07: jjangpong

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" How did the world war start ?"

Aera rubbed her head and smiled at Jay.
He sighed as she shook her head.

" Guess it."

Aera whispered to Jay,
" They want to steal the food, I guess?"

Jay rests his head on the table as he gave up with Aera. She can't help but felt embarrassed of herself. She tried again by leaning her face closer to Jay and whispered to him while Sunghoon was taking a glance at them without listening to Yebin's words.

" Imperialism?"

Jay smiled and pushed Aera while laughing,
" I know it! I thought you are that stupid!"

Aera screamed in surprise, rubbing her body as Jay pushed her quite hard. Jay was still laughing without feeling guilty making her felt pissed off. Aera pushed Jay back causing him fell and looked at her surprisingly.
" Did you just push me?!"

" You did it first!"

" I didn't push you that hard!"

" What a lie! It still gives me pain!"

" Weak."

" At least I didn't fall on the floor because of one push..."

" At least I'm not that stupid. Stealing foods?"

" You are the stupid one."

Jay suddenly grabbed a pencil and hit her on her head.
" That's hurt!"

Aera groaned in pain and went towards Jay to take the pencil from him but Jay will never let her put an act of revenge on him easily. So, he ran around his room while she was trying to chase him.

" I hate you, Jay!"

" Hey, guys. Stop it." Sunghoon spoke up while Yebin was just laughing at them.

" Catch me." Jay teased Aera and stuck out his tongue.

Sunghoon stood up, tried to stop Aera from chasing Jay but she didn't stop.
" Aera, stop it. Your knee will get hurt."

Jay quickly hid behind Sunghoon while Aera was standing in front of Sunghoon, trying to grab Jay. Sunghoon sighed,
" Stop it both of you."

" Come here, Jay."

Sunghoon wrapped his arm around Aera.
" Stop it, Aera."

Aera reached her hand to grab Jay's clothes.
Sunghoon rolled his eyes, slowly getting jealous because his crush was just ignoring him for his best friend. Sunghoon held her hand without hesitation, but Aera didn't realize it.
Sunghoon was trying to control her from going towards Jay by pulling her away strongly but he accidentally let go of her hand causing Aera to suddenly bumped into Jay hardly and fell on the floor with her face tucked in Jay's embrace.

Sunghoon was surprised as he saw that scene.
Jay was surprised too, Aera and he was shutting their mouth and just stay in that position awkwardly.

Jay cleared his throat and took a glance at Sunghoon. As he realized his best friend was jealous and mad, he smiled and teased Sunghoon by wrapping his arm around her shoulder, pulling her more closer.

" You smell the stink."

" Let go of me."
Aera groaned.

" Let go of her, Jay."
Sunghoon spoke up.

" Let me hug you more."

Aera was getting shy because of his words without knowing the real reason he did that to her.

" Let go of me," Aera said shyly but he refused.

" She wanted you to let go of her, Jay." Sunghoon continued.

" No."

Sunghoon clenched his fist and helped Aera to escape from Jay. He was holding her hand tightly and looked at her with worries.
" Are you okay?"

Aera nervously nodded her head and looked around the place as she was trying to hide her red cheeks when she caught Jay looking at her.

" Are you guys hungry?" Sunghoon asked Jay and Yebin.

They nodded.

" Let's buy our foods." He said to Aera.

" I didn't finish my work yet," Aera replied, pointed her finger to the unfinished project.

" I need your help," Sunghoon said quickly.

" But-"

" Let's go." He held her hand and brought her away.


" What do you want to eat?" Sunghoon asked Aera while reading the menu. Aera leaned her body closer to him, " I like Jjangpong."

" Why?"

" Because it's spicy."

Sunghoon smiled,

" Sunghoon," Aera called him and he looked at her with a smile.

" Does Jay like Jjangpong too? Is it his favorite?"

Sunghoon lowered his gaze and cleared his throat,
" I don't know."

" Let's have Jjangpong for him."

" Why?"

" I think, he like Jjangpong."

" I think he like Jjangmyeon," Sunghoon replied.

" So, we should buy 3 jjangpong and 1 jjangmyeon. The jjangmyeon is for Yebin!"

Sunghoon nodded as he got jealous again.
" Aera."

Aera looked at him, waited for him to continue.
" Ask me too..."

" What...?"

Sunghoon fixed his collar,
" Ask me about my favorite too."

Aera chuckled,
" What's wrong with you?"

" I like Jjangpong. My favorite."
He said.

" We have the same tastes." Aera laughed at him.

" Do you want to know the reason I like Jjangpong?"

Aera nodded.

" I like Jjangpong because you like Jjangpong."

" I like everything about your favorites."

Aera laughed again.
" Stop joking."

" I'm not joking-"

Aera took out her phone and confused as she got a call from an unknown number. She showed it to Sunghoon and answered it nervously.

" Who is this?"

" Jay."

" How did you get my number, Jay?"

Sunghoon looked at Aera and bit his lips as he heard that name again.

" I want Jjangpong."

" You like Jjangpong too?"

" Yeah. I'm craving for it."

" Okay then."

" Bye, stupid."

Aera ended the call and can't help but laughed and shy at the same time.
" Jay wants to eat Jjangpong too. My prediction is true, Sunghoon." Aera said proudly.

" Yeah."

" Aera, you can sit first. I will do this."
She nodded and went somewhere else.

Sunghoon sighed heavily, took a step to the counter to say his order.

" Can I have-" He paused.

" Can I have 3 Jjangpong and 1 Jjangmyeon?"

" 3 Jjangpong and 1 Jjangmyeon will serve in 10 minutes. The price is-"

" No." Sunghoon stopped the worker.

" 2 Jjangpong and 2 Jjangmyeon."

Sunghoon smiled.


" It smells delicious!"

Jay and Yebin said happily and approached Sunghoon, took the food from him fastly before running towards the table.
Yebin turned on the television, played a movie from Netflix while Jay was serving the food.

Sunghoon and Aera approached them too.
Sunghoon took a seat and called for Aera to sit next to him but Aera decided to sit next to Jay instead.

" Did you order the Jjangpong for me?"
Jay asked Aera and she nodded.

" This is mine."

" And this is for yo-" Aera paused.

" We ordered 3 Jjangpong. Why did we just have 2 Jjangpong ?" She asked Sunghoon.

" Maybe, the worker did a mistake."Sunghoon coldly replied and took the Jjangpong after giving the other one to Aera while Jay was just shutting his mouth.

" I want Jjangpong." Jay muttured to them.

" You can have the Jjangmyeon," Sunghoon said.

Jay shook,
" I want to eat something spicy."

" Just go and buy it again." Sunghoon said angrily for no reason.

" I'm too lazy." Jay rest his head on the table, seem like he was getting sulk because of the small matter.

Aera just looked at him while eating her foods.
She cleared her throat and poked Jay on his shoulder causing he looked at her blankly.

" You can have mine..."

" No. It's okay. You can eat yours." Jay replied.

" I'm not hungry." Aera replied and handed the foods to Jay.

" Are you sure?" Aera nodded.

Jay took the foods from her and ate in silent.
At the same time, Aera was nervous as hrr  stomach suddenly groaned, knowing she got caught for cheating.

Everyone looked at her surprisingly.
Yebin laughed,
" She is lying if she said she is not hungry."

" Do you want to have-" Before Sunghoon could finished his words, Jay cut him off and handed the foods to Aera.

" Let's share this together."

" What..?"

" Let's eat together." Jay smiled and stood up, took a chopstick for Aera.

" Thank you, Jay." Aera said shyly and can't hide her redness cheeks.

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