30: neck tie

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- sexual harassment
-committed suicide

disclaimer ❗️
the personalities of the characters that were mentioned in this chapter are not real.



Jake titled his head and smiled, looked at Aera.

"Can I know the reason you changed your school?"

Jake took a deep breath and showed her a bitter smile, "Something happened.

"What is it?"

" I killed people," Jake replied shortly and looked serious at his answer, causing Aera to jump a little. " Don't tell me that you believe that."

" I bet everyone from our classroom will believe it since you are-"Jake laughed and shook his head,

" There was a girl who was obsessed with me. She always tried to catch my attention by doing something bad to herself. She sent me a few pictures of herself, cutting her arm, and asked me for help. I thought it was fake. So, I ignored it."

"Day by day, she sent me a picture of herself trying to stab herself by using a knife. I ignored it too because I knew she would never do it, and other people said the same thing. She loved to do that kind of action to gain someone's attention."

"One day, I got the news that she almost committed suicide from other students. I was surprised when the principal wanted to meet me, and I saw her in the room. She said that I was doing sexual harassment to her, and it was the reason she decided to end her life."

" I got beaten badly like I can't even move my body and walk properly. Gladly, my classmates were helping me and telling the truth to the teacher that she was obsessed with me. The principal was guilty, he apologized to me and asked the girl if her classmates were telling the truth. Finally, she admitted."

" I never forgive that principal and the girl. That's why I didn't like girls. I found them annoying."

"Then, why did you change your school? You're already free from the rumor."Aera asked him curiously.

" My parents told me to because they didn't want me to meet the girl again. I got beaten by them badly because of the rumor.  They didn't believe me no matter how many times I explained to them. They didn't allow me to approach girls after that, and I'm okay with it since I hate girls."

Jake drank his strawberry milk and looked at Aera," But I didn't expect that I would fall in love with you." You're the first one who caught my heart well."

Aera smiled at his words and hid her red cheeks by drinking her strawberry milk.

"They will probably kill me if they find out about our relationship."

" Jake, you make me scared."

"Don't worry. I will tell them about you. I believe that they will accept you." Jake fixed her hair and rest his head on her shoulder to take a nap for a minute.


"Oh God, I'm late." Aera quickly grabbed her towel and took a shower. She only had 15 minutes before the gate was closed. After preparing herself, she grabbed her bag and ran as fast as she could to the bus stop. She screamed in happiness when the bus was still there. She can feel something great will happen to her after this because this kind of luck rarely happened in her life.

She arrived at the school 5 minutes before the gate closed and straight to the classroom, hoping she didn't meet Mr. Kang. She stepped into the classroom while gasping for breath and smiled when Yebin, Sunghoon, and Jay were greeting her with a grin. She tried to take a look at Jake, but since her friends were gathering in front of his desk, she needed to control herself and stop being obvious. She went towards her desk, listened to their conversation.

She almost screamed when Jake suddenly kicked her chair to make her look at him. She shut her eyes, hoping for Jake to stop. "Tomorrow there is the school festival. I can't wait to see your performance." Jay said to Aera and teased her with her singing face, causing Aera to roll her eyes at him. The others were laughing at their scene because they looked childish and cute.

"Let's match our outfit's color tomorrow," Yebin said happily and leaned her body closer to Aera, hoping Aera would agree with her words.

"I will wear a white dress then," Aera said and Yebin agreed with her.

"I will wear white too. All of you should wear a white tuxedo or anything that will look good on you.

"It happens once a year. So, I will join you."Sunghoon said and smiled at Aera,

" We will look like a couple, right?"Sunghoon asked Aera in front of them. Aera just smiled as a response.

"Then, I will wear blue with Jay. Both of you take white."Yebin said with a teasing smile.

" Blue? With me?"Jay asked her, and she nodded.

" I want to wear white. The same as Aera-" No. I choose it first."Sunghoon cut Jay off, causing everyone to laugh.

Yebin turned her body to face Jake,

" Jake, what's your choice?"Jake took a glance at Aera and pouted his lips, sulking because Aera was ignoring him.

"Black." He replied shortly and stood up from his seat, walked towards the front door for no reason.

Aera saw Jake was standing at the door and took a chance to look at Jake while her friends were talking. Jake stood at the door and looked at Aera too before leaving the classroom. Aera just chuckled at how childish he was. She shook her head, knowing her boyfriend was jealous because of the small matters.


"Everyone! Mr. Kang is here!"

They immediately went to their seat and became nervous when they remembered that Mr. Kang would come to every classroom to check their discipline. He will make sure that there will be no students who will bring cigarettes and other bad stuff to the school. He will also make sure the student will wear the uniform properly, not wear a short skirt, not tuck the uniform, and also wear a necktie.

Aera was just chilling while the others were hiding some stuff on the ceiling and fixing their clothes.

"Look at them, they look really funny. Yebin laughed at her classmates."They didn't wear the necktie. They will get into trouble this time. That old man will never let go of them."Aera looked at Yebin and nodded.

"Aera, you didn't wear your necktie..." Yebin said to her surprise. Aera finally realized it and looked at Yebin, asking what she could do to escape from the penalty nervously.

"You should hide in the restroom." Yebin held her shoulder, and she nodded. She stood up from her seat and was about to leave, but Sunghoon stopped her at the front door.

"Where do you want to go? Mr. Kang will search for you."Aera looked at Sunghoon nervously.

"I don't want to get a penalty.

"Tell me, what's wrong?

"I forget to wear my necktie."

"Mr. Kang is coming!" Aera became more nervous and quickly took a step to leave, but Sunghoon suddenly held her hand. At the same time, Jake arrived at the classroom too. He stood at the door, watching their scene full of jealously.

Sunghoon untied his necktie and wore it on her quickly, causing Aera confused."Wear this.

" But Sunghoon, Mr. Kang will get mad at you."Sunghoon shook his head, "I will get the penalty. It's okay."

"You're the class president. That old man will never let you go this time."He cupped her face making her look at him, and he smiled,

"It's okay, Aera. I want to protect you. I don't want to see you get a penalty again."

" I will do everything when it comes to you, Remember that."Sunghoon chuckled and brought her to her seat.

" Jake, go to your seat."Mr. Kang said.

Jake rolled his eyes and went towards his seat without looking at Aera." Park Sunghoon, go to your seat."

Sunghoon sighed heavily and went towards his seat, but Mr. Kang suddenly stopped him by holding his sleeve.

" Park Sunghoon, you're the class president, right?"Sunghoon nodded as a response.

" Where is your necktie?"

" I forget to wear it."Mr. Kang crossed his arm,

" You are the class president, and you should bring a good example to others. He said in an angry tone.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kang."I will not do it again." Sunghoon said and took a glance at Aera.

She was looking at him with guilty eyes, showing that she felt sorry, but he just smiled at her and nodded, telling her that he was good with it.

" Meet me at the discipline room later."

" I will never let go of you this time."

" Yes, Mr. Kang. I will get the penalty." Sunghoon replied he felt proud of himself for helping Aera.

" Mr. Kang!" Jake suddenly spoke up causing everyone to look at him.

" Take me too." He said.

" I didn't wear my necktie too." He said proudly and crossed his arm with his eyes fixed on Sunghoon. He threw his necktie on the floor when Mr. Kang didn't look at him-

"Both of you."

" Meet me at the discipline room."

" Yes." Jake smiled and rested his head on the table, trying to take a nap.

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