2 - First Conversations

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ChevyImpala67: "Hi. I recently started reading your book Shout and Twist and noticed you don't actually get a lot of credit for it directly. So here's me giving you credit. Dude your writing is absolutely amazing. I don't know if you get told this often, but I just thought you should know."

Cas looked at the message that he'd gotten a few hours before he'd woken up. The person was right, most people just knew the fic and not the author. It was nice to have someone actually come to him for once.

Then he realized the person had said they'd only just started reading it. Which meant they hadn't had their heart ripped out yet. So he typed out a reply.

AngelWithAShotgun: "Thank you. It means a lot that some people will actually realize a person wrote this, I do hardly get credited for it. As a quick question, how far have you gotten in reading it?"

There was obviously no reply immediately. Who knows where this person was in terms of time zones?

Cas sighed, before deciding he probably should get out of bed at some point and go to classes. He did check over his account, finding comments on all his books. Shout and Twist was obviously the most popular, and not exactly many people went from there to his other books. But people still read them.

Cas did eventually get up to go to college. After he got ready he checked his phone again and saw a reply from the person who had messaged him.

ChevyImpala67: "I'm only a few chapters in. Dude I know it gets sad, you're probably enjoying thinking about my imminent death from feels."

Cas couldn't help but chuckle at this, and quickly typed out another reply before heading off to school.


It was about ten pm when Dean got a reply from the guy. Yeah that's right. Cas had just woken up and it was the night for Dean. Time zones!!!

The author just really wanted a time zone difference.

...The author will have too much fun with said time zone difference.

The angel guy had asked about where he was up to. He knew what was coming.

AngelWithAShotgun: "Just curious about how much you currently want to kill me. You seem quite non violent now, so I'll not retreat into my dark corner away from the world."

Dean smiled. This guy seemed nice. If it was a guy. Maybe it was a girl.

ChevyImpala67: "Oh just you wait. Even your dark corner won't save you if this more than slightly hurts."

He sent the message and waited for a reply, but none came for quite a while. The guy was probably busy.

"Oi Dean," Sam said, walking into the room to see Dean staring intently at the screen. "Should I be concerned about how many times this happens? It's just a screen."

"The screen is life," Dean replied. "What do you want?"

"What do you think about messaging random people on the internet?" Sam asked. Dean raised an eyebrow. There was no way Sam could know what he was just doing...

"I think it's fine, I mean, you can make great friends like this," Dean said. "Just make sure it's not a creepy stalker dude first." Sam rolled his eyes and walked off to his own room.

And we're going to follow Sam here.

Sam had been checking his wattpad. Yeah they really do that a lot don't they. Screw it they have to during this story.

He'd checked his wattpad a few hours ago to find about ten times more notifications than he usually had. And all from this one guy reading one of his books. The guys username was TheTrickster, and so far he seemed like a very hyperactive person.

So Sam now decided to click on the guys profile. And it turned out he was the author of some of Sam's favourite fics. Sam tried not to die a little bit inside.

The last comment TheTrickster had left was saying he'd return in the morning. That was a few hours ago, so late afternoon for Sam. The guy would probably be waking up soon.

Because, with Sam and Dean living somewhere weird like Australia, time zones were always messed up.

Yep you heard me. Australia. They'd moved there when they were young because John wanted a scenery change after Mary, and had lived there since. They still sounded American though because of John. Still completely American people.

Sam quickly read through every comment the guy had left and found that this guy was hilarious and amazing. His comments were funny and many had great references and quotes in them.

Sam went to the last comment and typed out a reply.

Moosechester: "Can I just say that your comments have literally made my day?"

He thought about adding that he was actually a fan of TheTrickster but then decided against it.

It took two more hours to get a reply, and by then it was midnight for Sam. He'd been reading for the last two hours, and maybe checking his notifications constantly because he was curious about what the guy would say.

TheTrickster: "Well I'm glad I could be of amoosement to you ;)"

Sam blinked at the comment. Wow. The guy had actually just done that.

Moosechester: "I don't know now, I don't think I can forgive you for that pun"

The reply came within minutes.

