bean: "HAH I WIN"

Angel: "Assbutt."

Bean: "What kind of an insult is that?"

Angel: "The completely logical awesome one."

Bean: "You keep telling yourself that Cass."

Angel: "Oh it looks weird spelt like that why would you do that?"

Bean: ":)"

Angel: "*eye roll*"

Dean just smiled down at his phone as he went and laid down on his bed, prepared to text Cas all night.



"Oh my god Gabe," Sam said, laughing as he answered the call. "What is it?"

Gabe held up the wrapped present to the camera. "What is it?"

"You'll have to wait and see," Sam said, smirking.

"But Saaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmm."

"Hey if I have to wait then you have to wait."

Gabe pouted at him as he walked through his shop.

"What time is it for you?" Sam asked. Their time difference had recently changed, what with daylight savings ending for Gabe and starting for Sam. So now it was 17 hours instead of 15.

"It's totally not midnight," Gabe said. "5pm for you right?" Sam nodded.

"Why are you still in the shop at midnight?"

"I was hungry," Gabe said, shrugging.

"So...you ate candy...at midnight."


Sam just laughed at his boyfriend. "You're adorable." Well he'd meant to say an idiot, but it still applies.

"Says the moose puppy," Gabe said, smiling at the camera.

"How am I a puppy, I'm so much taller than you."

"Sammy the puppy," Gabe said, smiling wider. Sam chuckled.

"I'm not even going to bother trying to argue against that," he said.

Gabe smiled. "Hey so, you're going to be able to call on Christmas right?"

"Should be," Sam said.

"We could have Skype open while we're doing presents and everything and Cassie could be here too—"

"Except Dean and Cas haven't seen each other," Sam said. "I think they want to keep it that way."

"Oh true," Gabe said. "You know it is going to be hilarious seeing them meet for the first time."

"Now are you going to be watching them oorr," Sam said, letting the end of the sentence hang.

Gabe smiled. "Why watch them when I'll be able to reach my little moosey at last?"

"Still with that nickname huh."

"Be glad I don't start calling you little puppy moosey."

Sam laughed and Gabe smiled.

"January right?"

"Yeah," Sam said with a wide smile. "It's the 23rd right now, that's soon." Gabe smiled.

"Better not let the plane crash," he said.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Sam said. "Oh I'll take a video of Dean on the plane, it'll be hilarious."

"What why?"

"He's afraid of flying," Sam said, smiling.

"Oh my god," Gabe said, laughing. "We'll show Cassie."

"If they don't get together, we're going to set them up right?" Sam asked.

"Oh hells yeah," Gabe said. "They are so obvious about it. Even over text. You know I saw Cas today, his contact name for Dean is Bean."

Sam was silent for a moment before he burst out laughing. "Oh my god really?"

"Do you know what Dean's is for Cas?"

"I'd go find out but he hasn't let go of his phone since he got home from work," Sam said.

"He's talking to Cassie isn't he?" Gabe asked.

"That's all he ever does," Sam said, smiling.

"I mean, that's all we ever do, talk to each other," Gabe said.

"Not as good as actually hanging out with each other though," Sam muttered.

"Hey just give it a month Samantha," Gabe said. "We just have one more month." Sam smiled at Gabe.


December 25th. Sam woke up to the sun shining through his curtains. Because Australia.

He immediately did the same thing he did every morning: text Gabriel.

Gabey: "Sammy! Mornin :)"

Little Moosey: "Dudedudedude"

Gabey: "What?"

Little Moosey: "MERRY CHRISTMAS"


Little Moosey: "Oh right xD"

Gabey: ":) Just give it like another 10 hours."

Little Moosey: "But I wanna spend Christmas with you :("

Gabey: "Same Sammy...but hey, go enjoy your family until I wake up tomorrow :D"

Little Moosey: "But Gabey :("

Gabey: "Nope, I'm sleeping now. So that I can wake up at midnight and share Christmas with you :)"

Little Moosey: "Fiiine...see you in 10 hours, I'm holding you to that."

Gabey: "You better :P"

Sam smiled as he put down the phone and got up, opening the curtains to look at the clear blue sky.

He walked out to where the Christmas tree was. There were a few presents under there, hastily wrapped, probably from Dean.

"Sammy!" Dean yelled, walking into the room. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas Dean," Sam said, smiling.

"So I was talking to Dad," Dean said. "We're going to do the whole presents thing later. Except for one, but meh."

"What why?"

"So you can call Gabriel and he can join us."

Sam gaped at Dean for a moment and Dean just smiled.

"I'll be texting Cas obviously," Dean said. "Maybe I'll call him..."

"I thought you weren't going to see each other until we saw them in person," Sam said.

"I mean like a phone call," Dean said. "Not everything has video you know Sammy."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Yeah okay. But...thank you Dean."

"No problem Sammy," Dean said, smiling brightly. "But Dad has a thing for us now." Sam nodded and he followed Dean into the kitchen where John was sitting. John looked up as they both sat at the table with him.

"Okay so," John said. "I'm going up to America before you two."

"What?" Sam said. "Why?"

"Finalise everything with the house," John said. "Sort out all our stuff. That sort of thing." He pulled out an envelope and passed it to Sam. "I feel like some select people in America will find the information on these quite interesting."

Sam gave his dad a confused look, before opening the envelope. Inside were three plane tickets, with an actual time and place and it was really happening...

Dean snatched the tickets from Sam who was looking at them with wide eyes. "If you're going before us," Dean said, "why are these three for the same time?"

"Charlie's coming with us," John said, shrugging.

"Oh hell yeah," Dean said, smiling. He took out his phone and took a photo of the tickets, sending it off to Cas.

Bean: "Meet me there?"

Angel: "Wouldn't miss it for the world :)"

Sam snatched the tickets back and also took a photo of them, sending it off to Gabriel. There was no immediately reply, which meant Gabe probably had actually gone to sleep.

"Merry Christmas boys," John said, smiling at his two kids as they texted their boyfriend/soon to be boyfriend.


Omc so many updates I don't even...and I just had to plan a Christmas chapter for each of my fics, and I just have to upload Christmas chapters on Christmas xD Soo that's four updates on Sunday, another one today, and one tomorrow...wait no I've counted that wrong somewhere. Meh

Anywayyyyy...HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE XD It's actually Saturday right now, 12:54am

I had something to say here and forgot xD So I'll see you guys on Sunday :D

*Gives everyone mysteriously wrapped presents*

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