04: accident

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  " Did you come to school with Jay?" Yebin arrived and quickly leaned her body to Aera, teasing Aera with her annoying face. Aera just shook her head, putting her jacket on the chair, and did her homework in silence. Yebin still had no idea about Jay's feelings for her and it made Aera quite sad as she kept thinking about it whenever Yebin appeared in her mind. Yebin also didn't know Aera's feelings on Jay. So, Aera was scared if Yebin suddenly accepts Jay's confession and they end up dating each other.

It will be the end to hear if it happens.

" Oh tell me, Aera. Are you dating Jay?"

" No, Yebin. You know it's only a rumor.."

Yebin chuckled, " But I saw both of you this morning."

" Yebin, stop it."

" Aera like Jay. Jay like Aera." She teased Aera again.

" Aera and Jay look good together~" This time, Yebin teased Aera quite loud causing Sunghoon and Jay to look at them at the same time. Jay just rolled his eyes, disappointed to hear those words from his crush while Sunghoon was just looking at Aera while holding his jealously when Yebin was teasing Aera by calling her Jay.

Sunghoon stood up,
" Yebin, hand me your homework."

Yebin stopped from laughing and looked at Aera blankly,
" Do we have homework?"

" Sunghoon, the homework due is tomorrow," Aera replied to Sunghoon.

" I just wanted to look at the answers," Sunghoon said awkwardly and rubbed his neck as he felt embarrassed. Aera pouted her lips and continue doing her homework while Yebin was handing him her answers.

Knock Knock

Everyone immediately stopped doing their own business and focused on the discipline teacher, Mr.Kang at the door. He pointed his finger to Jay and Aera, " Both of you come out."

Aera was confused and looked at Jay. He sighed, stood up from his seat, and walked towards Aera.

" Let's go." He handed his hand to her.

Aera bit her lips, confused at Jay's action towards her.

Jay gently held her arm and walked
towards Mr.Kang.

" Mr.Kang," Sunghoon spoke up.

" What are you going to do with my classmates?"

" They were skipping my class because they were dating at the rooftop. They should get a punishment." Mr.Kang replied.

" We are not dating," Aera said.

" I heard this from everyone, Ms.Song."

" You should ask me, Mr.Kang. I'm the class president here." Sunghoon came towards them and stood in front of Mr.Kang angrily.

Mr.Kang sighed and shook his head,
" Back to your seat, Park Sunghoon."

" Let me replace Aera," Sunghoon said again causing the whole classroom to look at him blankly as they felt something weird in Sunghoon when it came to Aera.

Jay just looked at Sunghoon with his poker face and rolled his eyes,
" I'm getting sick of this.." Jay muttered.

He fixed his eyes on Mr.Kang and crossed his arm,
" Just let me go with Sunghoon."

Mr.Kang shook his head,
" Jay and Aera, follow me. Run around the track for 10 rounds."

" No, Mr. Kang. Let me replace Aera-"

" Park Sunghoon, go to your seat."

" Mr.Kang-"

" Go, Park Sunghoon."

Sunghoon sighed and went towards his seat angrily with his eyes fixed on Aera.
She looked at Sunghoon blankly and just watched him before walking out of the classroom with Jay.


" Jay, I'm tired."

Jay just ignored her, ran around the track for the seventh time. Since Mr.Kang was watching them from the window, he can't do anything to help Aera as he knew that the old guy will find many ways to make them suffer again. He took a deep breath and took a glance at Aera who was gasping for breath.

" It's okay, Aera. We have 3 laps left." He said to her and she slowly nodded, ran with Jay without taking a rest.

Jay took a glance at Aera and looked away when she caught him.

She suddenly stopped and fell on the track hardly causing her knee to get bleeding. Jay immediately turned his body to Aera and looked at Mr. Kang - As he realized that the old man wasn't there, he quickly ran towards Aera and checked on her.

" Are you okay?"

" Yeah. I'm just tired." Aera said and gasped for breathing again.

She slowly stood up, " Let's go, Jay. We have 3 rounds left."

She ran with her bleeding knee and fell again as she can't balance herself.

" No. Let's stop here." Jay said and patted his back.

