History repeats!

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The two families got up early in the morning at 4. With packed breakfast, little snacks and three flasks of hot coffee, they all left for their short trip to the then 'Ayodhya' . A big Innova was driven by Janak. Dashrath sat next to him. Sunaina and Kausalya sat in the second seat and the four couple adjusted in the last seat though they had much space in the front!

After a few hours

Raghav...Maithili rolled her eyes...this is the sixteenth cup of coffee you are having.... She was really surprised to know that Raghav loved coffee so much. Don't ask dear.... Kausalya said from the front. Raghav drinks a fifty big cups of coffee everyday... Whoa! Maithili giggled looking at Raghav who was gulping down another cup! Hey Mila... Lakshman called... Sing a song Na ..feeling bored... He said placing his arm around her. She glared as she chuckled to herself thinking of a trick. Hmm... She cleared her throat. In a pakka 'Madrasi' accent, she started singing one of her Bharatanatyam song... "Yettanai Sonnalum, theriya..." Wohhh... Stop! Lakshman closed her mouth. What language was this? Raghav asked, finding it quite soothing to hear. It's Tamil Raghav... Maithili explained. Most of our songs are in South Indian languages.

After a longer journey, they finally halted in UP, in modern day 'Ayodhya'. They got down. The sight was quiet normal. People roamed here and there, carrying bags for their different works. Some women were buying veggies and fruits while some were still waiting for the buses in the bus stop. So...Raghav said looking here and there... Are we in 'Ayodhya' ? He asked. Yes. Yes we are. Came a reply from Dashrath.

As the scene continued, Raghav and Maithili stepped out of the car. All of a sudden, the two felt something different. Maithili felt really heavy ornaments on herself and to her surprise, her simple White Yellow Kurta with simple light leggings had completely disappeared. Instead, she wore a beautiful saree, a saree of orange and red combination. Pearl ornaments adorned her hairs as well as her entire body. She looked to her side to find one more surprise. Her Raghav had completely changed. He had quite long hairs, which she thought looked really cute on him, he wore a yellow cloth on his shoulder that slung over his side body. A broad brown bead necklace covered his toned chest. A Mukut or crown sat on his head and a beautiful divine Tilak completed his look. She observed that he too was confused looking at things going on. They looked ahead. It was not at all the same city they had seen just few minutes earlier. The entire place had turned into a golden city. People roaming and greeting Raghav were wearing very very old type of cloths. They saw a huge and majestic palace made completely of gold perhaps, ahead of them. Shops were filled with gold, yet they were left unsold in this richest city. Whoa! Raghav thought. If gold would be lying like these then it would have been a festival for the entire world! They simply walked forward, not knowing the actual reason for doing so. Without their knowledge, they were having beautiful curves on their faces and they greeted all the people with the same smile. People showered flowers on them and some forwarded, garlanding their new king. There was a jerk. Suddenly, all disappeared. Raghav and Maithili were back in their original selves. There was no gold, no palace, no heavy jewellery or crown. They blinked as they looked at each other. What just happened!? Maithili asked. You saw the same thing!? Raghav questioned back. Same thing..? What's happening Raghav? Sunaina asked. Maa... Maithili went forward to tell but Raghav held, her hands, signalling her not to reveal this. She lightly nodded a yes and said..nothing....

Maa...paa... U all enjoy the view ...Raghav said as he gently held Maithili's palm. I would like to go out with Maithili to roam around. Sure son! Dashrath said sweetly.

Maithili held Raghav's arms as she walked silently with him. Wasn't it totally wierd!? She asked. Maithili...he said, gripping her, we need to be more careful... Careful? She asked, confused. Yes children.. A magical voice echoed from some where. Wh....who's there...? Maithili asked, a bit worried. They couple looked here and there when they spotted a dark area. They dared to near it and when they did, they were in the the entrance of a cave like place. A faint light indicated it was not human less. They went inside, deeper and deeper.

