As long as the song never ends

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Barney Stinson. Who was he? Player. Heartbreaker. Womaniser. He was that guy from romantic- comedy movies who would somehow sweep the girl off of their feet with just a wink and a smile. Yet in his life, it didn't work that way. 

He learned that the hard way, cursing his 31st one night stand which had eventually led to a small creature being brought into the world. But when he reluctantly held that creature in his arms, he felt love that he had never felt before. From then on, Barney vowed to become a better person. A person his daughter would look up to and tell everyone at school, 'Yeah, that's right. He's my dad and he's legend- wait for it- dary.' 

three years later

'Angel, where's your other sock honey?' Barney frantically looked around his messy room and finally found the sock under his work desk, next to the baby bottle. He sighed with relief and kneeled down to put her other sock on while she sat giggling in the pram. 

'Now Dadda's going to get you some chocolate cake so let's get ready to partayyy all morning', Barney heard Angel clap her hands and quickly added in 'Not too much though, we don't want to get your Mom angry'. He headed off with the pram, waiting patiently at the traffic light. He showed Angel, the classic pulling a coin behind your ear magic trick to keep her entertained.

The group of ladies next to him, reached their hands out to touch Angel, while Barney stood stiffly, staring intently at the traffic light. 

You see, when Barney adopted the manner of a father, he abandoned his whole life as a player. Instead he was quite the opposite. When he saw anyone that he had slept with from the past, he simply apologised to them and walked off. Now those ladies were speechless, it made them want him again causing the infamous Barney Stinson to reject them because of his daughter.

Barney walked fairly quickly into the coffee shop, seemingly trying to get away from the mayhem when he heard a screech.

'Ow, what the actual hell', he looked up to see a familiar blonde.

It was her. Quinn. His once upon a time, partner in crime. The girl he had fallen head over heels for.  The girl who had been prepared to give up her job for him. The girl who he had once dedicated his entire life to.

Finding words to say was a lot harder than he thought. For her too, she looked into his eyes for way more than the normal two second glance. 

As the silence grew more uncomfortable, Barney awkwardly ran his hand through his hair, when the silence was abruptly broken by a somewhat careless statement.

'Still wearing suits, huh', Quinn nervously laughed as Barney smoothened his shirt.

'Yeah, erm, It is a part of me you know.' He paused for a second before starting the small talk, 'What have you been up to then?'

'Well, I would love to start with me, but are we just going to ignore the fact that you are holding on to a pram with a beautiful baby girl inside.' Quinn raised her eyebrow before smiling sweetly at Angel.

She laughed and closed her eyes and opened them again like peek-a-boo causing little Angel to giggle loudly. Barney stood smiling at her and maybe it was that moment or maybe it was because Quinn entered his thoughts a while ago, that he felt the need to ask, 'How about I buy you a cup of coffee, hmmm?'

Quinn smiled, a sparkle present in her eyes. Then, they talked. It was a long, hearty talk involving the whole discussion of their entire lives, so long that Angel did not get her chocolate cake till way later. It turns out that Quinn felt that she could not be a stripper forever as she wanted to earn money but not with her body as she was sick of the clients that felt they had a claim over her. She wanted to go to community college and decided to make a real life plan to achieve that goal where she would pick up shifts at the local café. Quinn even found out a talent she never knew she had in her: her voice. She'd sing from time to time at shops while those passing by would leave money for her to show their appreciation.

Barney poured his whole heart out about how it did not work between him and Robin. And how Angel was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He left his corrupt job for a much better one at a company as it was nearer to Angel's pre-school which she was going to go to. His whole lifestyle had pretty much changed, drinking coffee instead of beer says it all. 

Both of them, smart and mature, who would have though, huh.

But Barney had still held on to his suits. Maybe because he didn't want to look like way too eager Christmas sweater dads or maybe because he wanted to hold on to some fragments of his past

Barney started to feel guilt taking over as he realised how much fun he's having with Quinn, almost forgetting about his whole checklist of things to buy for Angel, documents he had to submit for his job and all.

But, how could he remember anything else when he's with Quinn? Her eyes intently staring at him, remarking at his words cunningly, smiling like the day is never going to end.

'Oh, that's funny. The song has ended here. ' She laughed freely reminiscing as she continued, 'You won't leave me now, will you.' 

'I miss this, maybe we can go out another day too, what do you say?'

She had an amusing expression on her face until she looked at Barney to see him fixing his concentration on baby Angel.

His voice started shaking.

'Quinn, I... I'm sorry. The song ended a long time ago. For us.'

This time, what Barney had once experienced, Quinn felt. 

As she stared at the cup of coffee in front of her, put her hand to her head and tried to even out her rapid breathing. 

Sometimes hours can feel like minutes. And sometimes a single second can last a lifetime. For Quinn, a second that would never end, was this one.

She mustered up the courage to smile weakly at Barney as he stood to take the pram.

But as Barney was walking towards the door, he heard the uneven sounds of a microphone.

'Actually, I think our song's just getting started.' Quinn took in a deep breath as she said, 'I'm here for the long run. I can look after baby Angel as well, I've turned my life around just like you. I know that you have a feeling deep inside of you urging you to take a chance on love again. And if you are going to take a chance on love, why not on me?'

He turned around and walked in paces till he was directly in front of Quinn, both hearts beating rapidly in their chests. Angel opened her eyes widely to see her dadda looking at the pretty lady in awe.

Barney. Quinn. Both broken souls and a very long time ago, once thought of to be incapable of love. 

The answer to Quinn's question relied on another question. A question that Barney's friends, Ted and Robin had once failed to answer in sync to. The only question that Barney needed to answer was 'Where do you see yourself in five years?' 

Staring at Quinn, he kissed her cheek gently and whispered, 'I'm fine with that, as long as our song never ends.'

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