13: confess

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" Jake, wait for me !"

Aera fixed the head before running towards Jake fastly. He turned his body to her and sighed,
" What again?" He asked her coldly.

" Are you feeling good?"

Jake ignored her and plucked on his earpod.
Aera leaned her body closer to him,
" Don't you like Yebin?"


"It's strange. You know my best friend kissed my crush but you didn't give any reaction."


" My best friend is Yebin."

Jake glared at her,
" So what."

" You like Yebin, right? How can you stay cool when your crush-"

Jake sighed, " Aera, I didn't say anything."

" Go away."

" I want to talk to you."

" Go."


" This medal is really heavy." 

Jay said to Yebin and was about to wear the medal on her but she refused as Jake was there.

" Where did both of you go before?" Sunghoon crossed his arm and they suddenly looked at each other, remained silent as they hesitated to tell the truth to Sunghoon.

Yebin cleared her throat and took a glance at Jake.
She saw bruises on his face making her worried about him. She took a step closer to him and Jake looked at her too.

" What happened to you? Did you get into a fight?" Yebin asked him anxiously, reached her hand to touch him but Jake quickly put her hand away.

" Mind your own business."
Jake replied arrogantly.

Yebin held his hand,
" Let's go to the treatment room. I will -"

" Don't touch me," Jake said angrily.

" Don't act like you are the pick-me girl." He continued and glared at her before wiping his hand on his jersey.

" Yebin, come here," Jay called her but she was still watching Jake. Jay held her hand, pulled her closer to him but she didn't give any response.

" Don't mind him."
Jay said, felt hurt when Jay realized that the moment of him kissing her was nothing to Yebin because she was looking at Jake like he was her world.

Sunghoon cleared his throat when the situation was getting awkward and uncomfortable. He looked around the place to search for Aera and smiled when he saw the pig mascot approached him.

Jake turned off his phone, watching Sunghoon who was running towards the pig mascot.

Sunghoon grabbed her hand and dragged her away. He then bends his body to her height and patted her head while telling her how cute she was in the mascot.

Sunghoon chuckled,
" Talk to me, Aera."

" What's wrong? Are you crying?"

" Don't be sad. Tell me what happened to you." Sunghoon hugged her tightly and she suddenly pushed him slowly causing Sunghoon and Jake to look at her surprisingly.

She took off the head,
" I'm sorry. I'm not Aera."

Sunghoon confused,
" Where is she?"

" I don't know. After she was passing this mascot to me, she went away from my vision."

Sunghoon looked at Jay and Yebin,
realized there must be something that happened to Aera when she met them.
He understood the situation, knowing the reason both of them were leaving the place before.

" Aera.." Sunghoon became worried and ran towards his friends.

" What's wrong?" Jay asked Sunghoon.

Sunghoon smirked,
" If both of you are the reason Aera cried, I will-" Sunghoon sighed.

" I need to go somewhere."

" But, you promised us to spend our time at your house," Jay replied.

" I will. I have something important to do." Sunghoon answered Jay and ran away to search for Aera.

" Are you going with us, Jake?" Yebin asked Jake curiously.

Jake looked at her,
" What do you expect me to answer?"

Yebin nervous,
" We want to be close to you. Sunghoon and Aera too."

Jake took a glance at Jay and smiled,
" Ask your boyfriend if he is okay with me."

Yebin became more nervous,
and looked at Jay,
" He is not my boyfriend."

" He is my friend."

Jake brushed his hair,
" I never know that friends can kiss each other."

He wore his earpod and left.


" Song Aera!"

" Aera!"

Sunghoon gasped for breathing and continue searching for Aera.
He went to the rooftop and the lab,
sighed heavily when he still didn't find her.

Lastly, he went to the school garden.

" Song Aera! You made me worried about you!" Sunghoon approached her causing her surprise.

Aera wiped her tears and smiled at Sunghoon,
" Why did you search for me?"

" Is there any reason to search for you when you're the one I'm thinking about every minute?"

Aera sniffed her nose and looked at Sunghoon.

Sunghoon came towards her and smiled,
" Please don't stay away from my sight."

" It concerns me."

" Thank you for always concern about me," Aera replied.

" You are a great class president. You always care about your classmate." She continued.

Sunghoon cleared his throat,
" My concern about you is true and honest."

" I am concern about you because it's you."

" Not because it's my role as a class president."

" And it's only you who made me felt this way."

Aera smiled,
" Is it because I am starting to be your best friend?" She laughed.

" Aera, are you serious?"

" Why? Aera raised her eyebrows and watched Sunghoon was holding her hand, trying to hug her but he stopped when he realized he smelt stink because of the sweats and it's disappointed him, knowing he got a chance but the timing was wrong.

He slowly let go of her and held her hand again
when he spotted something that caught his attention.

He touched the flower and showed it to Aera making her curious about it.
" Do you know about this flower?"

" Of course, it's the red rose," Aera replied.

Sunghoon smiled and suddenly plucked it.
" Hey, the teacher will scold us," Aera said to him and watched him walked closer to her.

Sunghoon removes the thorns from the roses and gently tucked them behind her ear.
He smiled, adoring how pretty she was.

" What are you doing?" Aera asked him blankly.

" Beautiful." He smiled and gently stroke her cheeks.

" Park Sunghoon, you are embarrassing me."

"Beautiful." He continued.

" Do you know the symbol of red roses?" He asked her.

Aera shook her head,
" How should I know about it? My brain is too dense to memorize information."

" Love. That's it." Sunghoon answered her.

" It has the same meaning as my name." Aera surprised.

" It's mean love too?" Sunghoon asked her and she nodded.

Sunghoon chuckled and looked into her eyes deeply.

" Do you understand my heart..?"

Aera remained silent.
" Stop joking." She replied.

Sunghoon took a deep breath and ready to confess his feeling to Aera.

"No pressure, but if you're free this weekend I'd love to go on a date with you."

" Hm...?"  Aera confused.

" I know we've always been really good friends, but I think I should tell you that lately, I've been thinking about more than just -" Before he could finish his words, Jake suddenly appeared.

" Aera, why did you-" Jake surprised too and remained cool, acting cold as usual.

He rolled his eyes,
" What the hell is happening here," Jake said and took a step away to leave.

" Go on, Jake. What do you want to talk to her?" Sunghoon realized that this scene was no accident.

Jake stopped,
" The teacher is calling for her and that old man told me to search for her."

" Why did he search for me?" Aera asked Jake.

" Do you think I know?" Jake asked her back seriously.

" I was just wasting my time for you again," Jake said.

Aera was still with Sunghoon.
She looked at Sunghoon, felt nervous to tell him to continue his words.

" Are you not going to follow me?" Jake came again.

" I will go later..."

" I will count to 3 if you are still refuse to follow me.  I will-" Jake paused and took a glance at Sunghoon.

" I will carry you from this place to the field."

" I will go with Sunghoon." Aera held Sunghoon's sleeve.

" 1.." Jake counted.

" I don't want to go with you," Aera said.


" You told me to go away before and now, you wanted me to follow you. I don't understand you, Jake."

" 3..."

" I don't want to go with you. You will leave me alone again." Aera said and watched Jake walked closer to her.

Aera hid behind Sunghoon, avoided Jake as he looked really mad and serious.

" Let's go, Aera." Sunghoon held her hand and interlocked his fingers with her tightly, right in front of Jake.

Jake bit his lips and watched Aera left with Sunghoon.

" Disgusting," Jake said.

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