1. Emperor [part 2]

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♥︎ NSFW warning. I tried to add very little detail as possible. It's not much, but it's honest work.
♥︎ Emperor will be the only one with this kind of stuff. The others will be more chill.
♥︎ No drawing this time because I'm tired :(


She was a complete mess. After being trapped in this house for a solid week, she had attempted to text her friends for help numerous times, but Emperor would step him and put her in her place.

It eventually lead to getting her phone taken away. With it in the king's possession, she was practically on her knees in front of him. He had access to revealing her secret to Army whenever he wanted. She had no freedom.

The boy wouldn't do much to her. He hadn't made any advances to taking her virginity, and she was thankful for that. The most he would do was put his fingers in her and pleasure her until she knocked out.

Emperor loved playing with her. She was so expressive. Though, he made sure to do that at a minimum. She still needed to clean the house without raising any suspicion.

Well, he thought he was doing it at a minimum. In reality, he was doing it to her everyday. She would be forced into his room and he would touch her wherever he wanted. She couldn't refuse no matter what.

It was around that time where he was 'satisfying' her again.

They were sitting on Emperor's bed, [Name] sitting on his lap with her legs open. Her back pressed up against his chest as she breathed heavily, trying to control herself from moaning too loud.

"Are you getting used to this, princess?" Emperor held her waist tightly and used his other hand to pleasure her, the girl twitching in his grasp.

"E-E-Emperor.... I n-need.." She yelped, her face flushing [favorite color].

"You don't need to do anything when you're with the king." He chuckled. "Let all your problems go away. I'll take care of them for you."

She couldn't speak. She was under his control with nowhere to go.

He curled his fingers that were in her.

"A-Ah!" She came, soaking the sheets.

"Another hard day at work, my queen. I can't wait to do this tomorrow." He licked her neck, smirking when he saw her sleeping.

She was a sensitive one. If this was the real deal, she wouldn't even last a second.

"Yo, Emp!" Eging Jr knocked on the leader's door. "Have you seen [Name]? She still needs to clean my room."

"She went out to get some groceries." Emperor said loud enough for the other inkling to hear.

"Tell me when she comes back then."

Emperor sighed in relief when he heard footsteps walking away from his door. "I would wake you up right now, but you're so adorable~." He took his hand out of her underwear and brought it up to his face, juices coating it.

"This is much more than last time. Were you anticipating this?" He asked, knowing she wouldn't respond. "You're such a handful."

He wiped it off on the bed and cuddled closer to her, humming into her ear. "I have the queen of turf war all to myself." He cooed. "What a wonderful reward~."

"Brother!" Prince yelled from outside the door, twisting the knob that was locked. "[Name] promised to watch a movie with me but I can't find her!"

The king scowled. Why was everyone bothering them today?

"She went out, Prince." He stated.

"Can you hang out with me in the meantime?" The doorknob jiggled a bit more.

Was he trying to unlock it?

"I'm busy."

"You're always busy...." Prince stopped pestering him and returned to his room sadly.

Emperor didn't feel a thing. He was convinced that being with [Name] was top priority. Abandoning her to be with the others was a crime.

Something buzzed in his pocket. Ah, the girl's phone. She had received many messages asking where she's been, but the king wouldn't respond to them. He just read the texts and called it a day.

This particular one caught his attention. It was from Army.

"Tch.... the trash player..." He was disgusted.

Are you all right? No one has heard from you for a while.

Emperor did suppose that he hadn't kept his word on letting her go out. Whenever she asked, he would refuse in an instant. He liked it when she is just here and only here. No other inklings to talk to. No other boys to talk to besides his teammates.

Just Team Emperor.

"It's time I respond to at least one of your messages, right?" He looked at [Name] for an answer, but she slept peacefully in his arm.

He read her past texts before. He was sure he knew how to type like her.

I'm fine! Just really busy ^^

He waited for a response.

I see. I'm glad you're doing well.