" Get on my back. I will carry you to the treatment room." He said causing Aera surprised while he was waiting for her.

" No, Jay. I can walk.."

Jay sighed, " Why are you so dense?"
He pulled her arm and carried her on his back before walking towards the treatment room.

Aera was shy after everyone was looking at their action just now meanwhile Jay was cool, mind his own business like nothing will happen after he did this to her.

" Jay, everyone will mistake us as a couple again..."

" Let them be. They love to make rumors."

" But Jay, what happens if Yebin sees this..? You said that you like her..."

" So, do you want me to put you on the floor right now? You need to walk like a zombie with that bleeding knee without any help from everyone. Do you want it? I will do it if you want." Jay frustrated and held her stronger.

Aera gasped.

Jay rolled his eyes again,
" Just shut your mouth and let's talk in the treatment room."

Aera nodded quickly and just rest her head on his back as she was scared to see those glances on her.

Jay immediately stopped walking when Sunghoon walked out of the classroom while holding a bottle of water and sandwiches.
Sunghoon fixed their eyes on them, was about to say something.

" Aera, what's wrong with your-"

" Sorry, Sunghoon. We need to go. Let's talk later." Jay cut him off coldly and just walked past Sunghoon.


  Aera sat on the chair while trying to cover her legs from exposure. She didn't expect that this will happen to her. She didn't bring her PE uniform and need to do the punishment with her school uniform, wearing a white long sleeve and just a pink skirt. The fact that she was sweating a lot making her felt uneasy and uncomfortable with Jay.

Jay cleared his throat,
" Where is your jacket? Why did you just wear the white long sleeve?"

Aera looked at her body and realized she didn't wear her jacket causing her screamed slowly as she was scared like what if Jay see her body?

Jay looked away, fixing his school uniform, and took off his jacket. He slowly wrapped it around her body and placed his bag on her legs making Aera felt embarrassed.

" I will buy some food and drinks for us."

Jay said coldly and walked out of the room, leaving Aera alone.

Aera was shutting her eyes and screamed,
" Stupid heart!"

" Stop beating fast!"

" What if Jay notices it?"

She groaned like a baby and suddenly stopped when Sunghoon went into the room and greeted her while holding a sandwich and a bottle of water.

" Are you okay?" Sunghoon chuckled as he saw her action before. Again, she cursed at herself for being too obvious and stupid in front of those handsome and perfect men from her class.

He walked towards her and handed her the food and drink before sitting next to her.
The situation was awkward but Sunghoon was still trying to make it happier by asking something random.

" Thank you, Sunghoon." Aera ate the food and share it with him causing him smiled like an idiot.

Sunghoon ate it in silence and walked towards the cabinet to get a bandage and medicine.
As he got it, he knees down and puts the medicine on the cotton before applying it to her wound.

" Can I touch you?" He asked her and she slowly nodded.

Sunghoon gently applied it on her wound and wiped off the blood slowly while Aera was holding herself from groaning in hurt. After he applied the bandage on her knee, Sunghoon giggled as he saw her face.

He just shut her mouth, looking at her without saying to her that he has already done.

He smiled, held his laugh badly.

" Cute." He muttered to himself and can't stop smiling.

" Is it done...?"  Aera asked him.

" No. It's not done yet. I accidentally put a wrong medicine.." Sunghoon replied causing her surprise.

" Then take it off before it gives me bad effect."

Sunghoon chuckled.

Aera opened her eyes and looked at Sunghoon,
" Hey, stop joking. It's hurt, you know?"
She touched the bandage and bit her lips as it was still hard to move her leg.

" Is it that hurt?"

" I don't know how to explain." She replied to him.

Sunghoon giggled and leaned his face closer to her knee,
he gently rubbed the bandage on her knee and blew,

" Stop hurting Aera, okay? Aera is having a hard time to move her leg because of you, a bad wound."

Aera shut her mouth and just looked at Sunghoon blankly.

" Don't give Aera a hard time, okay?" He said to her knee cutely, showed his dimple causing Aera more confused with his action.

" What are you doing...?"

Sunghoon met her eyes and smiled.

" Protecting you."

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