Cabin Fever

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A school bus pulls up to Camp 98.7.

Ronathon: Whoa, easy!

The bus stops, acting like it was a horse.

Ronathon: Good girl.

The students inside exit the bus.

Sam: Do you ever wonder why-

He gets shoved to the ground by Emily, who was pushed by another student.

Emily: Hey!

She picks her book up and leaves as more students exit.

Thad: No kidding!

He and Lizzy share a laugh as they exit the bus. Uzi is the last one off. She looks down at a couple pairs of collars she's holding in her right hand as we get a flashback.

Khan: After the core collapsed... I...didn't notice the collars.

Khan is looking at an old photo of him and Nori, along with a group of friends.

Khan: Only your mom being a catch!

No response from Uzi, who just stares at him before blinking. Soon, Uzi and Khan are looking into a room filled with old papers and storage stuff.

Khan: She was always all, "Build doors against the coming sky demons!" "A singularity awakens." "Look at this cool S I can draw!" Turns out, I'm not who either of you needed.

He closes the door.

Khan: Just... Be safe, okay?

He hands Uzi the collars as the flashback ends.

Uzi puts one of the collars in her pocket, and the other goes around her neck.

Braidon: Uh, teacher, what is this field trip?

Teacher: Yeah, Uzi's idea. Ask her.

Braidon: Who?

Uzi: I've sat next to you for years.

Uzi's speaking startles everyone.

Uzi: Bite me! I asked to go alone. He's mad at your test scores.

Teacher: No year-end bonus, no learning.

Braidon: So, we're just unsupervised?

Something comes crashing down near the students.

Braidon: What the-?!

From the crash is N, holding onto you, and V. Both are wearing camping outfits. You quickly get out of N's grasp as she turns to the students menacingly, ready to kill them and ingest their warm, sweet oil. However, it's quickly revealed to be a facade, as N returns to her normal self.

N: Welcome, campers! Let's sound off!

She gets ready to do roll-call, but instead begins to count.

N: One, two...

She stops, as nearly all of the students are afraid of them. A student gets shot at by V and falls over, dead.


You glare at V for shooting a student and she just winks at you, continuing to blow off her gun from firing it.

N: Thaaat's everyone! Minus one... We got so many distracting activities planned, so no sneaking off to investigate stuff.

She slyly gestures to Uzi.

N: To the bunks!

She starts to lead the way, except no one's following her. She looks over at Uzi, then back to the students. Uzi was about to say something when Thad speaks up.

Thad: Sounds good, N!

Lizzy: Anything for my bestie!

They join N and V, but no one else does.

Uzi: Y-Yeah, they're like my friends, too, so... It's cool.

Everyone flees in a panic at Uzi's mere presence.

Emily: You can be our friend, little gal!

Darren: Poor thing's defective.

V grabs his hand, then looks back at Uzi.

V: Hmph. Nah, just full of love. We even brought a real human.

She was, of course, referring to you.

Rebecca: Wow, a real human!

You narrow your eyes, not entirely sure if she was coming onto you or not. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could have sworn you saw Uzi looking jealous before shaking it off.

N looks back at Uzi, who gestures that she will go her own way and that N should get everyone else to the campsite. N nods and Uzi looks at you. You also nod at her, causing her to give a thumbs up before heading into the woods, alone.


Uzi continues her trek through the woods until she reaches an abandoned building. She uses her powers to open the lock (which almost crushes a bug) and ventures inside. She picks up a Worker hat, then tosses it to the side as she examines her surroundings: Books and bottles clutter the floor, two Worker uniforms are hanging up, furniture are laying on their sides, and a wall has been blasted open.

A calendar on the wall catches her eye and she moves it over towards her. It shows a dog on the top half, and the bottom half shows the month of Seramorris. An important note reads, "EVACUATE ALL DOGS! Just in case something bad happens, idk." Two additional notes underneath read, "Cool, we did that. That's canon." and "ALSO, ALL DOGS ARE IMMORTAL NOW! THANKS TO SCIENCE!" Uzi sighs in relief.

Suddenly, a noise grabs her attention. She looks around, and gets spooked when she spots what appears to be a human hand reach from around a corner. She tries to steady her flashlight when she hears a scream coming from outside. She heads to the window to find the other campers rowing their canoes on the lake.

Rebecca: So, my friend wants to know if you killed her family...

She turns to look at you.

Rebecca: And if the human is single?

You: Huh?

