1. Meeting the bad boy

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7'O clock morning , alarm clock screaming it's lung out

Author pov

"Ryul wake up , it's already time" said a girl in blond hair removing the covers out the window.

"5 more minutes momo". Ryul answered to Momo still in daze of her dreamland.

"If you don't wake up now then I will throw you out of window"

"I am up ! I am up!".

"Good . You better come down now".

Ryul POV

Let me introduce myself.

I am Lee Ryul . I go to Seoul university.
I live with my friends three friends Momo, Trisie and Sikie. I and my friends go to Seoul university.

Now back to the story.

Going to the kitchen, I am greeted by my other friends.

"Look the koala finally decided to show up". Aaahhh and here comes her lecture time.

"Leave it we all know she will never change . But you still lecture her" turning around I found Trisie commenting the same thing and also making her salad.

"We can't change both of them.So it's unnecessary" Sikie replied after finishing her pancake and checking the Instagram.

"Ok now stop talking and eat".

"OK eomma". 😁😁

After eating our breakfast, we all headed to our University.

Author pov

After Ryul and her friends arrived university everyone parted their ways to their respective classes. As soon as Ryul entered the class , someone bumped into her.

"You should browse for some good eye hospital" and here comes our male lead.

(President Namjoon is world domination).

"Why is that ?" Said the boy showing confusion in his voice.

"Because you don't know where to go Namjoon"

"How dare you !"

"Move man you are wasting my time".

Namjoon POV

I was entering the class when  suddenly I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Lee Ryul a.k.a the Sassy queen.  She stood up and bashed me then went to her seat. I saw her short shoulder length hair bouncing and the way she was walking with elegance. WAIT-What I am thinking.  She is not my taste, but she disrespected me and I will take my revenge.  You just wait and watch Lee Ryul

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