Emperor clicked his tongue.

Can we meet up today? I want to battle.

He wasn't going to allow that.

I'm sorry. I can't. I'm still very busy :(

Please? This is a very important battle.

The sleepy inkling stirred in her sleep. She was most likely waking up. Her naps weren't that long.

As he was typing as fast as he could, the phone was immediately slapped away from his hand, making him drop it on the floor.

He was ready to give a scolding and punish her for doing that until he saw she was just stretching after her slumber.

How convenient for her.

"Wet..." She groggily said, rubbing her eyes with her hands.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well? I'm sorry for going rough on you today." Emperor admired her figure. So pretty.

"Yeah, okay." She didn't know how to respond to that. "I still need to clean. Please let me go."

"You came back from the grocery store."

[Name] gave him a confused glance.

"That's the lie I used."

"Oh. I see." She wiggled out of Emperor's arm and got up from the bed, blushing when she felt something running down her legs. "Excuse me."

She ran out of his room and into the nearest bathroom to clean herself up.

Emperor used this time to peer over the bed and search for the phone. He gasped, seeing the message he accidentally sent, and the response to it.

I can go

Thank you. Meet me by the tower at 4pm.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Autocorrect worked in the worst way possible and now she had to get out of the house.

He grabbed the phone off the floor and checked the S+ player's status. Army was offline.

He couldn't possibly cancel their plans now, unless he kept this a secret from [Name], but he knew that she would always be on time when hanging out with someone. He DID watch her from a distance from time to time.

If she didn't go, Army would assume something happened and most likely take action.

Emperor shouldn't have responded at all.

He checked the time. 1:13pm. That's enough time for her to clean at least a majority of the house and to get ready to go out.


They entered Inkopolis Square, both of their hands intertwined with each other.

"Where's Army?" [Name] asked, happy she could see him again and be outside.

"He said he would be waiting by the tower."

Emperor led the way and spotted the orange inkling writing something in his manual, standing near the entrance of the lobby.

"Army!" The X rank player beamed, removing her hand from Emperor's and running towards the S4 member, throwing her arms around him to hug him.

Emperor saw Army blush. He growled silently.

"I was worried about you. Everyone said you disappeared." Army returned the hug, stuffing his face into the crook of her neck.

"I guess I just got caught up in working that I didn't realize how much time has passed."


Emperor cleared his throat, alerting the two that he was still there, watching.

"Emperor?" Army gave him a light glare, Emperor returning it. "What are you doing here?"

"I've come to accompany [Name]."



"Army, what do you have planned?" She was trying to change the subject.

Emperor didn't say much about what was going on. He only told her that Army wanted to hang out and he allowed her to go, if he went with her of course.

"A... private battle. It's meant for just the two of us."

"Adjust it since I'm here." Emperor demanded, crossing his arms.

Army ignored him. "It's Clam Blitz. You vs me."

"Sounds fun. Let's–"

"You can't battle if I don't give you permission, [Name]." Emperor signified.

"B-But.... nothing can go wrong in Clam Blitz." She defended.

"Since when were you in charge of taking care of her?" Army asked, curious of the relationship between the two. "Are you a couple, perchance?"


"No!" [Name] exclaimed. "We're not a couple!"

Emperor remained silent. She knew she was going to get it later.


"Anyways." Army noticed the tension in the air and spoke up. "Let's begin. Remember, Emperor, you're only spectating."

"Of course, useless S+...." He muttered the last part under his breath.


Shellendorf Institute.

She was going to win. Army hadn't gotten a single clam into her basket, but the girl on the other hand needed one more push until victory was hers.

She collected 10 and formed the super clam.

This was all going according to Army's plan. He 'attempted' to stop her but to no avail. She had splatted him easily and threw her clam at the basket.

She won.

Emperor watched the whole thing go down. He had to admit, perhaps he was a little too paranoid of anything romantic happening between the two during the battle. All that occurred was just his lover doing what she does best: winning.

