17 - Nice to Finally Meet You

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Sam sent Gabe one last message with a heart before putting his phone on airplane mode. They had one stop on the way to switch planes, and then that was it.

"Freaking hate planes," Dean was muttering under his breath in the seat beside him. He did up his seatbelt and tried to get comfortable in the seat but that wasn't going to happen.

"Just think of what's on the other end," Sam said.

"More like who," Charlie said, already connecting her laptop to the planes Wifi. She closed it as the plane engines started up. "What show shall we watch first?"

"We could probably get through all of Sherlock while we're flying," Sam said. "Do you have the episode from season 4 there?"

"Of course I do," Charlie said. "Also that will only make up about half the flight. That's how short it is."

"Then we'll figure out what to watch later, I want to see Johnlock," Sam said. The plane started moving pretty fast along the runway and Dean made a whimpering sound. Sam smirked and pulled out his phone to start recording Dean.

"You bitch," Dean muttered as he gritted his teeth. His knuckles were white from clenching the armrests as the plane started to lift off the ground. Dean closed his eyes and tried to block out the world around him. Sam just chuckled lightly.

A few minutes later the plane levelled out and Charlie opened the laptop again, passing it to Sam since he was in the middle of them.

"And headphones," Charlie said, passing a headphone splitter to Sam, so they could all hear it. Dean put the headphones on while pouting.

"Start the damn show already," Dean muttered. And so Sam did.

They made it a few episodes through before they took a break to stretch. And that wasn't even half the flight. Dean had started to calm down with watching the show, but he was still on edge.

"Where do you think we are right now?" Sam asked.

"Probably over an ocean," Charlie said, before looking out the window. "Yep. Ocean."

"What about the time?" Dean said.

"Oh no, jet lag," Sam said. "We're moving seventeen hours into the past."

"We should probably be sleeping," Charlie said.

"Hell no," Dean said. "I can't sleep through this."

"Dean you have to sleep at some point," Sam said. "Or you're going to be dead when we arrive."

"I'll sleep during the crossover," Dean said. "We have a few hours there right?"

"Yeah," Sam said. "Fine, enjoy being tired."


"Cassie wake up!!"

Cas groaned into his pillow, trying to ignore Gabriel. Gabe then proceeded to jump on his bed after turning the light on.

"Why are you here?" Cas asked. "How did you even get in?"

"I have a key," Gabe said, smirking. "And we have to go to the airport, Sam and Dean are arriving today!"

"...in about twelve hours."

"What if they're early?"

"Twelve hours early? I don't think so."

"I don't caaarre, I'm excited okay?"

Cas sighed but he was smiling slightly. He wouldn't lie and say he didn't feel Gabe's enthusiasm. He'd finally get to see Dean... Although he was going to have to go by Gabe's reaction at seeing Sam to recognize Dean.

"Give me two more hours of sleep," Cas said. "Then we can go."

"Yay!" Gabe said, jumping off the bed and going off to probably find sugar in Cas's house.

In another two hours exactly, Gabe was jumping on Cas's bed again. Cas sighed and actually got up this time.

"They're going to get there at 8pm," Gabe said. "This is too long to wait."

"I wonder how they're going to be feeling," Cas said as he went to look for clothes to change into. Totally not trying to make a good impression on Dean.

"What do you mean?" Gabe asked.

"They're travelling over a 17 hour time difference," Cas said. "They're going to be badly jet lagged."

"Oh damn," Gabe said. "They can sleep when they get here."

"Speaking of, do they actually know where they're going?" Cas said. "We're picking them up, but where are we taking them?"

"That is an excellent question and I don't know the answer," Gabe said. "We'll ask when they get here." Saying those words still seemed surreal, the fact that their internet friends would be there with them in reality...

Cas yawned. "I guess we should go then. How long is the drive to the airport?"

"An hour or so," Gabe said. "Let's go." He bounded out of the room with Cas following normally behind.


The moment they touched down at their first stop, Sam put his phone off airplane mode and messaged Gabe, sending all the photos and videos of Dean that he had taken. Also the photos that Dean had taken after he stole Sam's phone while Sam was sleeping.

Gabey: Aww you're adorable when you sleep

Little Moosey: Not going to watch me sleep now are you?

Gabey: Nahh of course nooottt

Little Moosey: -_-

Sam looked over at Dean who had found a row of seats and was lying across them, falling asleep immediately. He took a photo and sent it to Gabe.

Gabey: I so wanna show that to Cassie

Little Moosey: He refused to sleep on the plane

Gabey: Wow, isn't he smart

Little Moosey: Not really

Gabey: What did you do?

Little Moosey: Watched Sherlock with Charlie and slept

Gabey: Wait, Charlie?

Little Moosey: Oh right, our friend Charlie is coming with us. She's the one from that skype call once

Gabey: Oh right, I remember her, she was great

Little Moosey: She's the definition of a fangirl

Gabey: :D Yay fandom friends

Gabey: Hey what time is it, wherever you are?

