Chapter One: A Beautiful Dream

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The same dream... That's all I can think of when I opened my eyes. The evening sun almost blinded me as I opened my hurting eyes. The pink sky was beautiful behind the flame colored sun, if it was the first time I saw it may have taken my breath away. But the sight was all the more familiar. I looked down at my ungloved hands and saw my nails were painted a beautiful golden color. A gold color that made the sun look ugly. I took my hand and brushed one clear tear that was trickling its way down my face. I almost couldn't feel it anymore... it was a reflex now. I dragged my eyes to the figure standing above me. A breeze kicked up, making the large bells chime slightly. The melodic tune was beautiful... the one sound I couldn't get tired of. She was never facing me as we stood upon the tall building. No... the place of worship... it isn't a building. She was facing the broken statue that was almost unidentifiable from the years of rain, snow, and just plain old neglect. I heard an odd sound escape my throat, like I ran out of breath. A soft sigh came from her... Her sadness was clear. Her beautiful silver kimono was dancing in the wind, as the breeze became a wind.

"It appears that you did it." She said lowering her hair. The dark halo of hair came out of the loose braid and fell forward. Her voice almost came out as a chocked sob... it was sad in general.

"Y-yea... now... h-he h-hates m-m-me." I almost screamed as I pulled my knees on my chest. The golden kimono fell to the bottom of my legs... but I didn't retrieve it. I grabbed the tight bun on my head and yanked it out, a cascade of light brown hair fell in my face.

"We... I mean you had to do it." She clenched her fists at her side. She was holding the anger back... I could tell. I could see her body tense up. I wanted to get up and hug her... but I can't. I don't control this dream... it just happens.

"I'm sorry." I whispered feeling tears rush down my face. I wanted to swipe them away... but my hands were holding my knees so I didn't shake. I could almost feel my skin break under the pressure of my sharp nails.

"Della... we must discard these feelings... we are unlike them their minds like glass. So easy to break... Whilst Our minds are like steel... so... so difficult to break." She said turning around... I closed my eyes and breathed deeply... The sounds all went away...

I awoke with a horrible taste in my mouth and the mid afternoon sun beaming on my tired eyes. I would have just rolled over and slept but today... My body was getting the best of me. I opened my eyes and looked at the Pikachu shaped clock that stood on my night stand. 12:15. It was the first time since the summer started I've woken up before 3 o'clock. I groaned as I rolled out of my comfy bed onto the cold floor. A chill went up my spine as I jumped up from the icy floor. My hands brushed the bits of dirt off of my thick pants and sweatshirt. I walked the few steps and opened the white door to my bathroom. I stood in front of the tall mirror that was placed there so long ago. In a way I could be considered pretty. My pale brown hair danced above my waist, my olive colored skin had no blemishes, and my golden eyes were dark. You would probably think of me as a beach girl... But I don't go outside much. My mother didn't let me go out... It was "dangerous". My clothes were practically falling off of my body, without the drawstrings they probably wouldn't stay on. As I undid the loops I squirted toothpaste in my mouth and let the mint paste sit in my mouth. It was a nice feeling... Way better than the gross mouth taste. I grabbed a pair of clothes off of the rack next to my shower and slid them on. The black sweater hugged my body and the jeans were perfect feeling. After I buttoned my jeans I grabbed one pair of my gloves off the rack. A black felt pair that were worn from over use. I started to run from my bathroom to the stairs, then I walked down the oak slabs. I do have a reputation of falling down them on a daily basis.

"Good afternoon Della." My father said as I almost tripped on the last step. He was already fully dressed and drinking a cup of coffee, he looked tired again. My father was always tired from the 3 jobs he works with Sundays being the only day he's off he usually is cleaning. But if I try to help I'm lectured that I'm only a child and I need to "Live life to it's fullest" He's been saying that ever since the accident...

"Hi Dad." I said sauntering to the kitchen. A cold plate of eggs were half eaten on the table. My father is a kind man... he always makes me breakfast... but Mai always eats it. Who is Mai? She is the Eevee that I was "blessed "with so many years ago. Why do I say that? She is an early bird... she likes to eat my food... she rips my clothes... and eats my shoes.

"Mai!" I yelled. The brown fox Pokemon ran into the kitchen with a guilty look on her cute face. Her large eyes darted from me to the eggs a few times until her tail started to wag. Her guilty face was replaced with a howl and yips. I looked at the screen door to see Soul standing there with a grin on her face.
"What?" I snapped as she pressed her face against the screen making her face look awkward. She always acts like a little kid... Even though she's almost 15...

