6.Personal Slut

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Double update...Please Vote on the previous chapter as well.❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏

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Mythili's POV

I felt like someone was banging on my head the moment I opened my eyes. I took in my surroundings and found that I was in a bedroom...not very big but not small either.

"Are you alright?" I heard someone asking me and realized that it was Aagney.

"I-I ...What happened to me?" I asked him, unsure of what had happened to me.

"You fainted in front of my cabin, so I brought you inside my room out of humanity, not that you deserve it," he said coldly.

I sobbed, hearing his heartless talk, but I couldn't complain because he was right. I didn't deserve his kindness.

"Can't you stop shedding your tears? It's of no use ...my heart won't melt seeing your tears...instead, it irritates me, "he stated.

I can't help it," I said as I tried to wipe away my tears rapidly.

"Now tell me what you were doing in front of my cabin," he looked at me suspiciously.

"I...the bill...payment, "I tried to frame a sentence but failed miserably.

"I have already made the payment for the surgery," Aagney said in a serious tone.

"No...I mean ...I have to settle another bill, "I uttered those words and lowered my head in shame.

"Did you come in exchange for money? "he mocked, and yet another teardrop left my eyes.

"Ms.Mythili...just because I spent eight lakhs on you for a night...don't think that you are worth it...you are not that expensive," He taunted, and I didn't dare to say another word to him.

He was right...I had lost all my self-respect in my own eyes, and right now, I had turned myself deliberately into a whore who was so desperate to make money at any cost.

"But I have an offer for you, Mythili. Be my PS. You know I'm a man who has needs. You can work in my office during the day and quench my thirst at night. Why bother finding an unknown woman to satisfy my needs when you are more than ready to sleep with me. And there will be no unfamiliarity since we have already slept together. What do you think, Ms.Mythili?Do you accept my offer? He smirked at an astounded me.

"Your revenge will never end, right?" I asked faintly.

"Never...ever...It will never end. Don't even expect it to end. You and your family murdered that sweet and understanding Aagney three years ago. When I see you in this state, the burn in my heart feels satisfied. Do you know the effort I'm putting in to bring back your precious dad to life? I just want to lead him back to normalcy as soon as possible to make him see how his pride...his beloved daughter turned into a whore to save his life. I want to see Raman Sharma shed tears of blood seeing his daughter's destroyed life," he panted.

"You will regret it, Aagney. You are playing with a woman's dignity, "I whimpered.

"Regret and me? The only thing I regret is that I trusted you, Mythili. Nothing that you say now will make my heart melt. I died that day when your dad accused me of being a rapist, and your bloody whore sister claimed I had molested her. Didn't I fall on your feet and beg to trust me? Of all the people present there, you knew I was not guilty. But what did you do? You chose to stay silent...And you know what...I paid a heavy price for your silence. I lost everything: my sister, parents, doctor's degree... Even though there is no evidence, people still call me a rapist behind my back...my status is that of a bloody mad rapist who in his lust raped and murdered his own sister," he panted heavily as he spewed those words at me. I, too, had tears in my eyes while he vented out his frustration.

"And what did you say I'm playing with a woman's dignity? What do you think only women have dignity? What about a man's dignity? If a woman is affected, law, media, hashtags, and associations speak for her. And what do men have if he is the victim...he has to suffer on his own...he has to drink his own pain and live in his own personal hell...there will be no one to share his pain. If a woman loses her dignity...it means pain and suffering for her throughout. But for a man, it's death. I died that day miserably when I was accused of my Avni's rape and murder. Do you know how it feels when you are charged wrongly and that too for a crime that I would never commit even if I were drugged? For she was my sister who I loved dearly. How could you even think that I would commit such a lewd crime?" he semi yelled at me.

"Aagney... "I tried to speak to him, but he cut me off harshly.

"So Ms.Mythili ...never expect that I will melt seeing your distress. Your sufferings give me immense pleasure, and I don't plan to stop giving you misery any sooner," he declared with a victorious smile.

