28: result

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   Yebin wiped her tears and sniffed her nose as she can't stop crying after hearing the truth from Jake. Knowing her crush fell in love with her best friend, it was hurting her more. Jay was with her and listened to her explanation, but he just ignored her because it was her fault for putting high hope on that guy. Deeply in his heart, he felt satisfied with what she got. She rejected him for Jake, and now she felt the same pain that Jay has been through. He knew he was bad for thinking in this way, but at the same time, he knew she deserved it.

"Jay, what should I do?" Yebin asked him in sobbing.

"If I ask you to move on from him, will you do it?"

Yebin shook her head causing Jay to sigh, " Then what did you expect me to say?"

" I don't want to give up. Should I make him love me back?"

"You're going to hurt yourself."

" I will make him love me back."

" He like Aera. What if Aera likes him back? Do you still want him to be yours?"

" I like him first..."

" So, are you going to blame Aera now?"

Yebin bit her lips and held her anger,
" Yebin, be matured, please? You can't force someone to love you back. They have their own choice. Respect his decision."

At the same time, Aera came into the classroom and approached Yebin with a guilty feeling. She took a deep breath and sat next to her, slowly patting her shoulder making her cried more.

" Yebin, I'm sorry."

" I'm sorry."

Yebin shook her head,
" It's not your fault."

" I'm sorry too, Aera. I was rejecting your call yesterday because I wanted Jake to focus on me. I didn't expect you were in a bad situation. I'm sorry for using your name to make Jake went to me. I was calling for Jake-"

"Yebin, you're my friend. I'm hurting, yes but I don't want to lose you. You are my best friend."

Yebin hugged Aera tightly and cried more,
" I'm sorry."

"I like him so much. I can't lose him."

Aera remained silent and hugged her back,
" Aera, please be honest to me."

Yebin took a deep breath,
"Do you like him too?"

Aera shut her mouth.
" Do you like him, Aera?"

" Yebin, I'm-"

" The teacher is coming. Ready with your books."Sunghoon cut them off and went straight to his desk without looking at Aera like he used to.

"What's wrong with him?"  Jay asked Aera curiously.

Aera looked at Sunghoon who was plucking his earpod, mind his own business.

"I don't know..."


" Jake, where did you go?"

Everyone fixed their eyes on Jake and waited for his reply but Jake just smiled,

" A beautiful angel kissed me earlier." Jake smiled and chuckled at his own words.

His classmates were laughing at his response because it was the first time they saw Jake was acting that way. How can they believe when the cold-hearted and bad guy from this school was finally showing his bright side? It's rarely happened-

The teacher was feeling good today and didn't give any penalty to Jake, allowed him to go to his seat. Jake thanked the teacher and walked towards his seat while staring at Aera with his smile. Aera was embarrassed by him and wished for him to stop being obvious. Jake bit his lips and suddenly hit her desk causing her book to fell on the floor.

Aera sighed and reached her to take the book from the floor.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault." Jake said and reached his hand to take the book too.

He took his chance to tease Aera by holding her hand causing Aera surprised with his action. Without feeling any guilt, he went to his seat and pretended like he didn't do anything.

Aera looked at Jake,

" You did it on purpose, right?" Aera mouth him but he pretended like he didn't understand her and just pouted his lips. As someone caught his flirty action at Aera, he quickly wore a plain face and continue listening to the teacher.

" Park Sunghoon, you must be waiting for this." The teacher said happily making Sunghoon tilted his head and looked at the teacher blankly.

" Let me announce the winner of the project last week."

Jay smiled at Aera, hoping their name will be called.

"Congratulations, Team Sunghoon and Yebin."

Everyone clapped their hand when Sunghoon and Yebin went towards the teacher and took the present.

" Jay and Aera, you did a great job. You will get a present too." Aera smiled and quickly went to the teacher, took the gift from the teacher, and stood between Sunghoon and Jay while listening to the teacher who was complimenting their artworks to their classmates proudly.

" Sunghoon, I still remember when you said that you were making a bet with Jay about this project. Since you won over him, could you tell us about the bet?" The teacher randomly asked Sunghoon making everyone curious about the answer.

Sunghoon cleared his throat and took a glance at Aera. As soon as his eyes met her, she smiled and chuckled causing him to be almost mesmerized by her beautiful face and spaced out. He broke off the eye contact and took a deep breath,

"Jay and I are liking the same girl-" He stopped when his classmates were teasing him.

Jay looked at Sunghoon, told him to stop but he refused and smiled at Jay like he was telling him to stay cool.

"So, we were making a bet. If I win, I will get the girl and Jay will stay away from her."

Aera looked at Sunghoon and smiled to tease him. He looked at her too and she pointed her finger at Yebin, asking him if the girl is Yebin. Sunghoon just ignored her and continue his words,

" Since I already won, Jay needs to stay away from her and give her to me then."

"I guess you like her so much, Park Sunghoon." The teacher teased him making the others laughed.

Aera can't help but laugh too.

"I like her." Sunghoon paused and took a glance at Aera who was still laughing.

"So much." He continued.

"So, Jay. I guess you need to take a step to stay away from the girl from now on." The teacher was joking and Jay just laughed along with it because he didn't want to make the situation became worst as he realized Jake was just staring at Sunghoon seriously while clenching his fist.

Jay called for Sunghoon to stop but Sunghoon was ignoring him.

Sunghoon noticed it too. He felt the gaze on him but he wanted to show the guy that they were standing at the same level now because Aera didn't announce anything about her relationship yet.

Jay approached Sunghoon and whispered to him, "Let's just change the topic."

Sunghoon sighed and ignored him again. This time, Jay gave up and back to his position.

"Can I ask a question?"

Everyone was surprised when Jake suddenly raised his hand with his eyes fixed on Sunghoon.

" Sure, Jake."

Jake crossed his arm, "What if the girl already has a boyfriend? Will you chase her? "

"Jake, I thought you were going to ask about something that was related to this subject." The teacher laughed and was about changing the topic.

"I'm curious about your answer."Jake continued.

Aera looked at them with confusion, while Yebin was just playing with her fingers, and she felt down-hearted again.

"She doesn't have a boyfriend. If she already has one, I don't want to believe it until she tells it to me in person."

"Why don't you just give up?" Jake asked him more seriously, causing the situation to become scary and awkward. Sunghoon smiled, "There's no give-up in my dictionary. I will take her back."

The teacher thanked Jake for asking his question and told Aera and her friends to stand closer to each other because she wanted to take a group photo for memories.

"Aera, stand closer to Sunghoon." Aera was confused and took a step closer to Sunghoon.

"More close." Aera blankly looked at the teacher as she was already standing close to Sunghoon, and their skin might have touched if Sunghoon had leaned his body closer to her. Aera took a step closer again.

"Aera, more close.

"Ms. Choi, I'm-" Aera immediately shut her mouth when Sunghoon held her shoulder, pulled her closer to his chest. Aera took a glance at him, and he just smiled at the camera.

She looked at Jake,

realized that Jake was looking pissed off.

Sunghoon smiled proudly at his action and stuck out his tongue to Jake, "We didn't know the winner yet." Sunghoon mumbled in his heart and looked at Aera who was smiling at the camera. He chuckled and just adored her in silence.



Hello everyone! I'm sorry if this part is cringed for you!



which team are you? >,<

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