21.Pure affection

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I know my loyal readers always Vote, and if they don't vote, it means they are stuck up in some problem. When I put up that note, I meant the silent readers to vote...And even after so much begging, only a few voted..it's really disheartening. Thanks to all those who have voted and encouraged me.Love you guys.🙏🙏🙏

Vote target 150 votes. The faster you vote, the more quickly I write the next chapter.😜😜😜😝😝😝

Author's POV

"Get inside the car," Gautam ordered a frightened Diya.

"No...it's ok...I will take the bus. But thank you for offering a ride. It's getting late...I would rather get going, "Diya exclaimed, trying to run away from him.

"I'm not going to eat you. Get inside right now, "Gautam barked, and Diya jumped inside the car and sat on the passenger seat, scared that the ACP would send her to jail if she denied it.

Gautam had a slight smile on his lips as he sat on the driver's seat.

"What happened, Ms.Diya? Aren't my lips kissable anymore? Did you lose interest in my abs and six-pack body so soon? "he asked with a smirk on his face.

Diya hid her face in her palms in embarrassment and wanted to bury herself six feet under the earth.

"I...I ...that was a harmless comment...I didn't mean any of it, "Diya composed soon and defended herself.

"Are you over this hot ACP so soon? "he raised his eyebrows as he started the car.

"Ahmm...I'm sorry ...You are not that hot...You are just ok. I didn't notice you completely before," she replied, eyeing him from top to toe as if she was evaluating him.

"What the hell?" he scowled.

"Ufff...don't raise your BP(Blood Pressure), Mr.ACP.You aren't that hot or good-looking as I previously thought, "Diya smirked victoriously.

"Really? Say that one more time," he glared at her.

"I'm not scared of you, and you can't put me in jail just because I said that you are not hot. I can file a complaint against you for harassing and kidnaping me. I can tell a hundred times that you are plain...What the..., "Diya was stopped halfway as Gautam slammed the brakes and claimed her lips, much to her astonishment.

"Go ahead...Add this to your complaint as well, "He smirked, winking at her victoriously.

"Buh-huh-huh...Buh huh huh," Diya sobbed, wiping her lips furiously as Gautam started his car.

"Diya ...I...I'm sorry...I shouldn't have done that..that was just a reflex action," Gautam said, feeling guilty that he made her cry.

"Please, Diya...say something...scold me...hit me...punch me...do something but stop crying," he stopped the car near the roadside.

"Buh...huh...huh...You...stole...my ...first...kiss...that I saved...for my...h-hubby," she hiccupped.

"Diya...I...I'm sorry but not sorry for what I did. But I have a remedy for your problem. You can make me your hubby...so problem solved, right. So what say...When should I come to your house for asking your hand in marriage," he smiled lovingly at her.

"Huh?"Diya shrieked in wonder.

"You moron... I don't even know you. First, you stole my first kiss, and now you are all ready to marry me. What if you are ripper and no woman marries a man who she just met," she flipped her head in the opposite direction to show her protest.

"But I know you...Your dad is a retired headmaster, and your mom is a housewife...Your little sister is currently in her higher secondary. You have been taking care of your family ever since your dad underwent his bypass surgery," Gautam said in a serious tone.

"Were you stalking me, Mr.ACP?"Diya frowned at him.

"Something like that," he teased her.

"I don't like you, "She pouted like a child.

"Oh, Seriously? Then why didn't you protest when I kissed you," he taunted her playfully.

"Because I was shocked, and I didn't expect such barbaric behavior from a police officer," she retorted.

So what do you think of my earlier proposal," he smiled at her, starting the car again.

"Stop making fun of me, Mr.ACP.I know my family and my social status. We are not that rich like you, and who will accept someone like me from a middle-class family," she said with a sad smile.

"Is it my fault that I am rich? I like you, and since I'm of marriable age, I just expressed my interest. I don't want to live on the streets just because you have a problem with rich people. "You can think about it and tell me your decision later," Gautam said slowly.

"You are so blunt and rude. Is this how you propose to a girl," she grumbled.

"This is me. I can't make fake sweet promises, and if you think you can bear me for the rest of your life, then say yes. And I don't promise that I would love you to eternity, but I promise to take care of you and not let you shed a tear till the day I die," he winked at her. Diya fell silent hearing him.

So can I take your silence for a yes? May I talk to your parents? he asked.

"No..."Diya squealed.

"So that's a no. Sorry I won't bother you again. Just forget that we ever had this conversation," he said dejectedly.

"No...I mean ...Yes...No...God...I meant I need some time before you talk to my parents," Diya said hurriedly.

"Thank you, "Gautam smiled softly.

"You should be...I mean, who will marry such an arrogant average looking, and boring ACP, "Diya smirked at Gautam.

"It seems like someone needs another round of kiss," Gautam said and blew a kiss at her.

"Don't you dare? I have pepper spray with me. This time I'm prepared," she said, taking out the pepper spray from her purse.

"You are more dangerous than I thought. I have to watch my back when I'm with you, "Gautam chuckled.

"That's right, Mr.ACP," Diya laughed.

"Now tell me the truth. Didn't you enjoy my kissable lips on yours," he mocked.

"Go away, You pervert. I hate you," Diya hit his shoulders with her small hands as they started a new chapter in their life.