Little Moosey: 5pm. That's so weird, we have an eight hour flight or something but we're landing three hours from now.

Gabey: It's 12 in the afternoon. That time difference is so small

Little Moosey: :D

Sam then just Skype called Gabe because that's easier.

"You look tired," Gabriel said, smiling softly at the camera.

"Yeah, well sleeping on the plane isn't the best way to rest," Sam said, smiling wearily. "When I get there I'm going to sleep for a day."

"Mind if I join you?" Gabe asked, smirking. Sam immediately blushed darkly and Gabe chuckled. "I wasn't insinuating anything there. I wouldn't mind just sleeping next to you. It'll be comforting knowing you're really there."

"You sap," Sam said, smiling and Gabe just shrugged. It was then that Sam noticed the background of where Gabe was. "Where are you?"

"Totally not prematurely at an airport waiting for your arrival," Gabe said.

"Oh my god you're already there."

"I was excited Sammy what did you expect," Gabe said, chuckling kind of bashfully. Cas then appeared in the frame next to Gabe.

"Hello Sam," Cas said. "He dragged me out of bed at a ridiculous hour for this."

"It wasn't that early," Gabe muttered as Sam laughed.

"Oo Sam who are you talking to?" Charlie asked as she walked over from where she had been getting food. "Sup bitches."

"Hey Charlie," Gabe said. "Sam never mentioned that you were coming too."

"Ouch Sam, I'm offended," Charlie said, lightly punching Sam's arm.

"It escaped my mind," Sam said sheepishly.

"And that must be Cas," Charlie said, seeing Cas there too. "Hey Cas, I'm Charlie."

"Hello Charlie," Cas said.

"Oo his voice, Dean's gonna like that," Charlie said, looking over at the sleeping Dean. "He should've slept on the plane."

"He really should've," Sam said.

"Did he not?" Cas asked, concerned.

"He hates planes," Gabe said. "I have the videos to prove it."

"Show them to me," Cas said immediately and Gabe just raised an eyebrow at him. "...After I see Dean."

"That's better, I want to see your reaction to seeing him," Gabe said.

The four of them continued to talk while Dean slept, until they had another plane to catch.

"Dean wake up!" Sam yelled at Dean and Dean jumped up, looking around frantically before remembering where he was. "Flight time."

"Why does this have to happen to me," Dean muttered and Gabriel started laughing. Dean looked at the phone. "Is Cas there?"

"Yeah," Sam said, smiling at where Cas and Gabe could only see him and not Dean. "But we gotta go."

"I'll see you when you land," Gabe said with a soft smile.

"Yeah," Sam said kind of breathlessly. "I'll see you then..."

"You guys are so adorable," Charlie said. "Now can we go so we don't miss the flight?"


This flight was shorter. Dean couldn't sleep because he was on edge. Sam couldn't sleep because it felt like his heart was rushing at a million miles per hour. He was finally going to meet Gabriel in person...

Sam wondered vaguely how short Gabe was.

"Can we watch Sherlock again?" Dean asked.

"We finished it," Charlie said.

"Anything then. Surely you have more shows or movies on there."

"Well duh, what kind of a fangirl do you take me for?" Charlie opened up the first Avengers movie. And so they watched that.

Then the plane was landing. Landing in Kansas, America.

"DeanDeandeandeandeandean," Sam said. "Deaan we're in America."

"Yes we are," Dean said. "Also on solid ground, that's a plus."

"We're in the same place as Gabe and Cas," Sam said quietly.

"Can we get off the damn plane first?" Dean asked. "Then we can find them." He looked tired. He looked very tired. Sam winced.

"You should've slept," Sam said. Dean just waved him off.

Meanwhile, Cas and Gabe had heard the announcement that the flight had just landed and they were waiting near the baggage claim.

"How will they find us?" Gabe asked, bouncing on his feet.

"I'm sure they'll see us," Cas said.

"I'm too short for this," Gabe said, before running over to where the baggage all moves around on that conveyor belt thing, and jumping onto the little taller section in the middle. Someone probably should've gotten him off but no one could be bothered with that shit.

"Really," Cas said wearily. "Just...really?"

"Well he wasn't going to see me over everyone else," Gabe said, shrugging. At that moment all these people started walking in through the doors at the far end, from the flight most recently landed. Gabe's eyes lit up and he couldn't stand still.

(There's gonna be a lot of POV changes in this part, just saying)

Sam, Dean and Charlie all walked into the baggage claim, and Sam immediately started scanning the area for Gabe. But it was kind of crowded and he knew Gabe was short.

Charlie was suddenly stifling a laugh. "Sam I think you're looking a little too low."

