A New Friend

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I started to explore the forest for the first time on my own. I was getting sick of just my room and the chambers and grass around around it. I walked right in the heart of the forest. The birds sang and the wind blew the leaves gently. Then I saw a girl walking ahead for me. She had a sword strapped onto her back and she was walking quietly and quickly towards the edge of the forest. For the first time since my parents had died, I felt courage to go after her. My bare feet made no sound as I quickly and quietly followed her. I was really close, close enough to touch  her. Then she spun around. Before I could do anything, the point of her sword was at my throat. I didn't move but looked her straight in the eye.
'Why are you following me?' She asked coldly. I frowned and replied just as coldly
'Why not?' She then had a hint of a smile on her face.
'I don't like being followed. Go home princess.' She put her sword away and walked off. I stood here for a moment outraged. She had no right to do that. I would show that I was no princess. I ran straight at her backflip ping over her head. As I did I grabbed the hilt of her sword. Two seconds later, the sword was at her throat. I smiled and said calmly
'I might be a princess, but I am also a warrior.' She was so surprised, I could tell. I swung the sword and caught it by the blade and held out the hilt to her. She took it and put in back in the sheath.
'I'm sorry. How did you learn that move?' I smiled and replied
'My Ada taught me.' She smiled and replied
'I'm Raven.' I smiled
'I'm Lalaith Nienor. You can call me Nienor.' Raven smiled and looked behind her.
'I'm hunting orcs. Did you want to join me?' I raised my eyebrows and replied
'With what?' Then she saw that I had no weapons.
'Well we can go back and get you ready. Why don't you come tomorrow and we can go together?' I nodded.
'Okay! See you then!' Then we parted.

When I got back, Haldir was looking worried.
'Where have you been?' I sighed and replied
'Just walking around.' I decided not tell him about tomorrow.
That night I went to bed early.

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