part 4

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Sanskaar sitting on chair in the office, thinking something deep. 10 day befores incident still revolving around his mind "she same look like your second wife..... no one say she was your first wife child...." which rising his anger.

I does mistake to send kavita in London to study modeling in pregnancy time because i doesn't wanted to ruin her dream. But I made big mistake trusting swara that she will take care of kavita.

I got know you love me on my marriage day.....


Sanskaar kavita marriage day

"my Sanskaar now going to be married....just didn't create problem between them....."sujata said angrily.

"y I will create problem between them ???" Swara said lowering her teary eyes

" i know swara you love my sanskar...." sujata said annoyingly .

Listening this swara looks towards sujata shockingly.

"don't see me like this......"sujata said angrily

" yes I love him.....but I don't want he love me back...... I am happy in his friendship...... and He loves kavita and I am happy in his happiness" Swara said composing herself

"Swara......" sound come near from door.

" " word escap from swara's swara mouth were fear surround her heart.

"maa you go out....I want to talk swara....."Sanskaar said looking towards swara with no experience

"but...."sujata try to talk him but he denied. Sujata thought finally their friendship will break and went from there thanking God.

"!Sanskar I am sorry plz....don't angry with me ....I don't know how I fell in love with you but plz don't break friendship. I don't want to loose both of you..... I never try to separate you both..." Swara said cryingly

"shh...I trust you Swara....don't cry.... (cupping her face) see look towards me..... its happens swara, we don't love someone asking from others ..... its just happens...we can't get control on our heart......" Sanskaar said wiping her tears

"you will not break friendship na....." Swara asked him sobbingly.

"y will I???you don't do any crime that I will break this our beautiful friendship "Sanskaar said making her smile

" I just want tha you both remain my friend till my last breath...... I never got love from anyone Sanskaar accept from oparanch dadi. But you and kavita always support me in every situation...." Swara said emotionally

"its ok... but kavita never come to know know her how sensitive she is......" Sanskaar Said Thinking About Kavita

"i know she will never come to know...."Swara said smilingly


He pic Kavita's frame from the table while carressing , " if that day I broken friendship with her and told you that she loves me this will not happen." Saying this tears rolled down from his eyes.

"I could not able to believed that swara will do like this..... but all say right, for love one person go to any extand to get it???" Sanskaar said


In video

"" I love Sanskaar and will make him mine after kavita delivery""

Seeing this Sanskaar widen her eyes he immidetly call kavita....

" kavita what is this? ???" Sanskaar asked kavita not able to believe on video

"Sanskaar swara loves you......." kavita asked sanskaar making sanskaar shock

"Yes" sanskaar said not understand what he can reply

"plz..... I don't want to live here..... plz Sanskaar I will come today only... plz Sanskaar" saying this she start crying

"i still can't able to believe that Swara will think like this....." Sanskaar said hurtfully.

"so you don't believing me right after watching this video also...... I also belived wait I directly ask from her...... " kavita said cryingly

"first stop crying kavita its not good for your health and I believe you....."Sanskaar said concernly thinking about baby.

Mean time swara come to kavita room....seeing kavita crying Swara panicked

"what happen kavita why are you crying? ???" Swara said panicking seeing her crying

"you love Sanskaar na???" Kavita asked swara angrily

" are you saying ??" Swara stammer listening sudden question.

"i just want truth.....yes or no???" Kavita asked angrily

" no...... "Swara said gulping her tears.

"you have swear of Sanskaar and this baby...."kavita asked placing hand on baby bump making swara shock.

"yes but I. ...." Swara said closing her eyes but kavita intrup..

"i don't expect this from you,i know you want to stretch my sanskar from me....... " saying this she runs from there taking car key......

"listen to me kavita......."Swara said going behind her.

Here Sanskaar listen everything from phone.......

"kavita.... hello kavita listen...." Sanskaar shout from phone but no use

After 1 hour

His mobile start ringing and he saw it was swara's phone. He try to avoid calls but seeing mobile continuesly ringing, he angrily receive call....

"why are you calling me again and again swara...... " Sanskaar shout from phone

"Sans...kar plz come here plz......"Swara said bitterly cryingly from other side.

" swara what happen???" Sanskaar panicked listening swara's crying voice

" wo.. kavita..... " Swara stammer.

" damit what happen..." Sanskaar angrily shout

" wo kavita... accident..... plz come hospital "swara said stammeringly

Listening this phone slip from Sanskaar's hand....

Sanskaar immediately runs towards airport to find flight but no use because of whether conditions all flights cancelled.

He sat down there only thinking about kavita and his baby. He praying god to save them. He went to counter and request to call. He call swara but it was switched off.

""If anything happen to my baby and kavita na then I will not live you swara""

He got flight next day and went London hoping her baby and wife fine....


She is only with me because of My sanvi...... I don't know what connection she have with her..... when Sanvi learn to live without you then I will throw you out of my life......

He looks towards watch were time 11pm . He wipes his tears and come towards car and drove towards home. He enter in house were swara always waiting for him dinner but today she was not there.

To be continued......

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