32: disapprove

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disclaimer ❗️
the personalities of characters that were mentioned in this chapter are not related to their real life.


" Everything will be okay. Don't cry."

Aera sniffed her nose and took a tissue from Sunghoon to wipe her tears. She leaned her back against the wall, waiting for permission to meet Jake who was in the room with a group of doctors. She can't help but felt guilty for dragging him to the hall and didn't listen to his explanation first. If she was just listening to him, she knew this would not happen.

" It's my fault." Aera blamed herself again.

" No. It's not your fault. It's an accident. The spotlight was broken for a long time ago and-"

"I dragged him to that place. It's my fault."

At the same time, Jay arrived at the place and headed towards them with a paper bag in his hand. He sighed heavily when he looked at her condition, her make-up was messing up and her dress was stained by blood making everyone threw a glance at her as they were scared and surprised to see that.

" I bought these clothes for you and there are some foods and drinks here."

Jay held her hand and gave her the paper bag,
" Change your clothes, Aera. I will call you when the doctor comes out."

" Yes, go change your clothes. We will wait for you here."

Aera finally respond to them and went to the restroom while crying in sobbing causing everyone to look at her weirdly.


" Let's go home. You should take a rest."

Aera shook her head, " I want to stay here."

" Aera, you need to go to school."

" I will go home by myself," Aera replied with her eyes shut tightly.

" At this hour? We didn't know when the doctor will permit us to meet him. He was in bad condition right now and I don't think the treatment will be done in an hour or two hours."Jay said, hoping for Aera to just listen to her words but that girl was stubborn and wanted to stay because she wanted to meet Jake and told him how guilty she was for putting him into this trouble.

" Let's go, Jay." Sunghoon wrapped his arm around Jay's shoulder.

" What? I thought we will gonna go home together."

" Let Aera stay with him. It will make her feel better."

Sunghoon fixed his eyes on Aera,
" Call us when you need help. We will come to you."


Aera looked at her watch and it almost midnight but the doctor still didn't allow her to meet him. She went towards the door, opened it slowly, and just watched him in that way.

Jake was lying on the bed, still shut his eyes tight, and didn't give any response to awake while the doctors were talking to the nurse.

She fixed her eyes on Jake with her teary eyes, holding herself from letting out any sound. So, she can look at him longer.

" Jake, please wake up."

Aera bit her lips and tears rolled on her cheeks,
"I miss you so much."


  " Aera, I'm sorry for last night. I still like him-"

Aera plucked her ear pods, turned up the volume because she didn't want to listen to Yebin's explanation. She knew what would come out from Yebin's mouth, so it's better if she didn't listen to her to hold her anger. At this level, she badly wanted to do something bad to her as an act of revenge but she kept it because the girl was still her best friend.

Aera took a glance at Jake's desk and almost teared up because she missed him so much. Sunghoon saw that and he sighed before walking towards her,

he put strawberry milk on her table,
" Drink this."

Aera ignored him and continue doing her homework while biting her lips, a habit of her when she was holding her tears.

Aera was frustrated. Only Sunghoon and Jay were staying with her while the others were spreading a rumor about her and Jake. They were telling to everyone that Aera was the reason that Jake got hospitalized because she was staying with him at that time. They was blaming her, throwing hate on her, and stealing glances while badmouthing about her.

Aera heard it all but she pretended like she didn't hear them. She knew it was her fault, it made her felt more downhearted. At this time, she was still blaming herself and swearing at herself. Jay and Sunghoon were forcing her to stop thinking that way, telling her that it was not her fault but that girl never listened to them although Jake already told her that he wanted to help her and protect her - But it was still scared her as all of the bad words on her were true.

It's only her who was staying with him, she was dragging him to that place-

how could she live peacefully when she was the first reason her boyfriend got into trouble?

" Please eat, Aera."

" Yes, you should eat. You didn't eat since the accident happened."

Aera shook her head and put her books away before resting her head on the table to take a nap for a few minutes.

The class started as usual but Aera didn't listen to the teacher. She was spacing out and crying in the middle of class. The teacher saw her action but he let go of Aera this time because he knew that she was having a hard time right now.

  After school ended, Aera didn't wait for her friends and took a taxi to go to the hospital without changing her uniforms because she was excited to meet him as she thought that he already woke up now.

As she arrived at his room, Jake was still lying on the bed while nurses were helping and checking on his condition.

She watched him from far again and sighed when he still didn't wake up.

" Jake, I miss you."


  The next day, Aera went to the school as usual. Plucking her ear pods to prevent herself from listening to those bad words on her. She still didn't talk to Yebin and often ignored Sunghoon and Jay because she was feeling unwell and always lost her mood to talk to them as usual.

She became sensitive these days and she just decided to be alone because she was scared if her anger and words would make people hate her more.

Aera was pissing off when Yebin was talking to Jay and Sunghoon about the picnic at Jeju in this situation. Jake was still hospitalized and didn't give any response to waking up but she seems enjoyed her life without feeling any guilt over her friends.

Aera didn't want to join the picnic anymore because she wanted to take care of Jake no matter what happened.