"What?" Sam asked, before he caught a catch of gold in the corner of his eye. He froze as he saw the familiar face of Gabriel standing on top of the baggage claim, scanning through the crowd.

Everything around Sam seemed to disappear as he ran towards Gabriel. Gabe who hadn't seen him yet, the idiot. He pushed past people and stopped right in front of the conveyor belt thing. He paused to catch his breath and when he looked up, Gabe was staring at him with wide eyes. Sam just stared right back, his heart beating hard against his chest. He couldn't think, because his Gabriel was standing just feet away from him, very much real and alive and simply there.

Gabriel meanwhile. Gabe hadn't seen Sam immediately, but saw someone pushing through the crowd. They'd stopped right in front of Gabe and then looked up and Gabe's heart just stopped because that was Sam and he was really there.

They stood in silence for a few seconds, neither paying any attention to the world around them. Then Gabe just wanted to hug Sam so he went to step forward.

And in doing so, forgot he was in the middle of baggage claim, lost balance as he stepped on the moving conveyor belt, tripped on a suitcase, and then fell forward onto Sam.

Sam caught him, his arms wrapping around Gabe. Then he just started laughing. Gabe couldn't help as he started laughing too, his arms wrapping around Sam's neck as he got his balance back and his feet on the ground. Sam was really there, Gabe could actually feel Sam in his arms for the first time...

Gabe pulled back to look Sam in the eye. And damn did he have to look up, Sam really was tall.

"Hey little moosey," Gabe said so softly. "You're uh...not so little." Sam was smiling so widely, his arms still around Gabe.

"And you're tiny," Sam said. "Gabriel. Hi."

"Hi Sam," Gabe said, smiling. "I gotta admit, not my smoothest move right there."

"Tripping over a suitcase because you couldn't wait on the ground like a normal person," Sam said, leaning down so his forehead was touching Gabe's. He never wanted to let Gabe go, not now that he was finally there. He wasn't through a screen, he was really there, Sam could feel him and the warmth coming from him.

"Do you really want me to be normal?" Gabe asked.

"Definitely not," Sam said. Gabe just pulled him down into another hug, burying his face against Sam's neck.

"I'm not letting you go," Gabe whispered and Sam only pulled him closer in response.

Meanwhile, let's cut to Dean and Cas.

Dean saw Sam go running off to Gabriel and followed him slowly, because Cas would have to be over there. But with Gabe occupied with Sam, how was he supposed to tell who Cas was.

Cas was watching as Gabe tripped onto Sam, and recognized the person standing behind them as Charlie. Charlie was fangirling obviously, but next to her was a guy looking around, as if searching for something. Cas stared at the guy, because he was obviously the only person with Charlie. And it could be...

The guy made eye contact with Cas and froze. Charlie saw this and glanced between them. She said something to the guy and nudged him towards Cas and that had to be him, that had to be Dean.

Cas couldn't move. He was too busy getting lost in the green of Dean's eyes. And the hair and the freckles and just Dean.

"Cas?" Dean asked quietly and yep that was definitely Dean, Cas recognized the voice. But let's go back to Dean's perspective now.

He'd been looking around the room when he saw someone looking at him, someone with the most beautiful bluer than blue eyes. It might've been Cas but Dean couldn't be sure, but then Charlie noticed.

"That's him," she said before nudging him towards the guy. Dean took a few steps forward until he was standing in front of Cas.

"Cas?" Dean said softly, taking in the blue eyes and the messy black hair and the trenchcoat.

"Hello Dean," Cas said and Dean recognized the voice. Cas smiled slightly.

"Your eyes are really blue," Dean said. Cas laughed.

"That's the first thing you notice?" he said.

"Yeah," Dean said, smiling sheepishly.

"Well, you said your hair was brown," Cas said. "I'd say it's more dirty blonde."

"It depends on the lighting," Dean said, shrugging. They fell into silence as they took in the others appearance and Dean just started smiling. It was contagious and Cas started smiling too, and Dean couldn't help but stepping forward and pulling Cas into a tight hug, which Cas happily reciprocated.

"It's nice to finally meet you Castiel Novak," Dean said, pulling away from the hug.

"Same to you Dean Winchester," Cas said, smiling brightly.

And at this moment, Dean was just thinking of how much he was fucked because if he wasn't sure he was in love with Cas before, he sure as hell was now.


Omc this got damn long. But IT FINALLY HAPPENED WOOOOO

Omc they're going to be so fluffy next chapter and the Destiel and also Charlie fangirling

But ahhghaer I've been looking forward to this chapter since the start and I hope I wrote it well xD I wonder what it's actually like to finally meet internet friends in person...someone come to Melbourne dammit xD

I reaally wanna go ice skating but the rink near my house isn't open and it's annoying xD I blame Yuri on Ice for this obsession

Anyway I need some damn sleep xD But gaah this was so fun to write this chapter

*Gives everyone many chocolate* :P

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