Chapter 5

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"Love like that doesn’t go away. It’s here with us forever."

- The Best of Me Movie, coming to theaters October 17

Chapter 5


“Kyle, you really can’t go?” I couldn’t tell if my face was getting hot or if it was my phone. This stupid, stupid fraternity boy pursued me for months, and when I finally give in, he sold me out every time. “This is like our second biggest function of the year.”

“I’m sorry, baby. I have to work.”

I wanted to yank through the phone and strangle him every time he called me baby. Maybe I shouldn’t be with a guy who I want to strangle. It was probably best to just ignore him now.

I hung up with him and sulked. I really wanted to be with Ramsey. It had been four months since our kiss. He kept his distance to almost non-existent until Thanksgiving. He slowly came by around dinner time after that, even staying to eat a few times. When he left for the Christmas holidays, he gave me a hug and wished me well. It was the best hug ever, but I knew that he would never make a move. Kyle was always persistent. I finally gave in during the holidays and went on a date with him that didn’t involve the school’s Greek system. We had Italian. I had a decent time. He asked me out again, and I had said okay. By the time the semester had started again, we were on kissing terms. I assumed he was my boyfriend. We never made a label out of it. I wasn’t one for labels, but we went out a few times a week and made out here and there. I knew he wanted more, but there was just something missing. I didn’t feel a click. I never felt a click with him. I just went with it to get over the one person I really wanted … the one person who didn’t want me.

I walked out of my room and found Wes, Sara, and Phil in my living room watching TV. I sighed as I walked into the kitchen for a drink. I didn’t mind them being there. I was just sighing over the crap that I called my life.

“That sounds like a Kyle sigh.”

I turned toward Sara and shook my head. “I’m pretty much done with him.”


I snapped my head to Phil and he smiled. “You can do a lot better than that, Josie.”

“Thanks Phil, but I still need a date for my sorority dance.” I stared at him a little longer and asked, “Do you want to go?”

He laughed.

His response was laughter.

I didn’t know how to take that.

“Let’s go have a talk,” he said as he stood from the chair and walked to the front door. I followed him down the stairs, and when he walked through his front door, I stopped.

He turned around in the middle of his living room that was a mirror image to mine and said, “He’s not here. I wouldn’t do that to either of you.”

I nodded and followed him inside and sat with him on the sofa. He scooted close to me but not close enough to touch me. He exhaled and then let it all out.

“It’s no secret that I am attracted to you. Having said that, I’m not the one who has known you for years and has been attracted to you the whole time. I’m not going to say much else of his feelings toward you, but I will say that he has been torn up about you with that douche frat guy.”

“The only reason I dated Kyle was to try to get over Ramsey, which didn’t work because I don’t like Kyle.” I used to like Kyle, but after that one day with Ramsey, no one else mattered. I was sucked into some sort of trance where I could only see Ramsey.

Phil grabbed my hand and said, “Ask Ramsey to your dance.”

“Do you think he’d go? He’s just so busy.”

“Trust me. Just ask him.”

I stared at Phil, and he nodded to assure me just a little more. Like clockwork, their front door opened, and Ramsey walked in coming from his night class. Phil stood up without saying a word and went to his room. I stood up slowly, but that was the only movement I could perform. Ramsey shut the door behind him and dropped his bag a little quickly.

“Hey, are you okay? Is something wrong?” he said as he walked right to me, searching my face for some answer.

I nodded, not being able to find my voice. I exhaled and blurted, “I asked Phil to a dance, and he told me no.”

“Why would you ask him? I thought you had a boyfriend.”

I rested my hands on my hips and said, “Well, he told me no, too.”

I bit my lip from the nerves. His eyes were drawn to it, but they flickered back to my eyes. I trusted Phil. I didn’t know how he would go with me, but I was going to trust Phil here. He would know more than I would.

“I know you’re super busy all of the time, but I would really like to go with you.” I stopped and stared into his eyes as a small smile brightened his face, and I asked, “Would you go to a dance with me on Saturday?”

His fingers entwined with mine, and he whispered, “What do I have to wear?”

I smiled at his response. “It’s a theme party, but I’m just wearing a dress. So jeans are fine.”

He leaned in and kissed my forehead. “I’ll pick you up at 7:00.”

I was so close to him. I melted in his touch. I melted in his everything. I couldn’t wait for Saturday.

• • •

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was curled. My dress fit me perfectly. I fixed the chain on my gold necklace, laying the arrow pendent on my chest. I could hear his voice. I was going to kiss him again. I just knew I was going to. Oh, how I wanted to.

I stepped out of the comfort of the bathroom as he was laughing with Wes and Sara. I loved his smile. His face was always serious, but when he smiled it lit up the room and warmed his rich eyes even more. He turned his head, and the smile eased away as his eyes widened. I thought that was a good reaction. I hoped that was a good reaction. He reached out his hand toward me and asked, “Are you ready, date?”

I smiled and nodded. This was going to be a good night.

After we got there, we both grabbed a beer. I didn’t feel like drinking a lot and he never did, but just a few wouldn’t do any harm. We talked and laughed the whole night. He got brave and pulled me to the dance floor. A fast song from the 80’s played, and we jumped around with everyone else. I was thankful that the boots I was wearing were flats. Heels would not do.

A slower song came on, and he didn’t let go. I rested my hands on his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around my waist. His eyes were directly locked in on mine. They became serious, and I got scared. I didn’t want the whole distraction conversation again. I got it. I just wanted to have fun for one night with Ramsey.

“I need to be honest with you.” He broke the silence. I just nodded for him to go on. He exhaled a shaky breath. “I don’t know when or how but somewhere in the past six years I fell in love with you. I know it’s crazy and almost impossible, but it happened. And with getting to know you better this past year, it’s been so hard to stay away. I don’t want to stay away anymore. Can we try? I can’t promise everything, but can we try to be together?”

My chest warmed as tears pricked the back of my eye. He wanted to try. I nodded my answer as a smile lifted up my cheeks, and he pressed his lips to mine.

Dave Matthews Band was playing. It would forever be our song. Every time I heard it, I would think of this kiss and the way his body felt so good against mine. We molded together so perfectly. In that moment, we were perfect, the world was perfect, my life was perfect.

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