A very bright light made the couple close their eyes tightly and when their cornea got adjusted to the light, the opened it to find an object which was highly radiant. A human figure appeared behind and to their surprise they saw an old man, with long white beard, white clothing and a spot of "chandan" on his forehead. Looking at them, he closed his eyes... "Siya Ram".... He chanted. Raghav and Maithili were indeed confused to the core looking at him. A gentle smile covered his face as he came forward. He slightly touched Raghav's hair and said.... Son.... Hold this in your hand..., pointing to that radiant object. Raghav looked at Maithili as if asking her permission. She nodded a yes and he came forward. He closed his eyes once, slid his fingers on that and in a swift pull, held it in his palms. You ARE Ram!!!! You are Ram!! The sagely man shouted. Maithili came by Raghav's side. ...and how do you know that revered sir? She asked. I don't know whether you believe in myth.... The old man began.... But this is the only existing piece of evidence.... An evidence of what!? Both of them asked in unision. ...an evidence to show that the Lord has been incarnated once more, to accomplish his incomplete task! This is the piece of the mighty bow of Lord Mahadev, which Lord Ram had shattered into pieces during Devi Sita's swayamvar. But...but this is the story of Ramayana... Maithili tried to account for her confusion. Yes...and Lord Rama is back! Back again! And Raghav IS the Lord himself! If it wasn't true then he certainly wouldn't have been able to lift this divine piece of wood! That was it! What Maithili feared had almost happened. Controlling herself from breaking down, she asked... Why has the Lord taken rebirth? Wasn't his Dharm accomplished in the Trethayug itself!? When she began questioning this, the old man looked at her with complete devotion, realising that she was none other than Rama Priya herself! You need to find an answer for that! He said as he instructed her to place her palm on the piece of bow. She did as she was instructed. Swoosh!!!! A sudden wind blew on their faces.

"Siya var RamChandra Ki jay!" Slogans were constantly heard when Maithili saw herself garlanding Raghav. He was not Raghav...he was Ram...Siya ke Ram now... Raghav saw Maithili in her completely different form. Though she looked the most beautiful, the sight confused him. Again, the wind occurred, revealing the later stages of their marriage, the Vanvas, Haran, PunarMilan, RajTilak, banishing of Sita... Tears flowed through their eyes as they constantly kept feeling the most terrible pain which Siya Ram experienced.

Now, the most horrible sight was in front of them...they saw Sita, tired of all the games of life entering the Bhoomi. And Raghav shouted.... Sitaaaaeee!!!! Everything stopped. They were back in present. Maithili, his Sitae was in front of him. His joy knew no bounds. He hugged her, hugged her till his breath seemed to cease due to tightness. Never leave me Sitae....never leave me....he cried.

But the emotion was no different for the old man, the same old man who had witnessed the entire story of Siya Ram, the same Guru Vashisht.

Maithili was expressionless. She felt hurt, hurt by her husband. She pulled herself back. No....she said gazing at him with her red teared eyes...no Raghunandan.... She said... I was no one to you...infact I AM no one to you to leave you... I was not made for you at all... I was just a character created to help you become the Maryada Purushottham.... My emotions, my feelings were never considered.... My love for you was just an additive to your story.... Neither did I belong to you and nor did you belong to me.... We cannot change the past and reunite..... She completely broke down.

No....no Sitae....please don't say that.... You said the same lines before you left me forever then... Now I am not ready to give you up...not at any cost..!!! He cried till he chocked.

Unable to see him in pain, she ran, ran out of the cave, deciding to run away from his life.... He stood there, numb, unable to think or to breathe. Fearing that the same story might repeat, Vasisht said... Go....go Ram..... This is the reason you are born... You are born to live your life with you Sitae.... You have to make her understand that...go now!

Raghav looked at him and immediately ran. But a terrible surprise was waiting for him there.... He saw his Maithili, his Siya, lying on the road, blood covering her face, breathless and dead...

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