Darren and Sam carry a canoe with V and Lizzy in it.

Darren: Make way for the canoe train!

V: Sabotage, minions! Plan X!

The boys kick N's canoe and head off while laughing, only to slip and drop the canoe, Lizzy falling out, and V flying in the air. Emily falls out of N's canoe.

Rebecca: I CAN'T SWIM!

You: We're on solid ice.

She almost falls out, but N catches her.

Rebecca: Oh! Hehe... Thank you.

N: Close one.

Back at the abandoned building, Uzi watches this when the glass window suddenly shatters, caused by her right eye reaching high temperatures. She tries to reach inside her backpack, (which contains a rotten robotic hand) as she has a brief flashback to her time at Doll's house.

V: Tick tock...

She giggles as she makes her presence known.

Uzi: H-H-Hey, s-stupid...idiot... Uh, weren't you just-

V: You said this camp would help us catch that red-eyed Doll freak. How about more "explore-y", less "watch from window creepy".

Uzi swipes her hand away.

Uzi: Working on it. glad you guys fit right in. Super cool.

V raises her tail behind Uzi.

V: Better to stay distant, though. Don't ya think?

She looks over at Uzi's backpack.

V: Since I'll have to kill you next?

She scratches Uzi's eye and prepares to leave.

V: N's made friends with rocks, by the way. And a Worker Drone is flirting with (Y/N). Besides, you wouldn't even be able to protect him like we could. They'll move on just fine.

She makes her exit as Uzi's eye repairs itself. She sighs as she goes over to get her backpack, only to see it crushed a bug.

Uzi: Sorry, buddy. Gotcha good.

She uses her powers to repair the bug back to good health. The little insect wanders away and turns back to Uzi, who salutes her as it heads under the floorboards. Uzi uses her powers to lift the wood up, revealing a rotting, deceased Worker Drone. She lifts up a few papers: Two drawings, and a JCJenson Program Admission Notice. She flips over the last one to reveal a part of a Murder Drone's claw pierced through the side that was otherwise supposed to be intentionally left blank. She pulls the claw piece out as another bug climbs onto her hand. She squishes it, but it narrowly dodges and climbs her other hand.

Insect: >:(

The bug scans her.







Uzi: ...Elevator?



Uzi: Where's that? What are you?

-Wear his hat?

-What argue?


Unbeknownst to Uzi, Doll disappears behind her, having seen the entire thing.


Back with the campers. N fires multiple arrows at a target's center until it catches fire.

N: Ah, sorry! Did I...cheat?

She looks back at the others. No answer, but another camper gets shot at and falls over. V jumps down.

V: Tch. You didn't even kill everyone here. Check this out.

She gets ready to fire an arrow at the campers, who nervously clap.

Meanwhile, Uzi is making her way back to the campsite. She whispers to get you and N's attention.

Uzi: Psst, hey.

You and N look behind to see Uzi and her new bug friend.


N: Uzi, get on out here! This troop's a team!

You facepalm at N blowing Uzi's cover.

Insect: :0

N then realizes she may have gotten V's attention.


V looks back to see Uzi.

Insect: D:!!

The bug flees as Uzi comes out of hiding.

Uzi: Uh, hehe, hey, everyone.

Everyone screams at her showing up. Braidon accidentally shoots an arrow in her direction. However, she uses her powers to stop it, only for her temperature to rise again and morph the arrow into a fleshy, bloody mess. V reacts in horror at the sight.

Uzi: Um, i-ignore all this! Uh... I was just...going...

Oil shoots out from the student's corpse like a fountain.


She retreats back into the woods.

Braidon: ...Who was that?

You: Are you serious?


Uzi retreats into a nearby cabin and barricades the door. She uses her powers to force all the doors and windows shut. She reaches into her backpack and tries to grab out an arm, only for a nearby clock's ticking to drive her crazy, to the point she has to use her powers to destroy it and the lights. All except for one. Uzi attempts to destroy it, but everything around her turns red as a fleshy abomination manifests.


Meanwhile, N is trying to prevent V from attempting to harm Uzi as you just awkwardly watch from the sidelines.

N: V, we can't hurt Uzi!

V: We do our jobs, and that thing leaves us-

N: I don't know what you're talking about because you won't tell me!

She frees herself from V's grasp by using her claw.

N: What're you so afraid of!?

V: I'm not afraid...!

N: I am! Uzi is! And I'm pretty sure (Y/N) is too! She's a kid, like us, V! What is WRONG with you!?

