Bonding with N

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(If you're wondering where I've been, I've been working on another story in the works and was also trying to think of N and V's short side chapters before we head into the rest of the episodes.

Special thanks to Ketchup-Man-Sans (who is one of my friends and also my co-writer/co-host) for helping me come up with the side chapters. Greatly appreciate it.

(F/D/B) means Favorite Dog Breed)

You were on your way to go see N, as Uzi had told you she was rambling on about the mansion she worked at.

You: I wonder if that means she's gaining her memories back? I hope so. I just wish I knew what kind of programming gets rid of her memory. It sounds kind of mean to include that in the first place. It's like it's trying to hide something.

You enter the Murder Drone pod where N and V both stay in and landed in.

You: Hey N, you in here?

N: (Y/N)!

She quickly wraps you up in a hug, which surprises you.

You: I wasn't gone for that long, N.

N: I know. I being close to you.

You: Ah.

N: Sooo... What's Uzi been up to?

You: Ah, nothing much. Mostly just planning on how to deal with your internal programming trying to delete yours and V's memories. Speaking of which, where is V anyway?

N: Honestly, I have no idea. Hopefully she's not murdering Worker Drones...

Her expression changes to one that is worried and yet saddened at the same time. You were about to say something to snap her out of it when she does so on her own.

N: Ah! Sorry! I was just...thinking about something. Anyway, I'm really glad Uzi cares about me and V. She's such a great friend!

You: Yeah, she is. So, is there anything you wanna talk about?

N: Oh! Oh! I wanna talk about dogs!

You just playfully sigh at her obsession with dogs.

You: Nice to see your love for dogs wasn't deleted.

N: My love for dogs can never be extinguished!

You: I suppose it can't. Anyway, what about dogs?

N: Well, I don't think you ever told me your favorite type of dog!

You: Well, I would say I'm a particular fan of (F/D/B).

N: Oooh, a very good choice! Me personally, I could never choose a favorite. All dogs are doggone good! Hahaha! Haha...ha...ha...

Her laughter seems to subside and she becomes gloomy again.

You: N, what's the matter?

N suddenly perks up and immediately tries to act like everything's fine.

N: Nothing! Nothing's wrong! I'm fine!

You: N, I can tell when you're bothered by something. Just tell me.

N: (Y/N)...why do you still like me?

This certainly caught you off guard.

You: Huh? What do you mean?

N: I killed a bunch of drones, (Y/N)! They had hopes, dreams, families, and-and other great things! And I snuffed them out! I'm a horrible person for doing so!

You: N, it's ok-

N: No, it's not ok! I'm a monster! I took innocent lives! You should hate me for doing all that!

You could definitely see where she's coming from. After all, you saw robots attack humans before your departure from Earth. And the drones on this planet seemed to function exactly like humans, having families, jobs, etc. Despite all this, you couldn't bring yourself to hate N. She was a sweet girl, both in the manor and right now. She was definitely one of your favorite drones.

You: N, I'm not going to hate you for doing something you were programmed to do. Look, I may not know what happened that caused you to become like this, but a remodel or transformation or whatever isn't going to make me hate you. You're still the very same N I knew back in the manor.

N doesn't say anything. After a while, she suddenly hugs you again, one which you return. You could just feel the smile on her face.

You: See? There's the N I know.

N: Thanks, (Y/N). I needed that.

You: Anything for my favorite Disassembly Drone. Don't tell V that, though.

N: Heh, don't worry. Your secret is safe with me.

You just ruffle her hair playfully as she gives you another hug. Between her and Uzi, you could definitely get used to living on Copper 9.

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