"Guess what?" She said, her voice sounded muffled against my door. I picked Mai off the floor and held her furry body against my chest. She was the softest Pokemon on the face of the planet... Her fur felt like silk against my fingers. I felt bad for Soul since she doesn't have a Pokemon. A lot of kids don't these days since "education is beyond experiences" About 80% of Children are sent to the huge Pokemon Academy in the Hevah Region instead of having an adventure. It sounds reasonable if you ask me but the small percentage of families who don't ship their kids off home school them. Which is what happened with Soul and I... The other children just left.

"What?" I said opening the door causing her to fall on my floor. She caused a loud thud before she groaned and jumped back up... I envy Soul for that. Even when I'm mean to her she just brushes it off and acts like we're closer than closer can be.

"I'M GETTING A POKEMON!" She screamed jumping up and down. Her pigtails were flopping up and down in a cute style. Her hair used to hang above her knees until her sister Crystal left for the academy. With my help we chopped her hair up to her chest so it could be styled in pigtails... God knows why.

"Well..." I said trying to come to my senses... A Pokemon? I felt a rush of joy for my playmate. I remember how excited I was when I got a Pokemon. I almost tackled Soul to the ground over it.

"Well what let's go!" She yelled grabbing my hand I dropped Mai on the floor and she landed on her feet but she looked mad. Soul's hands almost engulfed my own. She may look fragile comparing her to me but I have tiny hands. My were crammed into my sneakers as Soul swung open my screen door with a slam. Mai was close behind us angry that I dropped her. Soul was in a dead run towards the lab next door to my house. I mean how convenient is it that the lab is right in our home town. Maybe because it's the only route to get to Kanto by a simple walk... Or Prof. Elm just decided to live here... Either one is plausible. As Soul skidded to a stop in front of the large lab I fell over.

"Jeez Della be careful." She said giggling. I scoffed and sat up ignoring the dull pain in butt. The clear glass doors of the lab were a change from the wooden doors of the rest of the town. I've always wondered what Prof. Elm was studying since Soul and I weren't allowed in. Soul pushed the door open with two hands, leaving two dirty hand prints. If Soul wasn't older than me I would consider her a grubby brat. A small jingle of a bell sounded when we got inside the lab. The lab was a pristine white. Everything was a light color except for Soul and I. We looked like red dye in water here. We were the only people in here not in lab coats or in dark colors.

"Soul... Della?" I heard the Professor say as we walked past the array of machines. Some were holding Pokeballs and some had pictures of Pokemon on them with stats. I looked down at Mai to see her eyeballing the one with the Eevee on it. I giggled as I picked up my small Pokemon and held her tightly. She started to squirm but quickly stopped when I glared at her.

"Hello girls." The professor said fixing his large glasses. He looked around 30ish but was loosing his hair quickly. A huge bald spot took up a portion of his head, I mean with a job as stressful as his it isn't that surprising. We both murmured an awkward "Hello sir".

" I'm conducting an experiment and I wanted you to help." He said to Soul pausing

"Now do you see Della and her Eevee? They have a beautiful relationship and look at Gold and his Typhlosion. Both trainers have had their Pokemon the same amount of time yet Della has a closer relationship. We've done research and it appears that if you simply walk with you're Pokemon the bond is stronger." He started to walk towards a large machine in the back of the lab. Two unopened Pokeballs were sitting in it untouched.

"Here I have the last two Johto starters Totodile and Chikorita... Cyndaquil is in another trainers care... So will you help me?" He asked her. She started to jump up and down nodding.

"Yes siree I will." Soul practically screamed. It disturbed the peace that once harbored the lab.

"Okay!" He said motioning to the machine. Her brown eyes widened as she pressed her dirty hands on the glass. A touch screen was right above the Pokemon showing their stats but I don't think she was paying attention to it though. The grass type starter was more on defences as the water type was about its primary stats (attack defense). After a few minutes of back and fourth she clicked on Chikorita's icon. The glass opened and the Pokeball came out. The ball fit perfectly in her hand. Tears of joy brimmed her big eyes. She threw the red and white ball in the air. A blue light flashed and zoomed towards the floor. It quickly took shape into a small figure. A small pale green Pokemon was on the floor where the light was. It was cute... In it's own way.

"Thank you sir!" Soul said skipping out. The was a slam of the glass door and then silence... Then a phone sounded off.

"Hello?... Yes this is him... Oh... I'll send someone... Thank you." Elm slammed the phone down and took out a slip of paper.

"Della could you run an errand for me?" He asked signing the paper. Why am I not surprised?

"Sure." I said. He handed the paper to me.

"Could you go to this address and get an egg from my college Mr.Pokemon? I'm too busy with research to go myself." He said sighing.

"Of course sir." I said walking outside. I set Mai on the ground and started towards my house.

"Well... Let's do this."

Word Count: 2104

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