You: We're not kids, though.

N: You know what I mean!

She sighs and tosses her clipboard at V.

N: Look after the campers.

She flies off in pursuit of Uzi.

V: Whatever.

N then comes back seconds later.

N: And I'm taking (Y/N) with me!

You: Wha-

You were quickly scooped up by N and she takes off again.

Lizzy: Hot.

V looks at her, unamused.

Lizzy: Not hot? You're too good for them.

V turns to the other campers.

V: Do whatever you want.

She stomps off. Rebecca gestures to Darren that they should sneak off.


Darren and Rebecca are wandering in the woods.

Darren: We need to sneak this far just to make out?

Rebecca: It's about mood, Darren.

Eventually, they reach a small, abandoned, creepy cabin.

Rebecca: Nice.

Darren: I get it now!

Darren attempts to push the door open, but is unable to due to furniture blocking the way. He tries to turn the lights on, to no avail. After finally pushing the door open wide enough to enter, a flashlight rolls by itself on the ground in front of them, flickering on and off. Darren goes to pick it up. As soon as he does, the cabin door slams close by itself, startling the duo. Behind them, Uzi, hiding in the shadows, laughs like a madwoman and spreads wings out as she prepares to kill and feast upon them.


Meanwhile, N flies down and lets you out of her arms. There, you both find another cabin. You both enter and N looks over to see what appears to be some kind of control desk with a monitor hanging overhead that's displaying static. Just before she can investigate, she sees you looking down.

N: (Y/N)? What's wrong?

You: What if I'm the last human left?

N: Huh? (Y/N), where is this coming from?

You: When... When I first met Uzi, I mentioned to her that Earth was probably fine and there were survivors. But, what if there isn't any? Am I truly the last one left? I'm... I'm starting to doubt myself now...

N: (Y/N)...

You: Are... Are my family and friends gone now? Mom... Dad...

N just hugs you tightly, wanting you to stop being sad. You just hug her back.

N: (Y/N)... We'll find them, I promise. And I'm sure Earth is fine.

You: You're right... I shouldn't be worrying about this when we need to find Uzi. I'm sorry.

N: It's okay... Baby steps. Together?

You: Y-Yeah, together.

After making sure you're fine now, N goes over to investigate what she saw before. She tries to turn another monitor on, only for it to fry up. She goes over to the static-playing monitor, where she notices a VHS tape underneath: ZOMBIE DRONES. As soon as she touches it, she begins to have brief flashbacks. One involving an unknown drone, one with a severed arm, and another involving a black hole. She backs away in horror.


Elsewhere, Uzi continues eating the remains of her victims when she suddenly begins to vomit. She looks out the door as her temperature rises again.


Back with the other campers, Braidon is telling a spoopy story.

Braidon: But her warranty wasn't expired... IT NEVER EXISTEEEEED!

Sam: It's scary, cause it's like-

Emily: Aren't you guys worried about Darren and Rebecca?

Sam: -Real.

Emily: Shouldn't they be back from their...immoral make out session by n-

She screams as she notices an arm has grabbed her ankle. It's Rebecca, who crawls towards them while coughing. She lacks a bottom half.

Braidon: Rebecca!?

Lizzy: Who did this to you!?

Rebecca: Don't...remember name... Super unpopular...

Sam: Descriptive clues, man!

Rebecca: Purple...eyes... Hot Topic...

She dies from the lack of a lower half.

Braidon: Uh...

Lizzy: I feel like I remember someone like that...

Sam: From our class?

All of a sudden, the campfire vanishes. They look behind them as they hear maniacal laughter. It's Uzi.

Braidon: Ohhh... Y-You...?

The campers shrug in unison. Suddenly, Braidon's head explodes due to Uzi's Absolute Solver powers.


Emily: I think I read that's good!

The remaining three campers flee for their lives. The book opens by itself to show that, despite what Emily says, it said nothing of the sort.


Sam is running in the woods when he trips, falls down a hill, and smacks into a tree. He decides to hide behind it after spotting Uzi fly to the top of another tree in pursuit. Behind the tree, he looks back. Uzi's gone. He sighs in relief, not noticing Uzi's tail next to him, which he misses when he looks in its direction.

Sam: Huh?

The book Emily was reading falls on his head. He picks it up as he hears Uzi giggling. He slowly looks up.

Sam: Does it at least have pictures...?

Uzi: It doesn't. I checked.