"Army! Were you even trying?" She pouted, resting near the basket.

"My manual failed to help me again. Your strategies are hard to keep track of, [Name]." Army sighed, opening up his manual to write something in it. "Though you are intelligent, did you not notice the paper fall on the ground when you opened the basket?"


Emperor stood up from his seat, peering over the railing and spotting a piece of paper in the ink near the two.

She bent down and grabbed it, looking back at Army. "I would've noticed this a long time ago. Did you put it here when I won?"

The orange inkling shrugged, stuffing his face in the book.

Her gaze averted back to the paper, reading it.

Will you do the honors of being my girlfriend?

She blushed heavily.

Emperor gritted his teeth. What exactly was on the paper?!


She laughed in relief. She didn't need to be with Emperor anymore. Army felt the same way towards her.

She can finally leave that hell hole.

"I.... will..." She uttered, embarrassed.

Army's face flushed a bright orange, closing his manual with one hand. "You'd really... date an S+?"

She nodded. "That's still a high rank. You don't need to be X to date me."

Emperor had heard enough.

She thought she could leave him just like that? She wouldn't. She brought this upon herself.

They teleported back to the lobby.

Emperor immediately grabbed [Name]'s arm and pulled her away from the other inkling. The king took out his weapon and pointed it at Army, his finger on the trigger.

"W-What are you–?!"

"She's mine." Emperor stated coldly. "There's no room for you here."

"Don't kill him!" The girl hugged him in an attempt to stop him. "Please!"

"Give me one good reason why I should spare him." Emperor asked.

"I'll... do whatever you want... as long as you don't hurt him."

"That's not a reason."

"You can have me." She declared, hiding her face in his chest.


"So if I asked you to marry me, you wouldn't refuse as long as I don't hurt this pest?"

She didn't answer.

He pulled the trigger and shot at Army, barely missing him.

"I'll marry you!"

He smiled.

"Very well then."


She flinched, hearing Army's voice call out to her.

"Were you held captive... by Emperor?"

[Name] stopped hiding and made eye contact with Army. She didn't need to say anything since he connected the dots.


"That's enough talk. He knows too much."

Emperor splatted Army with no mercy.

He grabbed [Name] and covered her mouth with a napkin full of Chloroform.

She struggled to get out of his grasp.

"I lied to you. My apologies."

Her eyelids grew heavy.

"This is for the greater good. Forgive me."

She knocked out.


She truly was trapped. After Army's death, she didn't attempt to escape. She stayed put.

There were reports that said Army suddenly went missing. Only she and Emperor knew the truth.

She felt hopeless.

The girl sat on Emperor's lap once more, except she was facing him. He curled his fingers inside her. "You were serious about marrying me, right?"

She stared at the bed.

He bit her neck.

"I-I was!" She cried out.

"Couples are usually love dovey with each other, aren't they?" He withdrew his fingers that were in her and replaced it with something else.

She mewled, looking down to see his member near her entrance.

Tears slipped out of her eyes.

"Let's become one together."

It went inside her. It went all the way in. She was on the verge of collapsing. It hurt so bad.

He laid her down on the bed and adjusted his positioning, holding her legs up to get a better view.

"You feel so nice. I've dreamt of this ever since I first saw you." He moaned, sweat dripping down his cheek. "You belong to me. No one else."

She nodded weakly. She had no choice.

During the whole thing, she was forced to say his name or he would bite her roughly.

She was hoping he wouldn't release inside her, but he did. Now it was possible that she would give birth to his children.

He laid beside her, drawing her closer to him. "I'll arrange our wedding soon. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

She couldn't take it anymore. She was going to knock out.

"I'm sure you're excited as well. You just haven't realized everything I've done for you." He paused. "I love you, [Name]."


"I love... you... too."

She fainted.


Chances for part 3 are slim. It'd have the wedding take place and that's about it. Not much to work with.

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