25: betrayal

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" It's already late. We should go home now." Sunghoon spoke up and arranged all of the things while Jay was cleaning everything in the hall. Yebin was calling for Jake, as usual, to ask him to bring her to her house but he didn't give any response and rejected her call instead. Meanwhile, Aera was drinking her strawberry milk as her throat was sore for singing too much. She took out the mirror from her bag, and also lipstick. She looked at her lips through the mirror and suddenly became embarrassed when the moment of Jake's lips placed on hers crossed her mind again.

She shut her eyes and sighed heavily.
Sunghoon saw that and smiled, he held her hand tightly before dragging her out from the hall.

"How many times do you want to hold my hand?"

Sunghoon shook his head,
" I don't know. I will hold it until death separates us."

Aera laughed and pushed him,
" You're so dramatic."

" It would be nice if I can hold it every day like every couple did."

Aera confused again,
" Then, go date, someone. You have a lot of fans."

" I'm waiting for you to open your heart for me," Sunghoon replied and smiled at her.

"I like you, Song Aera."

" I want you to be part of my life."

Aera stopped from walking and faced Sunghoon.
" Sunghoon, it's not that I hate you. I will never hate you. I like you too."

Sunghoon smiled, " Really?"

" I like you not more than a friend." Aera pouted her lips as she felt guilty.

Sunghoon suddenly laughed and pinched her cheeks, " I'm just kidding, Aera."

" Don't be like this."

" Park Sunghoon, you make me feel bad."
Aera hit him on his chest hardly.

" No. I'm just kidding. Don't feel bad. I just want to tease you."

Aera nodded and put her hand on the pocket.
Jay helped Yebin with the crutches and after that, they walked through the hallway together.

Aera looked at her watch and it showed 8 at night. She approached Sunghoon,
" I miss the bus. I need to wait for another bus again at 9 pm. Should I just take a taxi?"

Sunghoon shook, " I will send you to your house then."

" No, Sunghoon. We lived in a different neighborhood. I don't want to burden you again."

" It's okay, Aera. I will do everything for you."

" Sunghoon.."

" Go with me, okay?"

Aera nodded.

The place suddenly turned black causing Yebin and Aera to scream. Sunghoon quickly took out his phone and turned on the flashlight.

" I will search a place to switch on the light again," Sunghoon said.

"I will take care of them, "Jay replied and watched Sunghoon left the place.

Yebin was reaching her hand to Jay but he went towards Aera and grabbed her closer to him.

" Stay here," Jay said and took out his phone, turned on the flashlight too.

Aera nodded and searched for her phone but she suddenly lost it.

" The hall..." Aera muttered to herself.

" Jay, I need to take my phone."
Aera said and walked slowly to the hall again, ignoring Jay and Yebin who were calling for her.


Aera went into the hall again and tried to search for the switch. She rubbed her eyes to make her vision got better and screamed when someone held her hand.

Her eyes widen when it was Jake.
Jake covered her mouth with his palm and showed the phone to her,

" Is this yours?" Jake asked her and she nodded, finally let go of her.

Aera tried to take the phone from him but he put it in his pocket instead.
" Jake, give it to me."

" No."

" This is not the right time to joke around. I need to go home."

" Then, go home."

" Jake." Aera was frustrated and screamed a little when she heard a ringtone from Jake's phone.
Jake took out his phone and it showed Yebin's number on the screen.

Jake sighed. " Answer it," Aera said to him.

" No. She is annoying."

" She needs you to send her to her house."

" She can go with Jay."

At the same time, Aera's phone suddenly rang. Jake took out her phone and looked at the screen. He was annoyed when it was Sunghoon.

He quickly declined the call causing Aera to hit him.
" What did you do? He must be waiting for me."

Jake looked at Aera seriously,
" So, are you going for him instead of me?"

Aera nodded and tried to take her phone from Jake again but Jake held her hand tightly and dragged her out from the place.

" You need to go home with me."

" Sunghoon wanted to send me off, Jake."

"Then, cry over it," Jake said coldly and brought her out from the building.


" At least, give me a chance to tell this to Sunghoon. What if he is searching for me?"

Jake ignored her again and wore the helmet on her.

He cupped her face,
" Look at me. You are with me now. So, let's just focus on us."

Jake got on his bike and switched on the engine, " Get on."

Aera was still hesitant, she looked at the school building and searched for Sunghoon making Jake felt annoyed and angry, more like jealous.

" Song Aera, do you want me to tell to everyone about our kiss?"

Aera widens her eyes and quickly got on his bike.

" Hug me."

Aera didn't listen to him.

Jake sighed heavily,
" You're such a stupid. Don't make me mad."
Jake wrapped her hand around his waist.

" I said hug me."

Aera finally responds to him by hugging him tightly making Jake felt more butterflies in his stomach and smiled.


" Thank you for sending me off ." Aera took off the helmet and fixed her hair.

" Now, I want my phone back."

Jake pretended like he didn't hear it and took off his helmet too, putting the key in his pocket before walking towards her house.

" Jake, what the hell are you doing?"


Aera served a cup of coffee for Jake and went to the kitchen to cook something since he was her guest.

Jake went to the kitchen too and leaned his back against the wall while watching at every step of her.

" I thought I am your first kiss."

Aera stopped from cooking and sighed.
" Stop talking about it."

" Who stole it?"

Aera didn't give any response, continue cooking.

" You were lying, right?"

" Why did you kiss me back earlier?"

" Do you like me?"

Aera shut her mouth and looked at Jake,
" It's uncomfortable to talk about this."

" If the answer is yes, let's start dating."

" Jake, stop talking nonsense."

" I'm not your toys. Stop playing with me. Stop teasing me with your words if you didn't mean it."

" I like you. That's why I asked you."

Aera bit her lips.
" I told you, stop teasing me."

" How about you?" Jake asked her back causing her became nervous.

" Jake, honestly I felt uncomfortable to talk about this. Maybe, it was the first time for me to get the kiss-" Aera shut her mouth and she realized her words.

Jake smirked,
" Caught you."

Aera slapped her face and cursed at herself,
" Stop talking about this, Jake. I'm not comfortable. Give me time for a while and discuss this soon."

"Do you still like Jay?"

Aera looked at Jake again,
" I told you to stop." She said nervously.
Honestly, she didn't know about her feeling at this level. She didn't know why her heart was beating fast when she met Jake. She experiences this kind of weird feeling since Jake was staying with her while she was crying over Jay.

She thought it's because she was comfortable being around him but now after he was kissing her- she can't explain her feeling.

If her prediction was true, it would be bad because Yebin loved Jake first. She didn't want to ruin the friendship.

Aera promised herself that she wanted to
move on from Jake if she thinks her feeling on Jake was right.

Aera lowered her gaze,
" Jake, this is wrong."

" You will never understand me. This is wrong."

" I'm sorry for kissing you back. I shouldn't do that. I felt like I'm a betrayal."

" Jake, can you leave me alone?"

Jake rolled his eyes,
" So, our kiss means nothing to you."

Aera apologized to him,
"Jake, you don't understand me.."

"Fine. I'll leave then."
Jake said and left her alone.

Aera leaned her back against the wall and wiped her tears,

" Your kiss taste like heaven. Your lips are nice."

"I've honestly enjoyed it but Jake-"

" I don't want to ruin my friendship with Yebin."

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