TheTrickster: "Aw I really thought we had something going there moosey"

Sam couldn't help smiling at the comment.

Moosechester: "Hey you're the one who ended it with that horrible pun."

TheTrickster: "God that was ages ago, I thought we'd moved on from this"

Moosechester: "Nope. Never."

TheTrickster: "If that's how you're going to be...then I think we need some time apart."

Sam couldn't help making some sort of laughing noise, except because it was midnight he tried to muffle the sound and it came out as some weird choking noise.

Moosechester: "No I'm sorry, take me back."

TheTrickster: "I dunno, what'll you do for me in return? ;)"

Sam looked at the screen for a moment because was this guy flirting with him in the comments of a wattpad book? It was probably just in the guys personality.

Moosechester: "I'll turn into a magical rainbow moose and give you rainbow glitter and skittles."

Let's just take this moment to go halfway around the world to where Gabe had just burst out laughing.

He'd woken up and gone downstairs to open the shop before replying to this moose person, and now was just sitting on the counter with his phone out. He was getting weird looks from the few people who came into the shop.

TheTrickster: "Oh my chuck I am getting so many weird looks, that was too unexpected, I'm laughing too much"

The moose person replied quickly.

Moosechester: "Glad to be of amoosement to you ;)"

Gabe just laughed again, getting more weird looks.

TheTrickster: "You my dear moose are an amazing person"

There was no quick reply this time. Possibly because of time zone differences, because Sam had actually fallen asleep with his phone in hand on the other side of the world. But Gabe didn't know that.

He checked his phone constantly for the next half hour before it came obvious that moose guy wasn't going to reply. He couldn't help but be a bit disappointed at that.


Cas checked for messages after he got out of school quite a while later. The guy whose username Cas had figured out was a type of car had sent him a message.

Cas chuckled as he read it, and typed out a reply.

AngelWithAShotgun: "I don't know, my dark corner is pretty safe. Have you read any more?"

He only had to wait an hour or so for a reply.

ChevyImpala67: "Nope, dude I've been comatose since that last message. Sleep dude, it's a magical thing."

Cas raised an eyebrow at the screen.

AngelWithAShotgun: "Oh, we must have a time zone difference. It's almost evening here."

ChevyImpala67: "Of course it is. I have to go to work in about an hour but until then, I am going to read this book, and I am going to spam you with messages of my pain."

Cas chuckled lightly.

AngelWithAShotgun: "I look forward to seeing you fall into the dark pit of feels that can never be forgotten."

Over the next hour, ChevyImpala67 was messaging Cas constantly. Cas decided not to reply until the guy stopped reading.

ChevyImpala67: "They're at the beach, it all seems happy."

ChevyImpala67: "Oh my god dude what the hell, why war of all things?"

ChevyImpala67: "Seriously? I mean come on! You just had to do that didn't you."

ChevyImpala67: "Why. Why did he leave. What the hell. I'm not even. You cruel son of a bitch."

Cas was laughing. Cas was actually laughing at this poor guys pain. It was pretty amusing though.

AngelWithAShotgun: "It gets worse."

ChevyImpala67: "You're kidding me right? Ugh I have to work now but I will spam you with more pain later."

AngelWithAShotgun: "Technically you're the one in pain here."

ChevyImpala67: "-_-"

Cas just laughed at the annoyed face response.

Meanwhile, a cut across the world to Dean.

Dean was glaring at his laptop screen. He wanted to read the next chapter, but at the same time he really didn't. Because how the hell could it get worse than it just did?

The angel person though seemed pretty nice, Dean was glad he'd messaged the guy. Maybe they'd keep talking after he finished reading the book.

Oh if only he knew what they would become.


Yes I wanted time zones so I moved the Winchesters to Australia. That also makes their time difference the one I'm used to figuring out the most :P

I started shipping Cherik recently...life completely taken over. Even more so since I watched X-men Apocalypse. God Marvel will be the death of me.

And oh that great moment you want to buy another campaign shirt of Jared's but you literally just bought a campaign shirt and your family thinks you have too many Spn related shirts...

It's one am, why am I awake xD *Gives everyone cake*

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