Aagney's POV

It was a tiring day, and after Gautam interrogated Mythili, I had brought her back home. I was smiling to myself since I heard her handling that girl named Naomi. She even gave me a new endearment ---Agni. I loved the way she claimed that I was hers. It's only a day since we confirmed that she was pregnant, and ever since, I'm finding her more and more beautiful. But her pregnancy hormones are at a peak, and she is turning bold day by day. And I want her to be brave. She should take care of herself and my child if something happens to me. I quickly took a shower, dressed up, and walked out of the washroom, searching for Mythili. I had seen her munching on her favorite chocolates before I went to take a shower. I searched inside the bedroom, but she was not there but then noticed that the door to the balcony was open. I found her staring at the stars with a slight smile on her lips. She had unknowingly kept her right hand on her stomach. I went near her and snaked my arms around her waist protectively. She stood there unaffected by my presence, still not removing her gaze from the stars.

"Are you not tired, Mi...Mythili? "I asked in concern.

"Is that star my mother?" she asked, pointing towards a bright star.

I hesitated at her sudden question.

"They say people become stars after death, is it true?" she asked, still looking at the stars.

"Maybe ...I don't know," I gasped as images of my sister flashed in my mind.

"If my mother were alive, I would have never suffered like this, right, Mr.Mittal.She would have protected me with all her life. I now know what she would have felt when she lost her life in front of me. She was scared, Aagney...but now I realize that she was scared for me. Now I learned how much a mother could love her child," she caressed her stomach as tears leaked down her orbs.

"I'm such an unlucky child, "Mythil sobbed, clutching my hands.

Ssshhh...Mythili.Don't be upset. You are not unlucky. If you cry, our baby will also be upset. Moreover, think of the positive side our child will get the affection of both mom and dad. And trust me, our child is so lucky to have a loving and caring mom like you, "I caressed her hair as I tried to calm down her mood swings.

"I wish ..." Mythili mumbled something inaudible to me and wiped away her tears stubbornly.

"Let's go inside, or you will catch a cold," I said, taking her inside the room. Once inside, I made her lie on the bed and massaged her legs, and she looked at me thankfully through her sleepy eyes.

"When is your check-up with Dr.Gita.I will accompany you, "I said softly.

She suddenly sat up on the bed and looked at me like I had grown two horns.

"No...It's not needed. I will ask Diya to accompany me," she replied, looking at he hands nervously.

"In case you forgot ...this is my child, and it is my duty to take care of you, "I said in a fake stern voice.

"I-I will be more comfortable with Diya," she replied, still looking at the floor.

"Alright..but show me the reports, "I agreed, not wanting to make her more uncomfortable. I had bullied her more than necessary, and now all I want her is to be happy so that we can lead a happy life in the future with our little child.

"Thank You," she said gratefully and lay down on the bed again and closed her eyes. Soon she drifted off to sleep as I sat there admiring her beauty. I kissed her forehead and tummy with pure affection when I heard my phone ring.

It was Milind Bhai, and I walked towards the balcony and answered the phone. He told me a piece of news that made my blood boil.

"So they have started executing their plan?"I asked angrily.

"Yes, Aagney...I want you and Mythili to be careful," Milind Bhai told me with worry.

"I do not worry when you are there with me, Bhai. Anyways let's keep our fingers crossed, "I chuckled.

"I have something else to tell you, Aagney," he paused.

"What is it?" I asked impatiently.

"Mr. and Mrs. Mittal have decided to come back to Mumbai. They will reach Mumbai by tomorrow evening flight", he said.

"Mom and D-Dad, "I stuttered, thinking of my parents. I was suddenly happy by the news. Mom has still not recovered from the shock of Avni's death.

"Thank you, Bhai, for sharing this news with me, "I exclaimed like a small child.

"Don't get too excited, Aagney. They are coming to your mansion in Mumbai. The same place where you live with Mythili now. And I don't want even to know their reaction when they see Mythili with you...And imagine what will happen when they find out what you have done to that poor girl, "Milind Bhai mocked me.

"They will burn me alive for sure," I answered automatically.

"Send her to her own house for some days until everything is resolved," he advised me.

"Nope...I won't... I don't trust her stepmom and step-sister. She is pregnant, and I don't want to risk her life in that house, "I protested.

"Then stay stubborn and lose your parents again...Mythili will be safe...Trust me, "he scowled and then told me something before hanging up the phone, which made me relax.

I went back inside the room and lay down beside a sleeping Mythili, and held her protectively in my arms.

"Soon...We will stay like this forever and find happiness in each other's arms. I won't let anyone come between us after uncovering Avni's murderers. My parents are coming back to me after a very long time, sweetheart. I don't want them to be sad because of my deeds to you. I have to resolve a lot of things before I convince my parents. Till then, we will have to separate for a few days, my love," I said, kissing her forehead, not knowing the dangers awaiting us in the future.

How was the chapter?

Did you like Gautam ad Diya's bickering and love?🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

I hope it wasn't boring.

Why is Mythili sad ...is it pregnancy mood swings or something serious?😏😏😏

So Aagney's parents are back. Will it affect Aagney and Mythili's current relationship?😈😈😈

Mili will have to go back to her house. Will she be safe, or the mother-daughter duo will plan something evil?😈😈😈😏😏😏

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