She didn't care if she needs to wait for Jake for a
few weeks, as long as she can see him- it made her felt better.

After school ended, visited Jake was her main routine in her life now. She will never leave him alone in this situation, she promised herself that she will protect him till the end.

She adored and love that guy,

Jake was the first reason she was still alive now. Jake saved her life and she wanted to do the same thing to him.

She missed him so much.


It was finally a holiday and Aera didn't need to be rushing anymore. Back then, whenever school ends, she would be the one who was leaving the school first and took a taxi to go to the hospital. The driver of the taxi can even recognize her and quickly drove to the hospital although she didn't say the direction.

It's been a week since Jake got into the accident and yes, he didn't wake up yet but it didn't stop her from visiting him every day.
The nurses and doctors recognized her well and always told her about his condition.

She went into the room and approached him with a smile,

She put a bouquet flowers on the table and approached him closer. She brushed his hair and stroke his cheeks gently while adoring him in silence.

She held his hand tightly, interlocked her fingers with him, and played with his hand like he always did when they were watching a movie together.

" I love you so much."

Aera kissed him on his lips for a long time and let go of him when she heard a footstep towards her.

" Who are you?"

She immediately turned her body to her back and was surprised when she saw a couple were watching her in confusion.

Just by looking at the man, she could felt the man was his father as they looked alike. She approached them and bowed to them politely.

" We are his parents."


Aera took a sip of the tea, still lowering her gaze because she was scared of his parents.

" What's your name?"

Aera smiled at his mother,
" Song Aera."

His mother sighed, " I already told you to bring him to the boy's school. Look, he became a friend with a girl again."

His father took a sip of his tea;
" I wanted to but he refused. We can't stop him."

Aera became scared and awkward as the couple was arguing in front of her.

" What's your relationship with him?"

Aera titled her head and looked at his mother nervously,

" Don't tell me that you are his girlfriend."

Aera slowly nodded,
" I am his girlfriend."

" Honey, it's all your fault."

" Do you remember what he did before? He almost made a girl ended her life because he was harassing her. That's why I told you to bring him to the boy's school."

" Look, he is dating someone right now. What if that thing happens again? Do you want to take responsibility?"

His father just sighed and decided to leave because his mother was really loud and quite embarrassing him as everyone was watching them.

" I'm sorry, Mrs.Shim," Aera said to his mother nervously and bowed again.

His mother sighed heavily and shut her eyes.

His mother suddenly screamed in surprise when she remembered something.

" I know you."

" You were with him that time, right?"

Aera nodded slowly.

" So, it's you. You are the main reason my son got into this trouble."

" You dragged him into this and you still visited him."

Aera almost broke into tears but she held it.

" I feel guilty. I know. It's my fault."

" I'm sorry."

" I can't believe this.." His mother sighed again.

" We already told him to not get into any relationship and look at him now. If he didn't date you, everything will be okay."

"I deeply apologize for my mistakes. I'm deeply apologized for bringing your family into this trouble." Aera said in sobbing.

" We didn't allow him to date, anyone, now. So, please break up with him for his and our goodness sake. I don't want this to happen when he is with you."

Aera was surprised and cried more.

" I love him. I can't let go of him.."

" You didn't get any approval from us. So, please send this to him and think of his future. I don't want this kind of trouble to happen again."

" Ms. Shim." Aera shook her head as she refused to do that.

" Song Aera, think of his future." His mother held Aera's hand tightly and begged for Aera to understand.

Aera lowered her gaze and cried more.

" Aera, please? It's for his goodness sake. What if he gets into this trouble again? it will give a bad effect on him. Imagine if he gets into bad trouble again. He will get injured and he can't move his body properly. What if the badly injured to him will affect his future? He will have a hard time doing his work and end up going to the hospital every day for the treatment."

" Imagine, Aera. This is for his future."

His mother begged for Aera causing Aera felt more guilty.

" Aera, please?"

His mother stroke Aera's cheeks gently.

Aera finally nodded,
" Yes. I will."

" Thank you so much, Aera."  His mother finally smiled and patted Aera's head.

Aera smiled,

" I love your son. He is the sweetest guy I've ever met. He was always protecting me. He took care of me well. He made me laughed whenever I felt sad.  He made me smile at his words. He is not my first love but he is the perfect guy I've ever met. I'm glad that I met him in this life."

" Mrs. Shim, thank you for bringing him into this world. Thank you for protecting him well. Thank you for educating him well. Thanks to both of you, He grew up and became a sweet and romantic man ever."

" He is such a precious man. I adore him a lot."

" Thank you for lending me your beautiful son. I had a great time with him. I hope he is happy with his new life. Please take care of him."

" I love him."

" But it's okay. Sometimes, we need to let go of someone we loved for the better future."

" Right?" Aera chuckled and stood up with her eyes fixed on his mother.

His mother smiled,
" Thank you for understand us."

" Thank you for caring about him too," Aera said and bowed politely before leaving the place.

As she walked out of the place, she suddenly fell on her knee and cried more while hitting her chest as it was hurting her so much.

" It's my fault. I deserve this."

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