15: stupid

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  " Sunghoon, what should we do?" Aera asked Sunghoon anxiously while begging him to help Jake from getting suspended for real. Aera can't help but felt guilty for Jake as he was getting hit by the teacher to help her from getting caught. The fact that he has also beaten the students who bullied her on the sports day, making her felt more sad and worried about him.

" This will not happen if we are not run away from the teacher and just follow his words."
Aera lowered her head, felt sad.

Sunghoon patted her shoulder making her looked at him, " It's not your fault. It's my fault for dragging you away."

" I will tell the teacher." Sunghoon comforted Aera and brought her to her seat.

" Don't worry. Everything will be okay."


  Jake groaned in pain as his jaw was hurting because of the hard punch that he got from Mr. Kang yesterday. He looked at himself through the mirror-

" That bastard old man burden me. I can't eat properly because of him."

Jake clenched his fist,
" I will destroy him."

Jake went to the living room and turned on the television before going to the fridge to take his drink. He opened the fridge with a heavy sighed and bit his lips when he saw some strawberry milk that he bought yesterday. He rolled his eyes, closed the fridge hardly causing it almost broke apart.

" I hate you."

He grabbed a bottle of coke and went to the living room again.

Knock Knock

" What now?" He sighed and opened the door,
surprised when it was Sunghoon and Yebin.
He titled his head, wondering if the stupid girl was there too. He cleared his throat when it was just both of them.

" What do you want? How did you know my house?" Jake asked them, didn't let them went into his house.

Yebin pointed her finger to Sunghoon,
" We have a class president here."
Yebin laughed to make Jake laugh but he didn't give any reaction, still wearing his plain face.

" We bought foods." Yebin showed him the food and was about to step into the house but Jake didn't allow her.

" Just put it on the floor. I will take it later."

" Jake, we are caring about you," Sunghoon spoke up causing Jake to annoyed.

" Remember that you were the reason I got suspended from school," Jake warned him coldly and was about to close the door.

" Go away, you beggars," Jake said angrily without feeling any guilt.

" Jake, we are not going to lea-"

" Go away." Jake cut Yebin off.

" Jake, can you appreciate me? I'm always a concern-"

" Why? Why are you doing this? Do you like me?" Jake asked her.

Yebin became nervous.
" It's not like that."

" Then, leave," Jake said to both of them and was about to close the door again but he stopped when he saw Aera was watching him from the gate of his house.

Aera showed him a tiny smile and waved her hand to him.
Aera approached Sunghoon and Yebin,
" We are planning to visit you. I hope you are okay with it."

Jake ignored her words and looked away.
" Why? Are you feeling guilty about me?"
He finally replied to Aera while Sunghoon and Yebin were just watching them, hoping Jake will allow them this time.

Aera slowly nodded,
" It's my fault, Jake. I should follow your words."

Jake brushed his hair,
" Stop daydreaming. I'm not doing that because I want to protect you."

Aera looked at him,
" It's because they deserved that. How can I let a guy hit a girl? It's not a gentleman."

" Stop dreaming and know your limit. You are not my friend."

" Go away, Aera."

Aera pouted her lips, knowing it was useless to fight with Jake.

Aera smiled at him,
" Okay."

" If it makes you feel better, then I will go."
Aera said. " I'm sorry. I should know my place before saying something." She continued.

" But Jake, I still want you to know that I'm worried about you." Aera lowered her gaze and looked at Sunghoon and Yebin before leaving the house.

Jake watched Aera without saying anything and clenched his fist.
Jake opened the door,
" Don't touch anything. Just sit on the couch and eat."

He said making Sunghoon and Yebin smiled.
They went into the house quickly while Jake was still searching for Aera, wondering if she was there.

Sunghoon watched Jake who was looking anxious. He just smiled, sighed heavily as he understood the situation well. As he took a glance at the door again, he realized Jake wasn't there anymore.


Aera knew she had no reason to mad at Jake for saying that to her. She deserved it- Their relationship was not good since the start and she needs to accept his words. Jake was not easy to socialize with because he was cold-hearted and had no interest in others
Jake was right- she was dreaming, thinking that guy saved her when the truth was he didn't even think in that way. She just wanted to be a good friend of him by showing him how much she cared about him after he got a bad penalty from the teachers but Jake-

as usual.

She really should know her place.

It's not the right time to be comfortable with him.

Aera sighed and took out her phone when she got notifications from Jay.

Aera felt surprised, her heart was beating fast.

" Aera, how are you?"

" It's been two days since I didn't meet you."

" Aera, actually I am having a difficult time now."

" I told this because I trust you."

" I will tell you everything."

" So, can you come to my house?"

" I will order Jjampong for us."

Aera froze, thinking about the reason Jay treated her in this way.

" It sounds sudden, Jay." - Aera

" I know."

" I was watching your video a few times.
The video when you dance to other kids in that pig mascot."

" I realize it made me felt happy and smiled for no reason."

" And I think, I will be happier if I meet you in person."

" You're the only one who knows about my secret."

" And it's comfortable to talk to you too."

" Jay, why don't you ask Yebin...?" - Aera

Aera waited for his response nervously as it made her heart skipped a beat.

A taxi finally arrived.
She turned off the phone and opened the door but suddenly, someone let go of her hand from the door and closed it hard from behind.

" You can go, sir. She will be with me."

Aera was surprised when it was Jake.
She quickly stopped the driver and took a step away from Jake but he suddenly held her hand and dragged her away from leaving.

" Jake, let go of me."

He ignored her.

" Jake."

" Aera, can you just shut up and follow me?" Jake asked her coldly causing her lost her words.

" What's wrong with you, Jake? you told me to leave."

" I don't know, Aera. I don't know what's wrong with me."

Aera confused and waited for him to continue,

" Do you know how much I hate people? I feel like I want to kick them on their face. I never have any interest in them."

" Caring about them? Protecting them? I never feel that way."

" But do you know, Aera? I hate this feeling."

" I hate it when I feel like I need to protect someone. I hate it when I feel worried about someone."

" That feeling is disgusting and annoying like it cringes me because it's the first time I felt that way."

" I hate it! I don't know what's wrong with me."

Jake messed his hair,
" When I told everyone to leave me, I mean it."

" But when I told you to leave me, I don't mean it. I never mean it."

" I feel like I just want you to stay with me longer."

Aera confused more,

" Not a confession but it's the truth." Jake end his words and looked at Aera.

" I swear, it's not in that way. Don't get a wrong idea." He continued.

" Jake-" Aera stopped when her phone was ringing.

Jake looked at her phone.
Aera took a deep breath, realized it was Jay.

" Why...?" Aera talked to Jay on the phone.

" Do you want to meet me now?"

" Now?" Aera repeated to make sure she heard the truth.

She ended the call and let out a relieved,

" Where do you want to go?"

" Jay needs me," Aera replied shortly and took a step away from Jake.

" Are you going to meet him instead of staying with me and your other friends?" Jake tried to stop her.

Aera slowly nodded.

" You should enjoy your time with them more."

" Yebin is there anyways." She continued.

" Yebin?" Jake confused.

Aera nodded, " You like her, right?"

Aera stopped the taxi nearby and quickly went into the car without waiting for Jake.

Jake went towards the door, tried to open it but Aera already locked it.

" Are you going to leave me for that bastard who kissed your best friend?"

" Jake, he is my crush. Jay needs me."

Jake sighed as he got mad again,
" Okay."

" Fine."

" You are the stupid girl I've ever met."

" Stupid, dense, and problematic."

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