Elsewhere, Lizzy hears Sam's scream coming from the distance. She stops to look around and spots Emily.

Lizzy: Oh, thank Robo-God, final girl!

It turns out Uzi had already killed Emily and is playing with her corpse. She snaps her head off.

Lizzy: Um... Clashing?

Uzi uses her Absolute Solver to hold Lizzy in a choking position. She makes her way over to her, but is blocked by V. She swipes at Uzi, who falls.

V: Killing her, not saving you.

Lizzy: Okay, mom.

She passes out as V gets a claw ready, slowly approaching Uzi.

Uzi: V... Please...!

V: New body, same horrors. Huh, Cyn?

Uzi: I...don't know...who that is... Can to (Y/N)...?

V: Tch. I'll make sure you can't. You're not getting anywhere near him.

Just as V goes in for the kill, Uzi's tail grabs her and flings her to the side. Uzi pins V to a tree as the latter tries to fire at the former. V misses and barely avoids hitting Lizzy.

Lizzy: Ugh.

The missile explodes. Uzi pins V to the ground, slices off her tail, and prepares to kill her with it when she is interrupted by N grabbing her.

N: Whoops. Easy there, buddy.

Uzi sticks the tail into her hand.

N: Haha, ow. Up we go!

She tosses Uzi into the air, removes V's tail, and puts her hand in her mouth.

N: What did I say about antagonizing her?

V: Ugh, you always take her side!

You: N, take me with you.

N: You sure?

You: I'm sure.

With your confirmation, N grabs ahold of you and flies up after Uzi.


Uzi uses her wings to stop herself from flying any higher. She begins to fall back down as you and N appear next to her.

N: Uzi, you want to tell me and (Y/N) what's the matter?

Uzi: No. Don't look.

She hides herself in her wings.

Uzi: I'm gross and eating people and stuff...

N: Yeah, we'll figure that part out...

She opens Uzi's wings up so you both can see her face.

N: But, you know that's not what I mean.

Uzi begins to tear up.

Uzi: Are you two, like...gonna leave me?

You: Uzi?

Uzi: Never mind, it's stupid.

She continues hiding in her wings. You sigh softly to yourself.

You: Before we met, scary stuff was actually...pretty scary. And tonight too, cause you weren't with me to make it fun, somehow.

Uzi reveals her face.

You: I-I kind of forgot what that was like...

Uzi comes out of hiding to look at you.

Uzi: Same.

You smile softly at her.

You: I guess you're stuck with me then, whether you like it or not.

N begins to use Uzi's tail as a puppet.

N: That's right! We'll all stick together!

Uzi chuckles and takes the tail back.

Uzi: Don't touch it.

She pauses before changing the accent of her tail-puppet.

Uzi: Plus my voice is more like-

You all crash to the ground. V gets ready for a fight, only to see N carrying you and Uzi in her arms before setting you two down.

Uzi: Accent was a bad idea anyway. N, (Y/N), I'm...sorry.

N: Eh, not like you killed anyone.

Uzi: Oh no, I definitely-

N: Kidding! Just avoid another whole spire.

You: Baby steps. Together?

You put your hand onto her cheek, expecting her to pull away. However, you are surprised to see that she actually leans into your touch. You are even further surprised when Uzi eventually removes herself from your touch and outright hugs you. After a few seconds of being stunned, you quickly hug her back. N, not wanting to be left out, joins the hug as well. V puts her claws away as Lizzy appears next to her.

Lizzy: Ew.

V: Don't patronize me.

Lizzy: What? I think it's gross all by myself. God, you're a diva lately.


The bus gets ready to leave the camp.

Ronathon: Hiya, hiya!

The bus drives off. Inside, the teacher is going over the list of students. He turns back to V.

Teacher: So, missing some campers here...

V doesn't respond. She knows what really happened to the missing students. She looks over at Lizzy, next to her. She looks back at you, Uzi, and N. All three of you are fast asleep, with Uzi's head resting on one of your shoulders and N's on the other. Uzi's little insect friend hides in her hat.

V: Yo, I get hungry, idiot.

Teacher: No name calling. Just a question.

The sun rises and Uzi's hand starts to burn under it. You wake up and notice. You then reach to move it out of the way, your hands briefly holding. However, you don't pull your hand away. You, instead, let your hand hold onto Uzi's as you fall back asleep.

N then wakes up and looks over at the Zombie Drones VHS tape she brought with her. The thought of what could be on the tape worries her.

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