"And don't ever think I'm in love with you like all those fantasy novels where the male lead forces the female lead to be with him due to his undying love for her.I'm just inviting you to be my personal slut...that's it.I don't even care if you whore around with anyone else instead of me. Take your whore sister and bitch stepmom with you...You can do good business together."

"Aagney...don't bring my family into this, "I begged.

"Why? Does it hurt? If you are so proud, go outside and find someone else to get the money...But trust me, no one is going to pay you any more than a thousand bucks for a night because they are not Aagney Mittal. So decide now whether you want to go out into the streets to make money or be my personal secretary and live in hell," he stated rudely.

"Personal Secretary or personal slut, "I asked with self-contempt.

"Whatever makes you sleep peacefully at night, Ms. Mythili," he remarked coldly.

"You are right. You have successfully destroyed me, Aagney, "I said with disdain.

"Now, it doesn't make any difference whether I sleep with you one time or thousand times. I'm just a desperate slut in your eyes who is ready to spread her legs for money. So be it...I'm prepared to be your personal slut...sorry secretary...but I have some conditions, "I told him with sarcasm lacing my words.

"Though you are not in a situation to lay down your conditions in front of me, I would still like to hear them, "Aagney mocked.

"My family house is in mortgage...I want some salary in advance to pay the mortgage, "I said to him.

"Aaah, your house...I'm ready to buy it from Reddy...the person whom your dad had mortgaged the house, "he told me with a wicked smile on his face.

"But then...I can make the payment with that money, right," I asked with a sudden ray of hope lighting up my face. That means I don't have to become Aagney's slave.

"Ms.Mythili...Do you have any idea how much your dad has to pay Reddy?" Aagney laughed loudly.

"Your dad has to give around three crores to Reddy, and your house is just worth no more than two crores," he chuckled, shocking me.

"I will give you a choice...for the rest of the money, you can pay me back by satisfying me in bed, and also I will let you and your worthless family live in that house as long as you work for me, Or else you can forget this deal and get the hell out of this room and make necessary arrangements to pay the hospital bill, " he said with a lecherous smile on his face.

I looked at his face for a moment to find any traces of the old Aagney, but I failed to see any traces of humanity in him towards me. I wiped away my tears yet again and faced him with determination.

"I'm ready...I'm ready to work with you. Already my life is destroyed. Now at least my destruction can build a life for my siblings. And you are right. You are the most suitable person for me to whore around since there is no unfamiliarity between us anymore, "I told him grimly.

"I'm amazed to see your determination, Ms.Mythili.Still ready to sacrifice your life for those worthless souls. Anyways that's not my concern. Meet me sharp at 9 a.m tomorrow at my head office for the job interview," he said emotionlessly.

I tried to get up from the bed, but my head started spinning again, and I was about to fall, but Aagney held me in his firm grip.

"Careful," he said softly." Your BP is low. Eat your food on time. I don't want to waste my time by holding you every time you are about to fall," he said sharply, but I could feel the concern in his voice. It was like the old Aagney was inside him somewhere. A small smile made its way to my lips, thinking of Aagney and his constant naggings to make me eat food in the past.

Aagney's POV

"I'm sorry but not sorry, Mythili. I can't forgive you right now. Your tears still affect me. But the pain I went through is nothing in front of what I had suffered. I have a lot of things to do on my list right now. And the first one on the list is to find my sister's murderers. And also, I have scores to settle with your dad," a lonesome tear left my eyes, seeing her weak condition.

She was nothing like the happy and mischievous Mythili I knew. She was just a ghost of her previous bubbly self. But one thing that remained unchanged was her blind love for her dad and family. I knew she would go to any extent to save her dad, and that's why I played my cards right to make her surrender to me. Maybe what I did and doing to her is wrong in the eyes of the whole world...but I have my valid reasons to force her to be with me. Maybe she won't forgive me for what I did to her...and I too can't forgive her for what she did to me either. Our scars are too deep, and it may take time to heal completely. Right now ...I can only wait for that time when everything is sorted between us.

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What do you think of Aditi now?

Was it right for Mili to keep silent when Aagney needed her to help the most?

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